“Good Tourism” Partner messages & sponsored posts

These “GT” Part­ner mes­sages and sponsored posts make it pos­sible for The “Good Tour­ism” Blog to help you pre­pare and share your “GT” Insights. (You can write a “GT” Insight.)

“GT” Partner messages | Sponsored posts

“Good Tourism” Partners to jointly support UN SDGs, climate-friendly travel

"GT" Partners Planet Happiness and SUNx sign MOU. Image by GDJ (CC0) via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/vectors/background-abstract-psychedelic-5558927/

New memor­andum of under­stand­ing (MOU) between part­ners of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog signed to mark World Envir­on­ment Day, June 5. On World Envir­on­ment Day, June 5, “GT” Part­ners Plan­et Hap­pi­ness and SUNx signed a MOU related to the United Nations (UN) Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs) and cli­mate-friendly travel. Accord­ing to a news release, the aim is to […]

Read More “Good Tourism” Partners to jointly support UN SDGs, climate-friendly travel

Outrigger goes big on World Oceans Month this June

Outrigger collage

Bare­foot lux­ury and cor­al reef con­ser­va­tion meet at Out­rig­ger Resorts. WAIKIKI – In hon­our of World Oceans Month this June, Out­rig­ger Hotels and Resorts is eager to con­tin­ue its sup­port in pro­tect­ing and sus­tain­ing the oceans and the spe­cies that inhab­it them. Mak­ing Big Waves for Glob­al Change Through its OZONE pro­gramme, Out­rig­ger has cham­pioned ocean and cor­al health […]

Read More Outrigger goes big on World Oceans Month this June

Prioritising well-being in travel & tourism

Prioritising well-being for all affected by travel & tourism with Planet Happiness

Part­ner Mes­sage by Paul Rogers of “GT” Insight Part­ner Plan­et Hap­pi­ness: As tour­ism stake­hold­ers, if we truly value and believe in this life-chan­­ging industry, if we want to advoc­ate its mer­its and abil­ity to deliv­er the UN SDGs, we need to recog­nise the imper­at­ive to value and meas­ure travel and tourism’s con­tri­bu­tion to des­tin­a­tion well-being.  Travel and […]

Read More Prioritising well-being in travel & tourism

Ethically yours: Silver Naga, Vang Vieng, Laos

Silver Naga Vang Vieng Laos staff at the pool with a view

Rachel Dechaineux uses ‘eth­ic­al’ a lot, both in word and in deed, because she feels that tour­ism is all about people. This is the fourth Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Laos Show­case by Bernie Rosen­bloom of “Good Tour­ism” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner WeAre­Lao. Ms Dechaineux is the own­er of the river­side Sil­ver Naga hotel in Vang Vieng, Laos. “We aim to […]

Read More Ethically yours: Silver Naga, Vang Vieng, Laos

Prepare now for a surge in ecotourism demand with a CRTS workshop

Termas Geométricas, Coñaripe, Panguipulli, Chile. By J Balla Photography (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/jpyJeOg4BnI

Eco­tour­ism is in high demand right now in places where phys­ic­ally-dis­­tanced out­door activ­ity is pos­sible. And when the world finally breaks its COVID shackles, those who have been locked down for months in urb­an envir­on­ments will likely be des­per­ate for a taste of nature. To help pre­pare stake­hold­ers for that surge, The Centre for Responsible […]

Read More Prepare now for a surge in ecotourism demand with a CRTS workshop

Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes

Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes

The parties behind the auc­tion — glob­al ini­ti­at­ive for Cli­mate Friendly Travel SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work and cyber­se­cur­ity com­pany WISeKey — have cre­ated the first ever non-fun­­­gible token (NFT) related to cli­mate change and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The first-off-the-line “Earth Swatch” watch, designed by cli­mate act­iv­ist and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment pion­eer Maurice Strong for the 1992 Rio Earth Sum­mit, is going up for […]

Read More Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes