Community-based tourism for urban & rural development in sub-Saharan Africa

CABI Tourism Cases on community-based tourism development in sub-Saharan Africa
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CABI Tour­ism Cases presents suc­cesses, poten­tials, and chal­lenges of com­munity-based tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity for urb­an and rur­al devel­op­ment in sub-Saha­ran Africa. The six case stud­ies are free to access until July 31, 2024. 

Tourism and development in sub-Saharan Africa: The context

The tour­ism industry has become one of the key socio-eco­nom­ic sec­tors of the sub-Saha­ran Afric­an region. 

In the last few dec­ades, the tour­ism industry in most sub-Saha­ran Afric­an coun­tries has sur­passed most oth­er eco­nom­ic sec­tors in terms of gen­er­at­ing busi­ness oppor­tun­it­ies, for­eign exchange earn­ings, and employ­ment prospects. 

Many sub-Saha­ran Afric­an coun­tries have used tour­ism in oth­er­wise eco­nom­ic­ally mar­gin­al lands in rur­al and urb­an areas to reduce abject poverty (Nov­elli & Gebhardt, 2007). 

How­ever, con­cerns have been rising that tour­ism was only bene­fit­ting inter­na­tion­al com­pan­ies, for­eign investors, and cit­izen elites. 

As a con­sequence, com­munity-based tour­ism emerged and was adop­ted as a tool for loc­al devel­op­ment. But loc­al own­er­ship and cooper­a­tion in tour­ism in the region is still low (Jaens­son, 2014). 

It is against this back­drop that this spe­cial issue explores cases revolving around com­munity-based tour­ism as a strategy for urb­an and rur­al devel­op­ment, with spe­cial focus on suc­cesses, chal­lenges, and poten­ti­al­it­ies of the sus­tain­able advance­ment of tour­ism with­in sub-Saha­ran Afric­an countries.

Con­tents ^

The cases

Guest-edited by Naomi Moswete and Monkgogi Lenao, both of the Uni­ver­sity of Bot­swana, these six case stud­ies are free to access until July 31, 2024:

Dryland Villages in the Kalahari region: Opportune for Community-Based Geotourism

In this case study, the authors Naomi Moswete, Kgosi­etsile Boik­anyo, and Juli­us Atl­hopheng chron­icle the geo­lo­gic­al, geo­mor­pho­lo­gic­al, and cul­tur­al her­it­age resources in and around the Bok­spits, Rap­pelspan, Vaal­hoek, and Stru­izen­dam vil­lages in Botswana.

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Opportunities and Challenges of Community-based Eco-cultural Tourism Development: A Case of Gwirize Cultural Village in Malawi

Felix G Bello and Math­ews Lam­bu­lira focus on the impact, oppor­tun­it­ies, and chal­lenges of com­munity-based eco-cul­tur­al tour­ism at Gwir­ize Cul­tur­al Vil­lage in Malawi.

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Botswana’s New Tourism Policy of 2021 and Mantras of Citizen Empowerment and Product Diversification: A Case of Going Backward to Move Forward

Monkgogi Lenao addresses the chal­lenges of a gov­ern­ment-centred tour­ism policy in the wake of cit­izen empower­ment and par­ti­cip­a­tion in com­munity-based tourism.

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Benefit Sharing from Maasai Manyatta Visits

Through in-depth inter­views with loc­al lead­ers and loc­al com­munit­ies, Magio E Obombo and Char­lotte Louw­man-Vogels present the bene­fit-shar­ing exper­i­ences of Maa­sai com­munit­ies from cul­tur­al Man­yatta visits.

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Land-Use Conflicts and an Alternative Wildlife Management Option for the Loliondo Game-controlled Area, Tanzania: Insights from a Community Survey

Gileard Sifuel Minja, Jungho Suh, and Yan Tan look at nat­ur­al resource man­age­ment con­flicts sur­round­ing the 4,000 sqkm Loliondo Game-con­trolled Area adja­cent to the Ser­en­geti Nation­al Park and Ngoron­goro Con­ser­va­tion Area in Tanzania.

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The Ninki Nanka Trail, The Gambia

Dav­ina Stan­ford doc­u­ments the devel­op­ment of the com­munity-led Ninki Nanka Trail, includ­ing the rationale for the trail, and how it has evolved through partnership.

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Con­tents ^

Write for CABI Tourism Cases

If read­ers are inspired to write for a spe­cial issue, we have two open at the moment:

The Diverse Tapestry of Indi­gen­ous Tour­ism: A Mul­ti­fa­ceted Landscape

The Evol­u­tion of Agri­t­our­ism — Past and Present

About CABI Tourism Cases

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Tour­ism Cases is a grow­ing col­lec­tion of high-qual­ity case stud­ies that explore and inform the devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able tour­ism. The case stud­ies bring togeth­er research, exper­i­ences and expert­ise from tour­ism stud­ies and pro­grammes around the world.

All users can search, browse and read sum­mar­ies of case stud­ies. Full text access is avail­able via indi­vidu­al or insti­tu­tion­al sub­scrip­tion, or by pur­chas­ing a single case study.

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