Considering a career in tourism? Important things you should know in 2024

March 5, 2024

So, you want a career in tourism? Map image by Harish Sharma (CC0) from Pixabay.
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In 2024, what is the most import­ant thing that a young per­son should under­stand before embark­ing upon a career in tourism?

It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites question.

Your cor­res­pond­ent put the ques­tion to the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers in the “GT” net­work, invit­ing emailed writ­ten responses of no more than 300 words. 

Be flexible and willing to learn

Saverio Francesco Bertolucci, Commercial Assistant, VDB Luxury Properties, Spain

Being a young tal­ent in this inter­est­ing and dynam­ic industry myself, this ques­tion dir­ectly relates to me and my career.

I would like to start with the premise that aca­dem­ic courses are very dif­fer­ent from real life and the daily duties of young people who enter the workforce. 

As a mat­ter of fact, it is no sur­prise that every stu­dent finds their lives full of new and over­whelm­ing work­loads once they arrive in an organisation. 

A lack of prac­tic­al stud­ies leads me to the con­clu­sion that flex­ib­il­ity is the key char­ac­ter­ist­ic every tal­ent must embrace. 

Being soci­able and open to new ideas pre­pares one to bet­ter handle emer­gen­cies and yields more oper­a­tion­al know­ledge gen­er­ally, although it entails a lot of phys­ic­al and men­tal effort as well. 

I would sug­gest that every young tal­ent who is focused on his/her career keep going des­pite the lows that will always be present, and to respect your peers at every level whose know­ledge, skills, and exper­i­ence you can tap. 

On this mat­ter, it is fun­da­ment­al to exploit the pres­ence of the exec­ut­ives in your organ­isa­tion to grasp as many insights as pos­sible about the chal­lenges they face. 

Fur­ther­more, the abil­ity to learn from and to engage with cli­ents is always a boost­er for life-chan­ging oppor­tun­it­ies, in par­tic­u­lar inside hos­pit­al­ity and travel startups. 

In any case, I would recom­mend care­fully man­aging the pre­cious hol­i­days and free moments you are afforded to recharge and dis­con­nect before you return to work!

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Rwaka Mabrise, Communications Officer, Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development & Red Rocks Rwanda

Before embark­ing upon a career in tour­ism, it’s cru­cial for a young per­son to under­stand that tour­ism is a dynam­ic and reward­ing industry, and he /she must have a genu­ine interest in travel, cul­ture, and hos­pit­al­ity and a pas­sion for explor­ing new places and inter­act­ing with people from diverse backgrounds.

Rwaka Mabrise
Rwaka Mab­rise

Young pro­fes­sion­als must under­stand the tour­ism industry’s fun­da­ment­als and shift­ing trends, since this know­ledge will help them nav­ig­ate their careers effect­ively and adapt to change with­in the sector. 

Excel­lent cus­tom­er ser­vice is one fun­da­ment­al. It’s at the core of the tour­ism industry. One should pri­or­it­ise devel­op­ing strong com­mu­nic­a­tion, prob­lem-solv­ing, and inter­per­son­al skills to provide excep­tion­al exper­i­ences for trav­el­lers and guests. 

Young pro­fes­sion­als should also be cul­tur­ally sens­it­ive, respect­ful, and open-minded, as this is fun­da­ment­al in build­ing pos­it­ive rela­tion­ships with and between tour­ists and loc­al communities. 

One trend, for example, is that the tour­ism industry and many of its cus­tom­ers are becom­ing increas­ingly con­scious of envir­on­ment­al and social issues. Young pro­fes­sion­als should there­fore under­stand the import­ance of min­im­ising envir­on­ment­al impact, respect­ing loc­al cul­tures, and sup­port­ing com­munity devel­op­ment initiatives.

[Red Rocks is a val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Partner]

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Academic training is not necessarily good for a career in tourism

Richard Butler, Emeritus Professor of Tourism, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Your ques­tion is next to impossible for me, as a long time aca­dem­ic, to answer. 

