Delly Chatibura

Dr Delly Chatibura

Delly Chatibura

Delly Cha­ti­bura is an aca­dem­ic and research­er who has ded­ic­ated her career to advoc­at­ing for the recog­ni­tion of Africa’s tra­di­tion­al culin­ary her­it­age in tour­ism. Dr Cha­ti­bura says she wel­comes col­lab­or­a­tion with like-minded individuals.

Conservation, climate, culture challenge food tourism in Botswana

June 25, 2024

Botswana's Okavango Delta is important to the country's food security as well as its food tourism potential. Aerial shot of the Okavango River, Shakawe, Botswana by Wynand Uys (CC0) via Unsplash.

Delly Cha­ti­bura sees a huge oppor­tun­ity for Bot­swana to lever­age its nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al resources for food secur­ity and good food tour­ism. But con­ser­va­tion, cli­mate, and cul­tur­al chal­lenges impede food tour­ism in Bot­swana. Food cul­tures are often integ­ral to tour­ism, with Bangkok’s street food, New York’s diners, tea in China, and French baguettes being four arbit­rary examples. But how many of the world’s tour­ists are famil­i­ar with Botswana’s rich food cul­ture, and the issues attend­ing it? 

Read More Conservation, climate, culture challenge food tourism in Botswana