Robin Boustead

Robin Boustead

Robin Boustead

Robin Boustead has worked in sus­tain­able tour­ism for more than 30 years. Mr Boustead is a seni­or tech­nic­al advisor to European Fin­an­cial Report­ing Advis­ory Group (EFRAG), con­sult­ant to gov­ern­ments and busi­nesses about sus­tain­able strategy and stand­ards imple­ment­a­tion, and cre­at­or of the Great Him­alaya Trail in Nepal. He is also author of mul­tiple books and research papers, includ­ing the ESG Report­ing Manu­al.

Wasn’t me! Defining tourism sub-sector responsibilities for EU ESG reporting

December 20, 2024

Tourism ESG reporting. Prison bars image by Craig Clark (CC0) via Pixabay. Jungle path image by Sasin Tipchai (CC0) from Pixabay.

How can the European Uni­on’s (EU) travel and hos­pit­al­ity sec­tors estab­lish clear respons­ib­il­ity bound­ar­ies while ensur­ing envir­on­ment­al, social, and gov­ernance (ESG) account­ab­il­ity across the entire tour­ism value chain? Robin Boustead shares his first “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  Loom­ing dead­lines, fines, (pris­on?) We are rap­idly approach­ing the end of the first year of data gath­er­ing for companies […]

Read More Wasn’t me! Defining tourism sub-sector responsibilities for EU ESG reporting