Like many of my col­leagues, my career has been in aca­demia and thus I con­sider myself to be very inap­pro­pri­ate to com­ment on a career in tour­ism oth­er than in the con­text of aca­demia. The two worlds are fur­ther apart than some col­leagues appear to think. 

The world out­side aca­demia pays little atten­tion, rightly or wrongly, to aca­dem­ics in fields such as tour­ism, so if a per­son is con­sid­er­ing an aca­dem­ic career con­cen­trat­ing on tour­ism, they should pre­pare for an exist­ence focused on aca­demia with occa­sion­al for­ays into the ‘real’ world when their interests overlap. 

If they are enter­ing a career in the applied end of tour­ism, then they should be well pre­pared to handle people and human prob­lems, and, as in most employ­ment areas, to put the job’s interests above all else or suf­fer the con­sequences; unless they are pre­pared to leave that pos­i­tion. Sad but true in most cases. 

In short, a career in tour­ism is like a career in any field, with a few twists such as the vul­ner­ab­il­ity of tour­ism to extern­al forces, the attrac­tion of pos­sibly work­ing in a loc­a­tion of high amen­ity, and the ele­ment of seasonality.

I am not sure aca­dem­ic train­ing in tour­ism is neces­sar­ily a good train­ing for work­ing in tour­ism as some of the aca­dem­ic the­or­ies and prin­ciples receive little atten­tion in the busi­ness of tourism. 

Wheth­er that is aca­dem­ics’ fault or the industry’s depends on your viewpoint.

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Listen to your elders

Geoffrey Lipman, Creative Disruption Architect, SUNx Malta

Old people are really smart and you should listen care­fully to them.

[SUNx Malta is a val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Partner]

Ed’s note: When reminded that he had 300 words to play with, Pro­fess­or Lip­man replied “Short is some­times sweet …”

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Bert van Walbeek, consultant, author, and lecturer, UK


The tour­ism industry uses too many words, words, words, while little action is taken.

The rule ‘hire atti­tude, train skills’, which got me my first job at the Ams­ter­dam Hilton in 1968, is still val­id today.

“Still words, always words, the same words”

Dal­ida & Alain Delon ‘Paroles, paroles

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Understand sustainability

Pannita ‘Mai’ Sripramai, Senior Marketing Executive, Khiri Travel, Thailand

In 2024, it’s cru­cial for a young per­son con­sid­er­ing a career in tour­ism to under­stand the sig­ni­fic­ance of sustainability. 

Pannita 'Mai' Sripramai
Pan­nita ‘Mai’ Sripramai

Recog­nising how tour­ism affects the envir­on­ment, loc­al com­munit­ies, and cul­tur­al her­it­age is key. 

They should pri­or­it­ise respons­ible tour­ism, sup­port­ing loc­al eco­nom­ies, and respect­ing cul­tur­al norms.

Strong com­mu­nic­a­tion, inter­per­son­al skills, cul­tur­al sens­it­iv­ity, prob­lem-solv­ing abil­it­ies, and adapt­ab­il­ity are essen­tial due to the diverse nature of tour­ists and destinations. 

A sol­id under­stand­ing of geo­graphy and vari­ous travel des­tin­a­tions will fur­ther enhance their expert­ise in the field.

[Khiri Travel and Khiri Reach are val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Partners]

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‘There’s not a better career you could choose’

Duncan M Simpson, Writer, Simply Hostels and Light travels, UK

The rewards are vast. A career in tour­ism offers travel, travel, and more travel.

And massive oppor­tun­it­ies. So many dif­fer­ent roles are pos­sible; from man­age­ment to house work, the oppor­tun­it­ies are enormous. 

The part of tour­ism I miss most is meet­ing, greet­ing, and serving people from around the globe, nev­er know­ing who might pitch up next.

Even if you nev­er leave selling hol­i­days in your home town, you’ll travel without trav­el­ling. You’ll meet people full of excite­ment for their hol­i­day or a trip of a life­time, happy at arriv­ing or saddened by depar­ture, because tour­ism is always about people.

