Aviation, tourism can do more to stop human trafficking

tourism stop human trafficking

The US leads in an inter­na­tion­al effort to train air­line and air­port staff to spot and report poten­tial human traf­fick­ing. How­ever does avi­ation lag behind oth­er tour­ism sup­ply chain sec­tors? Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Flight attend­ant Donna Hub­bard was deeply con­cerned when a couple car­ried a boy who was sweat­ing, leth­ar­gic and appeared […]

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Kenya tourist lodge shuts after land invasions, wildlife killings

Elephants fight in the Laikipia region of Kenya where Sosian lodge is located: Source: Sosian

A lodge owned by a murdered Brit­ish ranch­er in Kenya’s north­ern Laikipia region announced its clos­ure on Monday (June 5). This comes after the ranch prop­erty had been over­run by her­ders for months and ahead of August polls in which some politi­cians have made land reform a cam­paign issue. Tristan Voor­spuy, a Brit­ish army vet­er­an, was shot […]

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Efficacy of “advocacy tourism” debatable

Grafitti, Getsemani, Cartagena Colombia. Source: Bryan Pocius; flickr.com/photos/pocius

Fight traf­fick­ing on the beaches — “advocacy tour­ism” is here Bored of the beach? Done with mini breaks? Time to take an “advocacy jour­ney” and spend a bliss­ful few days in the Carib­bean fight­ing human traf­fick­ing. In the latest offer­ing from the tour­ism industry, trips with a mis­sion are now on offer to trav­el­lers who want more from […]

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