Paul Rogers


Dr Paul Rogers, Planet Happiness

Dr Paul Rogers

Paul Rogers is a tour­ism-for-devel­op­ment prac­ti­tion­er focused on policy and plan­ning. With 20 years’ exper­i­ence as a seni­or tour­ism advisor to nation­al and loc­al tour­ism organ­isa­tions, he has worked in more than a dozen coun­tries in South and South­east Asia, Africa, and Aus­tralia. In recent years Dr Rogers has under­taken assign­ments for the World Bank, ADB, FAO, DfID, UNDP, UNWTO, USAID, ICIMOD, Lux­em­bourg Devel­op­ment, Kew Gar­dens, Isti­tuto Oikos, SNV (Neth­er­lands), and WWF.

Dr Rogers co-foun­ded Plan­et Hap­pi­ness, a pro­ject of the Hap­pi­ness Alli­ance. The Hap­pi­ness Alli­ance is a US-registered not-for-profit that meas­ures the hap­pi­ness of res­id­ents liv­ing in World Her­it­age sites and bey­ond. Plan­et Hap­pi­ness’ mis­sion is to “focus the atten­tion of all tour­ism stake­hold­ers on the well-being agenda; and use tour­ism as a vehicle for devel­op­ment that demon­strably strengthens des­tin­a­tion sus­tain­ab­il­ity and the qual­ity of life of host communities”.

Prioritising well-being in travel & tourism

Prioritising well-being for all affected by travel & tourism with Planet Happiness

Part­ner Mes­sage by Paul Rogers of “GT” Insight Part­ner Plan­et Hap­pi­ness: As tour­ism stake­hold­ers, if we truly value and believe in this life-chan­­ging industry, if we want to advoc­ate its mer­its and abil­ity to deliv­er the UN SDGs, we need to recog­nise the imper­at­ive to value and meas­ure travel and tourism’s con­tri­bu­tion to des­tin­a­tion well-being.  Travel and […]

Read More Prioritising well-being in travel & tourism

Why build well-being into destination resilience and tourism recovery?

Why build well being into destination resilience and recovery

Much has been writ­ten about includ­ing host com­munit­ies in des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment and tour­ism devel­op­ment decision-mak­ing, but how would one go about meas­ur­ing con­tent­ment, well-being, or even hap­pi­ness, on an ongo­ing basis? In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Paul Rogers of “GT” Insight Part­ner Plan­et Hap­pi­ness presents a solu­tion.  Pri­or to the onset of the COVID-19 global […]

Read More Why build well-being into destination resilience and tourism recovery?