Villagers, tour operators collaborate on new community-based Soum-son Trail in Laos

Villagers, tour operators collaborate on new community-based Soum-son Trail in Laos
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The organ­isers of a new com­munity-based trekking route in remote north­ern Laos believe that the inclu­sion and train­ing of vil­la­gers in three moun­tain ham­lets is a pos­it­ive example of respons­ible travel. Their hope is that the com­munity-based tour­ism activ­ity will enhance the qual­ity of life for the villagers.

Women pioneers

On Feb­ru­ary 16, six Aus­trali­an women will be the first tour­ists to walk the Soum-son Trail. 

The four-day trek, organ­ised by Cam­ino Women (Aus­tralia) and Khiri Travel (Laos), will be part of a 12-day north­ern Laos jour­ney which includes a slow boat ride on the Mekong river, a train ride, vis­its to Buddhist caves and an ele­phant park, walks in paddy fields, meet­ings with vari­ous eth­nic group vil­la­gers, and exper­i­en­cing the UNESCO world her­it­age town­ship of Luang Prabang.

In pre­par­a­tion to receive the women, 26 people from the three remote vil­lages joined three days of train­ing in Luang Pra­bang in Decem­ber. The vil­la­gers learned about com­munity-based tour­ism, safety stand­ards, house­keep­ing ser­vice, waste man­age­ment, food pre­par­a­tion, and cus­tom­er ser­vice dur­ing hands-on prac­tic­al ses­sions led by four com­munity tour­ism experts from the Lao government.

Two-way learning

Cam­ino Women and Khiri Travel’s char­it­able arm, Khiri Reach, paid for the train­ing. After con­sult­ing with the vil­la­gers about what else they may need, Khiri Reach and Cam­ino donated two laptop com­puters, school books, and pre­served foods to the three vil­lages on the remote hik­ing trail.

“Our approach is to treat tour­ism as a sup­ple­ment­ary source of income for the vil­la­gers who are rice farm­ers,” said Julie Beau­frère, coun­try man­ager for Khiri Travel Laos. 

“We don’t want over-depend­ency on tour­ism. And the cul­tur­al learn­ing pro­cess is also very much both ways between vil­la­gers and the women hikers.”

Positive partnership

After the inaug­ur­al trip in Feb­ru­ary, Cam­ino Women and Khiri Travel aim to bring five hik­ing groups to the Soum-son Trail in 2025, fol­lowed by two per month in the next high sea­son, Novem­ber 2025 to Feb­ru­ary 2026.

Each trip will have the same loc­al guide from the vil­lages and Khiri Travel’s own highly exper­i­enced Lao­tian com­munity guide.

Cam­ino Women’s lead trip design­er Lisa O’Donnell, who sur­veyed the trail with Ms Beau­frère last year, is glad to see the pre­par­a­tion, train­ing, and hard work pay­ing off.

“We’re very pos­it­ive with our part­ner­ship with the won­der­ful vil­la­gers and the pro­act­ive sup­port from the Lao author­it­ies and Khiri Travel. I believe our Cam­ino women hikers are really going to enjoy their immer­sion in Lao­tian vil­lage life for four days.”

Close co-operation

Aus­trali­an tour oper­at­or Leather­b­ack Travel oper­ates spe­cial­ist travel units such as Cam­ino Women, Patch Adven­tures, Mag­ni­fi­cent Rail, and Fen­cox Travel. Khiri Travel has handled vari­ous tours for these brands in Viet­nam, Thai­l­and, Indone­sia and Cam­bod­ia since 2023.

“The Soum-son Trail and the full 10-day great­er Laos exper­i­ence is a ter­rif­ic example of close cooper­a­tion between Leather­b­ack Travel and Khiri,” said Willem Niemeijer, founder of Khiri Travel. “We aim to devel­op more respons­ible and regen­er­at­ive travel exper­i­ences with Leather­b­ack Travel across South­east Asia in the months ahead.”

About Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel -

Since 1993, Khiri Travel has earned a repu­ta­tion as a des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany ded­ic­ated to provid­ing qual­ity leis­ure travel exper­i­ences across Asia. With 17 offices in Thai­l­and, The Phil­ip­pines, Laos, Myan­mar, Viet­nam, Cam­bod­ia, Indone­sia and Sri Lanka (which has respons­ib­il­ity for the Mal­dives), Khiri Travel’s entre­pren­eur­i­al asso­ci­ates craft innov­at­ive itin­er­ar­ies that reflect their pas­sion for authen­t­ic, loc­al, and sus­tain­able experiences.

About Camino Women

Cam­ino Women is an adven­ture tour com­pany based in Aus­tralia that com­bines trekking adven­tures with insider access to intim­ate cul­tur­al encoun­ters. Designed by women for women, Cam­ino Women is for act­ive and ener­get­ic women of all ages.

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