The trials, successes, and best practices of work integrated learning in tourism

CABI Tourism Cases: work integrated learning in tourism
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A spe­cial issue of CABI Tour­ism Cases explores the tri­als, suc­cesses, and best prac­tice examples of work integ­rated learn­ing in tour­ism, hos­pit­al­ity, events, and recre­ation degree pro­grams. The six case stud­ies are free to access until Septem­ber 30, 2024.

Work integrated learning in tourism: The context

Aca­dem­ic insti­tu­tions around the world con­tin­ue to emphas­ise the import­ance of devel­op­ing ‘job ready’ graduates.

To this end, work integ­rated learn­ing in tour­ism, hos­pit­al­ity, or any oth­er pro­fes­sion, aims to enhance stu­dents’ employ­ab­il­ity by link­ing the know­ledge they are taught to their future careers; a con­nec­tion that is often hard to estab­lish without prac­tic­al experience.

This spe­cial issue of CABI Tour­ism Cases explores the tri­als, tribu­la­tions, suc­cesses, and best prac­tice examples of work integ­rated learn­ing (WIL) oppor­tun­it­ies offered to stu­dents with­in tour­ism, hos­pit­al­ity, events, and recre­ation degree programs.

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The cases

Guest-edited by Niki Macionis and Gabby Wal­ters, both of the Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land, Aus­tralia, these six cases are free to access until Septem­ber 30, 2024:

Virtual Area Guide Training program in Sri Lanka

This case study explores the innov­at­ive Vir­tu­al Area Guide Train­ing Pro­gram con­duc­ted in Sri Lanka in 2022, aimed at trans­form­ing the tour­ism sec­tor from inform­al to form­al, enhan­cing sus­tain­ab­il­ity. In the face of chal­lenges like ter­ror­ism, the pan­dem­ic, and an eco­nom­ic crisis, the pro­gram selec­ted and trained 20 indi­vidu­als from the under­developed Uva province as tour guides. 

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An EVENTful Course-University Partnership

This case study describes a mean­ing­ful classroom-uni­ver­sity WIL col­lab­or­a­tion that executed course and cam­pus object­ives in a nov­el peer-ment­or­ship design, and pre­pared future event man­age­ment gradu­ates for industry while nav­ig­at­ing the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Future-proofing Events Management Students Through Experiential Learning

This case explores the con­nec­tions between tech­nic­al, dis­cip­line-based skills learned in an under­gradu­ate event man­age­ment unit and trans­fer­able, gen­er­ic employ­ab­il­ity skills developed by stu­dents in the course of their exper­i­en­tial learn­ing. The study details the unique design fea­tures of this learn­ing exper­i­ence, includ­ing those made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How the Online Learning Assistant Program Supported Course Instructor Wellbeing during a Transition to Remote Teaching

This case describes the pos­it­ive impact of the Uni­ver­sity of Water­loo’s online learn­ing assist­ant (OLA) pro­gram on one leis­ure stud­ies course instructor’s well­being dur­ing a trans­ition to remote teach­ing. In part­ner­ship with the OLA, the instruct­or cre­ated a sup­port­ive remote-learn­ing envir­on­ment for stu­dents that res­ul­ted in a remote-teach­ing award. 

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Work-integrated Learning Projects: An Alternative Approach

This case study provides a detailed explor­a­tion of WIL pro­jects at the Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land. It provides an over­view of an altern­at­ive, flex­ible approach to WIL (com­pared to the tra­di­tion­al intern­ship mod­el), and dis­cusses some of the chal­lenges faced in run­ning WIL pro­jects and how they were resolved.

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Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the Indo-Pacific: A Village Stay Model

In the WIL pro­gram described in this case, uni­ver­sity stu­dents col­lab­or­ated with eco-resorts and loc­al vil­la­gers to cre­ate com­mer­cially viable exper­i­en­tial vil­lage stays.

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Write for CABI Tourism Cases

If read­ers are inspired to write for a spe­cial issue, we have two open at the moment:

The Diverse Tapestry of Indi­gen­ous Tour­ism: A Mul­ti­fa­ceted Land­scape (closes August 15)

The Evol­u­tion of Agri­t­our­ism — Past and Present (closes Octo­ber 15)

About CABI Tourism Cases

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Tour­ism Cases is a grow­ing col­lec­tion of high-qual­ity case stud­ies that explore and inform the devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able tour­ism. The case stud­ies bring togeth­er research, exper­i­ences and expert­ise from tour­ism stud­ies and pro­grammes around the world.

All users can search, browse and read sum­mar­ies of case stud­ies. Full text access is avail­able via indi­vidu­al or insti­tu­tion­al sub­scrip­tion, or by pur­chas­ing a single case study.

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