Tour­ism provides massive chances to learn great cus­tom­er ser­vice. That’s what makes tour­ism work, espe­cially face to face, one to one. 

And you’ll solve prob­lems, from lost lug­gage, to over­book­ing, and cry­ing children.

Skills at work­ing with people are essen­tial. Tour­ism is a con­stant battle to keep people happy and motiv­ated because travel, des­pite its glam­our, can also be tedi­ous, full of dull waits, long hours, late nights, and early mornings.

A career in tour­ism will be full of chal­lenge, espe­cially today when hos­tile media, loc­al com­munit­ies, and the effects of cli­mate change attack the busi­ness. In your career you’ll have to find new ways of doing travel, of keep­ing tour­ism alive. Your reward will be in over­com­ing those chal­lenges, filling tour­ism with hope and dreams. 

Take the work. It might last a life­time and you may nev­er come home again. 

I loved the work I did in tour­ism. There’s not a bet­ter career you could choose.

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Equip yourself with sustainability knowledge

Samut Bunnag, Junior Marketing Manager, LightBlue Consulting, Thailand

In 2024, young indi­vidu­als eye­ing a career in tour­ism need to under­stand the crit­ic­al import­ance of pre­par­ing for a rap­idly chan­ging land­scape, with sus­tain­ab­il­ity at its heart. 

Samut Bunnag
Samut Bunnag

The shift towards sus­tain­able tour­ism reflects a deep-rooted change in the industry’s oper­a­tion, driv­en by trav­el­lers’ grow­ing demand for authen­t­ic, envir­on­ment­ally-respons­ible exper­i­ences that pos­it­ively impact loc­al com­munit­ies and environments.

The rise of eco-lodges, green hotels, respons­ible wild­life tours, and cer­ti­fic­a­tions by entit­ies like the Glob­al Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Coun­cil (GSTC) high­light the sec­tor’s pivot towards sustainability. 

This evol­u­tion calls for a new gen­er­a­tion of tour­ism pro­fes­sion­als, well versed in sus­tain­ab­il­ity issues and cap­able of integ­rat­ing such prac­tices into their work.

Courses like those provided by Light­Blue Learn­ing are key to this pre­par­at­ory phase, arm­ing future pro­fes­sion­als with essen­tial know­ledge and skills to lead sus­tain­ably. These pro­grams delve into crit­ic­al top­ics like food waste reduc­tion, energy effi­ciency, and com­munity engage­ment, offer­ing action­able insights in address­ing the industry’s challenges.

The sig­ni­fic­ance of sus­tain­ab­il­ity edu­ca­tion is under­scored by its adop­tion with­in hos­pit­al­ity schools. For instance, NHL Stenden Uni­ver­sity in the Neth­er­lands and ESSEC Uni­ver­sity in France have integ­rated the Food Waste Pre­ven­tion online course into their hos­pit­al­ity cur­riculum. This endorse­ment not only affirms the course’s rel­ev­ance but also gears up the next tour­ism pro­fes­sion­al gen­er­a­tion to embed sus­tain­ab­il­ity into their careers.

Equip­ping one­self with sus­tain­ab­il­ity know­ledge and skills before embark­ing on a tour­ism career is not just bene­fi­cial but essen­tial. It pos­i­tions young pro­fes­sion­als to lead the charge towards a more sus­tain­able, respons­ible tour­ism industry for the plan­et and every­one on it.

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‘Your work counts!’

Soile Veijola, Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism, University of Lapland, Finland

A career in tourism? 

Professor Soile Veijola
Prof Soile Veijola

You may go for busi­ness suc­cess fol­lowed by an intense life­style in fancy environments. 

You can fol­low your heart by search­ing for an envir­on­ment in which you can pur­sue your fond­est hobby while earn­ing your live­li­hood by invit­ing tour­ists to join you. 

In fact, you can use your edu­ca­tion and skills in tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity work in so many ways! 

