“Good Tourism” in Cambodia

“Good Tour­ism” des­tin­a­tions and places in Cam­bod­ia, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers in the South­east Asi­an nation who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

Elephants, otters return to Cardamom Tented Camp’s conservation area in Cambodia

Cardamom Tented Camp ecolodge in Cambodia reports success in nature conservation with otters and elephants coming back to its conservation area.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cam­bod­ia has wit­nessed the return of a small herd of ele­phants to its con­ser­va­tion area, after an absence of five years. A large group of smooth-coated otters are back too. Forest rangers dis­covered and pho­to­graphed ele­phant foot­prints and drop­pings inside the 18,000-hectare forest con­ces­sion, which the camp pro­tects, with help from Wildlife […]

Read More Elephants, otters return to Cardamom Tented Camp’s conservation area in Cambodia

Cardamom Tented Camp earns global accolade for its sustainability story

Cardamom Tented Camp staff team photo

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp eco­lodge in Cam­bod­ia is one of Green Des­tin­a­tions’ 2021 Top 100 Des­tin­a­tion Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Stor­ies. The announce­ment was made Octo­ber 5 dur­ing the online annu­al con­fer­ence of Green Des­tin­a­tions, a non-profit organ­isa­tion for sus­tain­able tour­ism based in The Neth­er­lands. The annu­al pro­gramme has been in exist­ence since 2014. Car­damom Ten­ted Camp was chosen by the […]

Read More Cardamom Tented Camp earns global accolade for its sustainability story

Leveraging your travel budget: A socially-responsible Siem Reap itinerary

If you are looking to visit the temples or interested in more rural tourism in Cambodia, consider a tour with Lavender Jeep Siem Reap

Siem Reap, Cam­bod­ia is an ever-grow­ing travel des­tin­a­tion. After years of gen­o­cide fol­lowed by 20 years of instabil­ity and civil war, the coun­try has sta­bil­ized and has become a darling of the ASEAN region, with a fast-grow­ing eco­nomy, bet­ter infra­struc­ture, and an over­all improve­ment in the human devel­op­ment index and qual­ity of life. The tour­ism economy […]

Read More Leveraging your travel budget: A socially-responsible Siem Reap itinerary