Islands of darkness: Ireland’s ‘Alcatraz’ and the growth of dark tourism

October 15, 2017

Spike Island is part of the growth of dark tourism

By Gil­lian O’Bri­en, Read­er in Mod­ern Irish His­tory, Liv­er­pool John Moores Uni­ver­sity, writ­ing for The Con­ver­sa­tion. Spike Island — the former fort­ress and pris­on off the coast of County Cork in Ire­land — has been named Europe’s lead­ing tour­ist attrac­tion at the World Travel Awards. The island beat off com­pet­i­tion from Buck­ing­ham Palace, the Eif­fel Tower and Rome’s Colosseum […]

Read More Islands of darkness: Ireland’s ‘Alcatraz’ and the growth of dark tourism