Addala Lajwanti Naidu

A. Lajwanti Naidu accessible and inclusive tourism

A Lajwanti Naidu

Addala Lajwanti Naidu is an aca­dem­ic and pro­lif­ic writer on respons­ible tour­ism, includ­ing issues related to skills devel­op­ment, eco­nom­ic impact, cli­mate change, con­ser­va­tion of spe­cies, poverty alle­vi­ation, the employ­ment oppor­tun­it­ies of the visu­ally-chal­lenged, sus­tain­ing loc­al com­munit­ies with art and cul­ture, con­ser­va­tion of the arts, and tour­ism industry integ­ra­tion. Dr Naidu has an acu­men for teach­ing and skills devel­op­ment, and is a pro­ponent of the idea that tour­ism is a tool for poverty alleviation.

How tourism in India can help protect olive ridley turtles

June 5, 2019

Olive ridley turtles by Chandan Singh (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr.

In her second “GT” Insights con­tri­bu­tion, A Lajwanti Naidu shares what she has learned about olive rid­ley turtles and how the Andhra Pra­desh Tour­ism Author­ity does and can con­trib­ute to their con­ser­va­tion. Travel teaches more than books do. With this in mind, Andhra Pra­desh Tour­ism Author­ity organ­ised an edu­ca­tion­al tour to Diviseema and the Krishna […]

Read More How tourism in India can help protect olive ridley turtles

Mission vision: Accessible, inclusive tourism for the visually impaired

July 12, 2017

Accessible and inclusive tourism for the visually impaired. Training.

A truly access­ible and inclus­ive tour­ism industry should view people with dis­ab­il­it­ies, such as visu­al impair­ment, the same as any­one else — as a poten­tially luc­rat­ive mar­ket seg­ment and a pro­duct­ive and innov­at­ive human resource — accord­ing to A Lajwanti Naidu in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. Sens­ory organs play a vital role in life. Among them, eyes are probably […]

Read More Mission vision: Accessible, inclusive tourism for the visually impaired