Voca­tion­al train­ing will allow you to work and travel all over the world. High­er edu­ca­tion in tour­ism will provide you with an edu­ca­tion com­par­able to a teacher’s; you’ll gain the skills of a gen­er­al­ist who can be employed in a wide range of jobs. 

Moreover, both teach­ers and tour­ism pro­fes­sion­als can use the oppor­tun­ity to spread the know­ledge and know-how of sus­tain­able liv­ing and well-being. 

It is worth not­ing that work­ing life has changed remark­ably over the last 40 years or so. When your grand­par­ents and par­ents made their choices, the skills and know­ledge achieved through exper­i­ence and edu­ca­tion were essential. 

Gradu­ally, how­ever, emphas­is has shif­ted from being a skilled employ­ee to one who can cre­ate ‘pos­it­ive audi­ence effects’. A radi­ant smile and the skills that make cus­tom­ers happy, sat­is­fied, and enter­tained are what matters. 

Nowadays, those desired audi­ence effects take place more in social media. The ‘tour­ist exper­i­ence’ is a visu­al per­form­ance of the self against ‘an ins­tagram­mable back­drop’. The cre­ation of seduct­ive set­tings for this has become the driv­ing force in the con­struc­tion of tour­ist environments. 

In this era of tech­no­logy-medi­ated tour­ist exper­i­ence, coupled with pleas­ures that are as lux­uri­ous as pos­sible, the grow­ing aware­ness of the need to live, build, and travel more sus­tain­ably makes jobs in tour­ism devel­op­ment, research, edu­ca­tion, busi­ness, and ser­vice design poignantly influential. 

Tour­ism can change lives and environments! 

A tour­ist guide is a teacher.

Your work counts!

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Sustainability: ‘Pivotal consideration’, ‘paramount importance’ 

AI: ChatGPT 3.5

In 2024, a pivotal con­sid­er­a­tion for a young per­son enter­ing a career in tour­ism is the para­mount import­ance of sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The evolving land­scape of glob­al tour­ism demands a pro­found aware­ness of the industry’s impact on the envir­on­ment, loc­al com­munit­ies, and cul­tur­al heritage. 

"Good Tourism" Insight Bites. Remember, in artificial (and human) intelligence: If garbage in, then garbage out. Image: Alexandra Koch (CC0) via Pixabay.
Remem­ber, in arti­fi­cial (and human) intel­li­gence: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). Image.

Bey­ond the pur­suit of eco­nom­ic gains, pro­fes­sion­als in this field must pri­or­itse respons­ible tour­ism prac­tices to ensure the long-term well-being of des­tin­a­tions and their inhab­it­ants. A cru­cial aspect involves recog­nising the intric­ate web of con­nec­tions between tour­ism and its reper­cus­sions, ran­ging from envir­on­ment­al degrad­a­tion to the erosion of cul­tur­al authenticity. 

Young indi­vidu­als in this field should grasp the sig­ni­fic­ance of their role in mit­ig­at­ing adverse effects and fos­ter­ing pos­it­ive change. Pri­or­it­ising respons­ible tour­ism involves sup­port­ing loc­al eco­nom­ies, respect­ing cul­tur­al norms, and pro­mot­ing sus­tain­able practices.

Equip­ping one­self with a diverse skill set is equally vital for suc­cess in the dynam­ic tour­ism industry of 2024. Strong com­mu­nic­a­tion skills, inter­per­son­al acu­men, cul­tur­al sens­it­iv­ity, prob­lem-solv­ing abil­it­ies, and adapt­ab­il­ity are indis­pens­able attrib­utes. Giv­en the diverse nature of tour­ists and des­tin­a­tions, these skills enable pro­fes­sion­als to nav­ig­ate vari­ous chal­lenges and cre­ate pos­it­ive exper­i­ences for all stake­hold­ers involved.

Moreover, a sol­id found­a­tion in geo­graphy and com­pre­hens­ive know­ledge of vari­ous travel des­tin­a­tions will amp­li­fy one’s expert­ise in the field. Under­stand­ing the geo­graph­ic­al nuances, cul­tur­al nuances, and unique selling points of dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions enables pro­fes­sion­als to tail­or their approach and offer­ings, thereby enhan­cing the over­all qual­ity of the tour­ism experience.

