Joseph M Cheer

Joseph M Cheer

Dr Joseph M Cheer

Joseph M Cheer is Pro­fess­or at the Cen­ter for Tour­ism Research, Wakayama Uni­ver­sity, Japan. Dr Cheer pre­vi­ously lec­tured in the School of Lan­guages, Lit­er­at­ures, Cul­tures & Lin­guist­ics (LLCL) at Mon­ash University.

Joseph is board mem­ber, Inter­na­tion­al Geo­graph­ic­al Uni­on (IGU) Com­mis­sion on Tour­ism and Leis­ure and Glob­al Change and Steer­ing Com­mit­tee Mem­ber Crit­ic­al Tour­ism Stud­ies (CTS) Asia Pacific.

Can pro-social tourism foster empathy & cross-cultural understanding?

Can pro-social tourism foster empathy & understanding? Pic by Lourdes Zamanillo Tamborrel

To build empathy and under­stand­ing between hosts and guests, “pro-social” tour oper­at­ors should facil­it­ate more con­ver­sa­tions — a “GT” Insight by Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity PhD can­did­ate Lourdes Zama­nillo Tam­bor­rel and Dr Joseph M Cheer. Accord­ing to the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­isa­tion (UNWTO), tour­ism accounts for around 10 per cent of glob­al gross domest­ic product (GDP) and thirty percent […]

Read More Can pro-social tourism foster empathy & cross-cultural understanding?