Ceri Dingle

Ceri Dingle

Ceri Dingle

Ceri Dingle is Dir­ect­or of the UK-based edu­ca­tion char­ity WORLD­write. The charity’s latest films are avail­able on WORLD­write’s You­Tube chan­nel.

Tourism and solidarity with Ghana & the developing world: Can they go hand in hand?

March 18, 2025

Whose future is it anyway? Tourism and solidarity with Ghana & the developing world: Can they go hand in hand? Photo by Ransford Quaye (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-in-black-tank-top-and-blue-and-white-floral-skirt-standing-on-beach-during-daytime-b6KGlgCxH4o

Is tour­ism from the developed world com­pat­ible with the devel­op­ing world? Ceri Dingle believes so, and argues that if people could vis­it devel­op­ing places without pater­nal­ist­ic pity and pre­ju­dice they would help sup­port the sort of devel­op­ment and pro­gress loc­als want. Ms Dingle writes this “Good Tour­ism” Insight about her edu­ca­tion char­ity WORLD­write and its experiences […]

Read More Tourism and solidarity with Ghana & the developing world: Can they go hand in hand?