Five key challenges for the travel & tourism industry: PATA Chair

August 27, 2024

Five key challenges for the travel & tourism industry: PATA Chair Peter Semone who was joined by PATA CEO Noor Ahmad Hamid at the media briefing at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2024, August 27
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Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA) Chair Peter Semone iden­ti­fied five key chal­lenges for the travel & tour­ism industry dur­ing a media brief­ing on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2024:

Crises of all sorts

“There will be more crises,’ Mr Semone said. “Health crises, nat­ur­al dis­asters, and polit­ic­al unrest. They all affect tourism. 

“Remem­ber, tour­ism is argu­ably the only export product in which the pur­chaser has to con­sume the product at the point of pro­duc­tion. Most oth­er export products can be packed onto a con­tain­er and delivered to the purchaser. 

“PATA is help­ing our mem­bers to improve their resi­li­ence through our Des­tin­a­tion Resi­li­ence Training.”

Tourism’s invisible burdens

With the “threat of over­tour­ism” and the “invis­ible bur­dens of tour­ism” mak­ing them­selves known, “the days of ‘gre­en­wash­ing’ are near­ing an end,” the PATA Chair asserted. 

“The trend of con­sumers demand­ing improved sus­tain­ab­il­ity will con­tin­ue. Power has shif­ted to trav­el­lers, who can now share opin­ions with a glob­al audi­ence before, dur­ing, and after a trip, influ­en­cing the choices that future con­sumers will make. 

“ now shows third-party sus­tain­ab­il­ity cer­ti­fic­a­tions (Green Des­tin­a­tions, Travel Life, etc). In a sur­vey of 29,000 trav­el­lers, half believe there are not enough sus­tain­able tour­ism options. 

“The tour­ism sec­tor also accounts for 10.6% of glob­al energy con­sump­tion due to con­tin­ued reli­ance on fossil fuel trans­port­a­tion, par­tic­u­larly by the avi­ation industry. 

“Look­ing ahead, redu­cing this energy foot­print will require both new sources of energy (sub­sti­tut­ing oil-derived fuel sources with more sus­tain­able fuels and elec­tri­city) as well as fur­ther reduc­tions in energy [use].”

For accom­mod­a­tion pro­viders, Mr Semone encour­aged loc­al efforts and incent­ives to help them ret­ro­fit their facilities. 

“Small Island Devel­op­ing States and coastal tour­ism des­tin­a­tions across our region recog­nise that cli­mate change is real. The time to act is now!”


Mr Semone said that the “over­whelm­ing speed” of digit­al­isa­tion is grow­ing the divide between the haves and have-nots. Lar­ger gaps are form­ing which will exacer­bate poverty.

Regional conflicts

Mr Semone iden­ti­fied “region­al con­flicts in the Middle East and Europe, and threats in parts of Asia” as fur­ther cause for concern. 

“PATA was foun­ded to make a dif­fer­ence after one of the world’s most severe wars. So at PATA we under­stand that war is an exist­en­tial threat; that peace is a pre­requis­ite to sus­tain­able tour­ism. ‘War has no win­ners and peace, no losers.’”

Human capital

“People and tal­ent are a cent­ral driver for tour­ism devel­op­ment, a facil­it­at­or of growth, and a source of competitiveness. 

“Gov­ern­ments are increas­ingly pri­or­it­ising human cap­it­al and train­ing to the same degree as mar­ket­ing and infrastructure. 

“Tal­ent and skills gaps, where pos­i­tions are filled by under-qual­i­fied and under-exper­i­enced staff, lead to inferi­or cus­tom­er ser­vice and qual­ity stand­ards, which can res­ult in low levels of cus­tom­er sat­is­fac­tion and loyalty.”

“GT” Pub­lish­er Dav­id Gill­banks is attend­ing PATA Travel Mart 2024 as a media delegate.

Featured image (top of post)

PATA Chair Peter Semone (left) sits next to PATA CEO Noor Ahmad Ham­id at a media brief­ing hos­ted at the For­eign Cor­res­pond­ents Club of Thai­l­and in Bangkok, Thai­l­and on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2024, August 27. Pic by Dav­id Gillbanks.

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