In sum­mary, as young indi­vidu­als embark upon a career in tour­ism in 2024, a nuanced under­stand­ing of sus­tain­ab­il­ity, coupled with a ver­sat­ile skill set and com­pre­hens­ive know­ledge of des­tin­a­tions, will be instru­ment­al for suc­cess in nav­ig­at­ing the com­plex­it­ies of the industry while con­trib­ut­ing to its pos­it­ive evolution.

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Adaptability: ‘Most crucial thing’

AI: Gemini

In 2024, per­haps the most cru­cial thing for a young per­son con­sid­er­ing a career in tour­ism is adapt­ab­il­ity. The industry is under­go­ing sig­ni­fic­ant shifts, driv­en by factors like:

"Good Tourism" Insight Bites. Remember, in artificial (and human) intelligence: If garbage in, then garbage out. Image: Alexandra Koch (CC0) via Pixabay.
Remem­ber, in arti­fi­cial (and human) intel­li­gence: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). Image.
  • Sus­tain­ab­il­ity: Eco-con­scious travel prac­tices and respons­ible tour­ism are gain­ing major trac­tion. Under­stand­ing and embra­cing sus­tain­able prin­ciples will be key to future success.
  • Tech­no­logy: From AI-powered travel assist­ants to vir­tu­al real­ity exper­i­ences, tech­no­logy is rap­idly chan­ging the tour­ism land­scape. Embra­cing these advance­ments and stay­ing adapt­able will be crucial.
  • Evolving trav­el­er demands: Tour­ists are increas­ingly seek­ing per­son­al­ised, authen­t­ic exper­i­ences. The abil­ity to cater to these evolving needs and adapt to chan­ging trends will be essential.

There­fore, while pas­sion for travel remains import­ant, a young per­son in 2024 step­ping into tour­ism must be ready to adapt to a dynam­ic and evolving industry built on sus­tain­ab­il­ity, tech­no­logy, and personalisation.

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‘Crucial considerations’

AI: Copilot

As we step into 2024, embark­ing upon a career in tour­ism holds immense prom­ise and excite­ment. How­ever, there are cru­cial con­sid­er­a­tions that young indi­vidu­als should grasp before ven­tur­ing into this dynam­ic field.

"Good Tourism" Insight Bites. Remember, in artificial (and human) intelligence: If garbage in, then garbage out. Image: Alexandra Koch (CC0) via Pixabay.
Remem­ber, in arti­fi­cial (and human) intel­li­gence: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). Image.
  1. Sus­tain­ab­il­ity and Con­scious Con­sumer­ism:
    • Aware­ness of Envir­on­ment­al Impact: The tour­ism industry sig­ni­fic­antly impacts the envir­on­ment. Under­stand­ing the envir­on­ment­al con­sequences is vital.
    • Pro­mot­ing Sus­tain­able Prac­tices: Advoc­ate for sus­tain­able tour­ism, min­im­ise waste, and sup­port eco-friendly initiatives.
    • Bal­an­cing Eco­nom­ic Growth and Con­ser­va­tion: Strik­ing a bal­ance between growth and pre­serving nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al her­it­age is critical.
  2. Adapt­ab­il­ity and Resi­li­ence:
    • Expect Volat­il­ity: Tour­ism is sens­it­ive to glob­al events. Be adapt­able and resi­li­ent in the face of unex­pec­ted challenges.
    • Diverse Skill Set: Bey­ond tra­di­tion­al skills, pro­fi­ciency in crisis man­age­ment, digit­al mar­ket­ing, and com­munity engage­ment is essential.
  3. Cul­tur­al Sens­it­iv­ity and Empathy:
    • Respect­ing Loc­al Cul­tures: Under­stand loc­al cus­toms and norms.
    • Empath­et­ic Engage­ment: Treat loc­als with kind­ness and empathy.
  4. Eth­ic­al Con­sid­er­a­tions:
    • Avoid­ing Exploit­a­tion: Be aware of poten­tial exploitation.
    • Bal­an­cing Profit and Social Respons­ib­il­ity: Respons­ible tour­ism bene­fits both trav­el­lers and host communities.
  5. Con­tinu­ous Learn­ing and Adapt­a­tion:
    • Stay Informed: Keep up with industry trends and tech­no­lo­gic­al advancements.
    • Lifelong Learn­ing: Pur­sue cer­ti­fic­a­tions and engage in networking.

