“Good Tourism” Destinations & Places in Asia

“GT” des­tin­a­tions in Asia, includ­ing the Middle East, their spe­cial places, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers there who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

“Good Tourism” Destination Partnership

For “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner­ship or sponsored con­tent about your spe­cial place, please click here for more inform­a­tion.

Supporting ‘Bhutan Believe’: The SUSTOUR Bhutan story so far

Supporting 'Bhutan Believe'

Bhutan believes it is (or could be) the world’s green­est and most respons­ible travel des­tin­a­tion. The SUSTOUR Bhutan pro­ject, fun­ded by the European Uni­on under its SWITCH-Asia pro­gramme, is sup­port­ing Bhutan’s effort to real­ise this goal with a focus on sus­tain­able, inclus­ive, and resi­li­ent tour­ism devel­op­ment.  “The SUSTOUR pro­ject stands as a beacon of relevance […]

Read More Supporting ‘Bhutan Believe’: The SUSTOUR Bhutan story so far

For a sustainable Singapore, Green Destinations’ regional lead picks CRTS

For a sustainable Singapore, Green Destinations picks CRTS. Pic by Coleen Rivas (CC0) via Unsplash. "GT" added "GREEN Singapore". https://unsplash.com/photos/people-crossing-bridge-OZ2rS2zCjNo

Singapore’s private-sec­t­or tour­ism stake­hold­ers, from small- and medi­um-sized busi­nesses to glob­al brands, will increas­ingly pur­sue sus­tain­ab­il­ity cer­ti­fic­a­tion over the com­ing years, accord­ing to Kev­in Phun, founder of the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS). Mr Phun is more bullish about the oppor­tun­it­ies for a sus­tain­able Singa­pore since Susan San­tos de Cárde­n­as, Green Des­tin­a­tions’ South­east Asia […]

Read More For a sustainable Singapore, Green Destinations’ regional lead picks CRTS

Cambodian ecolodge commits to conservation and community for the long run

Cambodia’s multiple award-winning conservation lodge, Cardamom Tented Camp, has joined The Long Run, an international group of nature-based tourism businesses that help to protect around 9.3 million hectares (23 million acres) of biodiverse lands on six continents.

Cam­bod­i­a’s mul­tiple award-win­n­ing con­ser­va­tion lodge, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, has joined The Long Run, an inter­na­tion­al group of nature-based tour­ism busi­nesses that help to pro­tect around 9.3 mil­lion hec­tares (23 mil­lion acres) of biod­i­verse lands on six con­tin­ents. Why join The Long Run? By join­ing The Long Run as a “fel­low mem­ber”, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp com­mits to […]

Read More Cambodian ecolodge commits to conservation and community for the long run

Lasting Laos: Meet 20 certifiably-sustainable hotels and tour companies at ITB

Lasting Laos: Meet Laos' five 'exemplary' certifiably-sustainable tourism companies at ITB Berlin 2024

Travel agents and tour oper­at­ors seek­ing cer­ti­fi­ably-sus­tain­able ground con­tent in the peace­ful and beau­ti­ful emer­ging des­tin­a­tion of Laos can find exactly what they are look­ing for at ITB Ber­lin 2024: Last­ing Laos

Five exem­plary Lao tour­ism com­pan­ies are set to show­case their Trav­elife cer­ti­fic­a­tion, innov­at­ive spir­it, and com­mit­ment to sus­tain­ab­il­ity and sus­tain­able prac­tices at ITB.

Read More Lasting Laos: Meet 20 certifiably-sustainable hotels and tour companies at ITB

Khiri Reach commits to One Million Trees reforestation project in Cambodia

Khiri Reach, the 16-year old charitable arm of Khiri Travel, has joined Wildlife Alliance’s ambitious long-term One Million Trees initiative to reforest illegally cleared land in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains.

Khiri Reach, the 16-year old char­it­able arm of Khiri Travel, has joined Wild­life Alliance’s ambi­tious long-term One Mil­lion Trees ini­ti­at­ive to refor­est illeg­ally cleared land in Cambodia’s Car­damom Moun­tains. Khiri Reach has donated US$15,000 to the One Mil­lion Trees refor­est­a­tion pro­ject in the Koh Kong and Sihan­ouk­ville provinces of Cam­bod­ia. The char­ity has pledged to […]

Read More Khiri Reach commits to One Million Trees reforestation project in Cambodia

Believe in Bhutan: Book a meeting at ITB for sustainable, affordable, life-changing tours

Believe in Bhutan: Book a meeting at ITB for sustainable, affordable, life-changing tours. Bhutan Believe.

Believe it.  Bhutan, the land famed for its Gross Nation­al Hap­pi­ness, majest­ic land­scapes, and unique cul­tur­al exper­i­ences, is now more access­ible than ever for trav­el­lers.  This is thanks to sev­er­al key improve­ments in travel pro­ced­ures, includ­ing a sim­pli­fied visa pro­cess, reduced Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Fee (now US$100 per day), and increased flight options.  Not only that, […]

Read More Believe in Bhutan: Book a meeting at ITB for sustainable, affordable, life-changing tours