Scott McCabe

Professor Scott McCabe

Prof Scott McCabe

Scott McCabe is Pro­fess­or of Mar­ket­ing at Birm­ing­ham Busi­ness School, United King­dom; Pro­fess­or of Mar­ket­ing and Tour­ism at the Uni­ver­sity of East­ern Fin­land; and Co-Edit­or in Chief of Annals of Tour­ism Research.

Prof McCabe’s research on tour­ist con­sumer beha­viour and exper­i­ences has more recently broadened to include des­tin­a­tion mar­ket­ing, respons­ible con­sump­tion and eth­ics, as well as emo­tions and links between well­being and tour­ism. Since 2006, Scott has worked on a pro­gramme of research on the motiv­a­tions, exper­i­ences, and out­comes of hol­i­day exper­i­ences for severely dis­ad­vant­aged UK con­sumers. His research in asso­ci­ation with the Fam­ily Hol­i­day Char­ity, and with a range of oth­er char­it­ies, helped to pro­mote the concept of ‘social tour­ism’ in the UK.

The happiness factor: Social tourism is sustainable tourism

August 6, 2024

Social tourism, social good? Image by Guille Pozzi (CC0) via Unsplash.

Can ‘social tour­ism’ — char­ity- and/or tax­pay­er-sup­­por­ted hol­i­days — help alle­vi­ate stress in soci­ety and turn the travel & tour­ism industry’s off-sea­son frowns upside down?  Scott McCabe thinks so.  Pro­fess­or McCabe penned this “Good Tour­ism” Insight at the invit­a­tion of Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions, a “GT” Insight Part­ner. Fam­ily hol­i­days: A fine time … Term-time hol­i­day fines were back in […]

Read More The happiness factor: Social tourism is sustainable tourism