Lucija Wićaz was an intern at Think Play­grounds from Novem­ber — Decem­ber 2025. She’s cur­rently pur­su­ing a Mas­ter­’s pro­gram in ‘Urb­an Geo­graph­ies’ at Hum­boldt Uni­ver­sity of Ber­lin, Ger­many.

Reclaim the riverside! EXO award winner creates family-friendly green spaces in Hanoi

Reclaim the riverside! EXO award winner creates family-friendly green spaces in Hanoi

Think Play­grounds (TPG) is pro­tect­ing the unique biod­iversity of the Red River through the cre­ation of inclus­ive meet­ing places on the edge of deprived neigh­bour­hoods in Hanoi, Viet­nam.  TPG is an EXO Found­a­tion Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Award win­ner. This post is based on a longer art­icle (PDF) writ­ten by former TPG intern Lucija Wićaz.  A grow­ing need […]

Read More Reclaim the riverside! EXO award winner creates family-friendly green spaces in Hanoi