Khiri Travel Philippines to offer ‘authentic’, ‘immersive’, ‘responsible’ experiences

Khiri Travel Opens in The Philippines Khiri Travel to offer ‘authentic’, ‘immersive’, ‘responsible’ Philippines experiences
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Khiri Travel has added the Phil­ip­pines to its des­tin­a­tions with the acquis­i­tion of Travel Authen­t­ic Phil­ip­pines (TAP). The Phil­ip­pines becomes Khiri Travel’s ninth Asi­an des­tin­a­tion, join­ing Thai­l­and, Indone­sia, Cam­bod­ia, Viet­nam, Laos, Sri Lanka, The Mal­dives, and Myanmar.

TAP Coun­try Man­ager, Paul­ette Viacru­cis, will retain her role with Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines. She will be sup­por­ted by Stu­art Tayler, who will lead the devel­op­ment and updat­ing of product offer­ings from Khiri Travel’s office in Cebu City.

Khiri Travel’s pri­or­ity is to ensure that its Phil­ip­pine products sat­is­fy the broad range of tour oper­at­or cli­ents that it cur­rently serves. These include spe­cial­ist oper­at­ors in sec­tors such as edu­ca­tion­al travel, adven­ture, lux­ury, as well as indi­vidu­al travellers.

“We aim to ensure the Phil­ip­pine exper­i­ence for our guests is authen­t­ic, ori­gin­al and innov­at­ive with a keen eye for com­munity, cul­ture, con­ser­va­tion and sus­tain­able prof­it­ab­il­ity,” said Willem Niemeijer, founder and CEO of Khiri Travel.

Frans Betgem
Frans Bet­gem

Frans Bet­gem, TAP co-founder, said that Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines would com­plete its rebrand­ing this month. 

“With Khiri Travel brand­ing and sys­tems in place, our Cebu team will be able to deploy their intim­ate know­ledge of the Phil­ip­pines as a des­tin­a­tion more effi­ciently,” he said.

Apart from explor­a­tion and insights in nearly all the main areas of the Phil­ip­pines, Khiri Travel’s guests can expect themed tours such as island hop­ping, indi­gen­ous cul­ture dis­cov­er­ies, archi­tec­ture and her­it­age trips, and home stays. And there will be oppor­tun­it­ies for giv­ing back to Phil­ip­pine com­munit­ies through pro­jects for the Tag­ban­wa and Ifugao peoples and others.

Joey Gaston, Khiri Travel Philippines
Joey Gaston

Joey Gaston, TAP co-founder and now a board mem­ber of Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines, said that they will con­tin­ue pro­mot­ing non-tra­di­tion­al des­tin­a­tions around the country.

“That found­ing prin­ciple and object­ive remains,” said Gaston. “Indeed, Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines will offer immers­ive and respons­ible travel exper­i­ences that high­light the beauty of our won­der­ful archipelago. We will do this while ensur­ing sus­tain­able bene­fits for both the envir­on­ment and loc­al communities.”

Mem­bers of the Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines man­age­ment team are attend­ing the pan-Asi­an Khiri Man­age­ment For­um in Bali, 12 – 14 September.

Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines products will be a key part of Khiri Travel’s pro­mo­tions at the World Travel Mar­ket in Lon­don in November.

About Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel -

Since 1993, Khiri Travel has won awards and earned a repu­ta­tion as a des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany ded­ic­ated to work­ing with select tour oper­at­ors to provide qual­ity leis­ure travel exper­i­ences across Asia. With 17 offices in Thai­l­and, The Phil­ip­pines, Laos, Myan­mar, Viet­nam, Cam­bod­ia, Indone­sia, and Sri Lanka (with respons­ib­il­ity for the Mal­dives), Khiri Travel’s entre­pren­eur­i­al asso­ci­ates craft innov­at­ive itin­er­ar­ies that reflect their pas­sion for authen­t­ic, loc­al, and sus­tain­able experiences.

Contact Khiri Travel

Head Office | 17/1 Soi Tiwan­on 24 |Tiwan­on Road, Bangkas­or | Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Thai­l­and | Tel: (+66) 2968 6828 | Email: | Web­site

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