Involving indigenous people benefits business, environment: UN expert

August 10, 2017

indigenous tourism development

Gov­ern­ments too often sidestep indi­gen­ous people when approv­ing new infra­struc­ture pro­jects on their land, ignor­ing the poten­tial for sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic growth and envir­on­­ment­ally-friendly devel­op­ment, a UN expert said on Tues­day. A land­mark United Nations declar­a­tion adop­ted 10 years ago declared author­it­ies should seek con­sent from indi­gen­ous people before start­ing new infra­struc­ture pro­jects like mines and dams. […]

Read More Involving indigenous people benefits business, environment: UN expert

Caribbean tourism, fishing, farming bears brunt of climate change: CCCCC

Caribbean tourism climate change. Hurricane Felix

Small Carib­bean islands risk los­ing their entire way of life unless they urgently strengthen defences against a raft of future dis­asters, accord­ing to Ulric Trotz, deputy dir­ect­or at the Carib­bean Com­munity Cli­mate Change Centre (CCCCC). Fish­ing and farm­ing com­munit­ies liv­ing in coastal areas as well the tour­ism industry, which is vital for Carib­bean eco­nom­ies, often […]

Read More Caribbean tourism, fishing, farming bears brunt of climate change: CCCCC

Hotels train staff to read signs of modern slavery

modern slavery hotels. Old-school room keys.

Adult guests who check in with a child, repeat cash book­ings, or late check-ins without lug­gage could all be signs of mod­ern slavery under guid­ance newly issued to staff at a Brit­ish hotel chain. The 400 staff at Shiva hotels — from recep­tion­ists to human resources staff to clean­ers — will be trained as part of a com­pany-wide cam­paign to […]

Read More Hotels train staff to read signs of modern slavery

Could climate change ground a third of aircraft?

Climate change airlines. Aerial view of Victorville Airport's aircraft boneyard, Victorville, California, USA. By Bobak Ha'Eri, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

More fre­quent heat waves due to glob­al warm­ing may ground up to a third of air­planes world­wide in dec­ades to come with some air­ports in New York and Dubai likely to be hard hit, a study showed on Thursday. Air­lines may increas­ingly be forced to cut their loads of pas­sen­gers, cargo or fuel in order […]

Read More Could climate change ground a third of aircraft?

Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment

Inclusive tourism Spain. Iberia Airbus A321-211 "EC-ILP" and British Airways Airbus A320-211 "G-Busk" in October 2010, before the airlines' 2011 merger. Source: Curimedia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia

Span­ish air­line Iber­ia is to stop requir­ing women to take a preg­nancy test as part of its recruit­ment pro­cess, it said in a state­ment on its web­site. A preg­nancy test, which was a routine part of the med­ic­al exam­in­a­tion that poten­tial female recruits had to under­go, will be stopped, the air­line said. “We will no longer […]

Read More Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment

Pollution plan cooked up at Kenya’s Lake Naivasha

Sunset at Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Source: Gopal Vijayaraghavan / Wikimedia

Nice places to live are nice places to vis­it. With Lake Naivasha tour­ism tak­ing a hit due to pol­lu­tion, a social enter­prise has cooked up a plan to clean up the lake and provide cheap meals to loc­al vil­la­gers. Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Stand­ing on a muddy patch on the shores of Lake […]

Read More Pollution plan cooked up at Kenya’s Lake Naivasha