Khiri Travel joins The Long Run

Khiri Travel has joined The Long Run, a global community of purpose-driven tourism businesses which aims to implement positive change around the world through regenerative travel and leading by example
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Khiri Travel has joined The Long Run, a glob­al com­munity of pur­pose-driv­en tour­ism busi­nesses which aims to imple­ment pos­it­ive change around the world.

Fast-growing global network

The Long Run is a fast-grow­ing glob­al net­work that believes in regen­er­at­ive travel, and in lead­ing by example to make tour­ism a force for good around the world

With 73 mem­bers — mostly eco­lodges, tour­ism exper­i­ences, and des­tin­a­tions on six con­tin­ents — The Long Run was foun­ded in 2009. Its ambi­tions and pro­jects are based on the four Cs: 

  • Con­ser­va­tion,
  • Com­munity,
  • Cul­ture, and
  • Com­merce.

Khiri Travel, a 32 year-old des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany, has built an inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion based on innov­a­tion and sus­tain­able tour­ism dis­cov­er­ies. It has 17 offices in eight coun­tries in South­east Asia.

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Protecting biodiverse landscapes

Khiri Travel will now work closely with The Long Run mem­bers who, togeth­er, each year pro­tect 23 mil­lion acres (9.3 mil­lion ha) of biod­i­verse land­scapes, sup­port 130,000 people through employ­ment, edu­ca­tion and train­ing, and spend over US$13 mil­lion on con­ser­va­tion, com­munity and cul­ture projects.

“We are pleased to join The Long Run, not least because their diverse mem­bers are highly inspir­a­tion­al,” said Willem Niemeijer, founder and CEO of Khiri Travel. 

“Yes there is tech­nic­al sup­port and best prac­tice exchange, but more than that, The Long Run mem­bers work togeth­er, listen, learn and col­lab­or­ate to elev­ate sus­tain­ab­il­ity stand­ards for all. There is real enthu­si­asm and inspir­a­tion in everything they do.”

Khiri Reach, Khiri Travel’s char­it­able arm, is now imple­ment­ing the 4Cs concept by advan­cing con­ser­va­tion and com­munity pro­jects such as seagrass plant­ing in Kal­pitiya, Sri Lanka and sup­ply­ing boats to help chil­dren safely cross the Kam­baniru River to and from school in Sumba island, Indonesia.

Willem Niemeijer of Khiri Travel and Dr Anne-Kathrin Zschiegner of The Long Run
Willem Niemeijer of Khiri Travel (left) and Dr Anne-Kath­rin Zschiegn­er of The Long Run

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Regenerative travel

Khiri Reach, which has pion­eered and sup­por­ted dozens of com­munity and con­ser­va­tion ini­ti­at­ives in South­east Asia since its found­a­tion in 2007, will add more regen­er­at­ive travel pro­jects this year, inspired by The Long Run’s ‘4C’ agenda.

The idea of regen­er­at­ive travel is to act­ively improve eco­sys­tems, com­munit­ies and eco­nom­ies that are engaged with tourism.

“Around the world, The Long Run mem­bers have the author­ity and hard-earned exper­i­ence to speak out on regen­er­at­ive travel,” said Dr Anne-Kath­rin Zschiegn­er, Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or of The Long Run. 

“That’s why we wel­come Khiri Travel. They bring both a pas­sion for respons­ible travel but also over 30 years’ of exper­i­ence. We look for­ward to work­ing with Khiri to achieve great things on behalf of loc­al communities.”

Both Khiri Travel and The Long Run will be act­ive at ITB Ber­lin March, 4 – 6.

“We aim to lead our corner of the travel industry with clar­ity, vis­ion and con­vic­tion,” says Dr Zschiegn­er. “Work­ing togeth­er with our mem­bers, we aim to move the needle polit­ic­ally on mat­ters per­tain­ing to respons­ible and regen­er­at­ive travel.”

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About Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel -

Since 1993, Khiri Travel has earned a repu­ta­tion as a des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany ded­ic­ated to provid­ing qual­ity leis­ure travel exper­i­ences across Asia. With 17 offices in Thai­l­and, The Phil­ip­pines, Laos, Myan­mar, Viet­nam, Cam­bod­ia, Indone­sia and Sri Lanka (which has respons­ib­il­ity for the Mal­dives), Khiri Travel’s entre­pren­eur­i­al asso­ci­ates craft innov­at­ive itin­er­ar­ies that reflect their pas­sion for authen­t­ic, loc­al, and sus­tain­able experiences.

Read more about “GT” Part­ners Khiri Travel & Khiri Reach

About The Long Run

Since 2009, The Long Run, as a mem­ber­ship organ­isa­tion, has worked at the inter­sec­tion of nature con­ser­va­tion and sus­tain­able tour­ism. Rooted in the vis­ion that tour­ism can cre­ate last­ing prosper­ity for people liv­ing on a healthy, resi­li­ent plan­et, The Long Run sup­ports a glob­al com­munity of tour­ism industry change-makers, from eco-lodges to tour oper­at­ors, ded­ic­ated to accel­er­at­ing pos­it­ive impact through a frame­work com­bin­ing con­ser­va­tion, com­munity, cul­ture, and commerce.

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