Politics v pilgrimage: some Muslims call for Saudi haj boycott

Pilgrim in supplication at the Sacred Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion, August 9, 2019.  As mil­lions of Muslims don robes and flock to Mecca for haj, a small counter move­ment to boy­cott the pil­grim­age in protest at Saudi Ara­bi­a’s polit­ics has won lim­ited sup­port online. Although the num­bers are dwarfed by the 1.8 mil­lion who have arrived in Mecca for Fri­day’s […]

Read More Politics v pilgrimage: some Muslims call for Saudi haj boycott

On the tiger trail, India’s women unveil and roar ahead in tourism

A group of women safari guides poses for a photo at Pench Tiger Reserve in central Madhya Pradesh state, India on May 19, 2016. Photo credit: Satpuda Foundation http://satpuda.org

Female nature-based tour­ism guides in India, such as at the Pench Tiger Reserve in Mad­hya Pra­desh, are help­ing to upend sex­ist views, accord­ing to a report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Bob­bing along a dirt track in a cent­ral Indi­an tiger reserve, Var­sha Hinge sur­veyed the land­scape for paw­prints and listened out for deer calls […]

Read More On the tiger trail, India’s women unveil and roar ahead in tourism

Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

Featured image: Patrick McEvoy, Eddie Dooner, and Ronya Arya Phoenix, are training up to become tour guides with My Streets Ireland , a social enterprise. By Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation. "GT" cropped it.

New tours of Dub­lin, Ire­land to be launched mid-March will be led by home­less people trained up as guides by a social enter­prise. They will offer unique per­spect­ives to some of the more than 6 mil­lion vis­it­ors expec­ted in the Irish cap­it­al in 2019. Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Dub­lin’s Phoenix Park boasts the […]

Read More Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

Former FARC rebels turn ecotourism guides, but peace remains fragile

February 22, 2019
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Colombia has its ecotourism treasures such as the Caño Cristales waterfall. Image by Mario Carvajal (CC BY 3.0) via Wikimedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CA%C3%91O_CRISTALES,_SECTOR_LOS_OCHOS_(COLOMBIA).jpg

About 30 of the estim­ated 12,000 FARC mem­bers demo­bil­ised under a peace accord with Colom­bi­a’s gov­ern­ment have chosen eco­tour­ism as a path to rein­teg­ra­tion. The travel & tour­ism industry would do well to sup­port them. Full story by Ana­stas­ia Molo­ney writ­ing for the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. As a former rebel fight­er, Ximena Cruz used to […]

Read More Former FARC rebels turn ecotourism guides, but peace remains fragile

Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism

February 13, 2019

Popular tourism beach Cala Anguilla, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Image by lapping via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/en/cala-anguila-mallorca-1998320/

Spain’s Balear­ic Islands has approved a cli­mate change law that com­mits the pop­u­lar tour­ism des­tin­a­tion to sourcing all its energy from renew­ables by 2050. Balear­ic Islands pres­id­ent Fran­cina Armen­gol said the new law was “an oppor­tun­ity to rein­force our brand as a sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tion”. Balear­ic Islands energy min­is­ter Marc Pons reck­ons the law is part of […]

Read More Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism

From smarter energy to less plastic, Caribbean resorts go green

February 6, 2019

Generic Caribbean tourism beach scene

At home in the United States, Ker­rie Spring­er takes pride in being envir­on­ment­ally con­scious. So when she booked a week’s get­away at the Bucuti and Tara Beach Resort in Aruba, she choose the “green stay” option, agree­ing to reuse her sheets and tow­els rather than have them changed each day. “You don’t do that at home, […]

Read More From smarter energy to less plastic, Caribbean resorts go green