In sum­mary, a suc­cess­ful career in tour­ism requires pas­sion, adapt­ab­il­ity, cul­tur­al sens­it­iv­ity, and a com­mit­ment to sus­tain­ab­il­ity. Young pro­fes­sion­als who embrace these prin­ciples will con­trib­ute to a thriv­ing and respons­ible industry.

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“GT” Insight BiteX (‘X’ is up to you)

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog offers a great oppor­tun­ity to any travel & tour­ism stake­hold­er who wishes to express them­self in writ­ing for the bene­fit of “GT’s” thought­ful and open-minded read­ers. To fea­ture in the next “GT” Insight Bite com­pil­a­tion, send no more than 300 words (300 words or few­er (</=300 words)) on any tour­ism-related idea or con­cern you may have. “GT’s” pub­lish­er will per­son­ally help with basic copy edit­ing, so don’t by shy if you lack con­fid­ence in writ­ing English. 

Send your “GT” Insight Bite and pic­ture to

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BiteX: Cosmetic solutions won’t build a more equitable supply chain

Shane K Beary, CEO, Track of the Tiger, Thailand

Dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, some of us emphas­ised the need to cre­ate a more equit­able sup­ply chain with­in the tour­ism industry by tack­ling these per­sist­ent issues:

Shane K Beary
Shane K Beary
  • Tour­ism leak­age from host coun­tries. These reach alarm­ing rates. They’re as high as 70% in Thai­l­and, for example.
  • Exor­bit­ant com­mis­sions (circa 30%) levied by OTAs.

OTA excess can be checked, with min­im­al dis­rup­tion, by intro­du­cing a new online book­ing plat­form — levy­ing much lower com­mis­sions — that is cus­tom-designed for a ‘best-prac­tice-com­pli­ant’ respons­ible tour­ism sector.

Equally import­ant is the need to ensure an equit­able dis­tri­bu­tion of tour­ism rev­en­ue and oppor­tun­ity to micro, small, and medi­um-sized enter­prises (MSMEs) with­in the sec­tor, cur­rently dis­en­fran­chised by the SEO sys­tem. This would allow them and the com­munit­ies they oper­ate in to foster respons­ible prac­tices and mit­ig­ate future chal­lenges, includ­ing those related to cli­mate change and glob­al instability.

Example 1. Imple­ment­ing ‘respons­ible tour­ism driv­en’ sus­tain­able agri­cul­ture pro­jects for rur­al schools. Such pro­jects yield chem­ic­al-free pro­duce for nutri­tious school lunches, enhan­cing learn­ing out­comes. Sur­plus pro­duce is sold loc­ally, fund­ing edu­ca­tion­al resources. Stu­dents are equp­pied with valu­able sus­tain­able agri­cul­tur­al skills that can be applied with­in their fam­il­ies, cre­at­ing sec­ond­ary income streams. Both increase access to fur­ther edu­ca­tion, both aca­dem­ic and vocational.

Example 2. In coastal areas, efforts should focus on mar­ine eco­sys­tem res­tor­a­tion pro­jects, such as build­ing fish hab­it­ats, restor­ing cor­al reefs, expand­ing man­grove forests, and under­tak­ing research stud­ies. By fund­ing and col­lab­or­at­ing with loc­al com­munit­ies on such endeav­ours, both tour­ists and com­munity mem­bers bene­fit sig­ni­fic­antly, whilst also address­ing the broad­er envir­on­ment­al con­cerns that affect us all.

In both examples, and sev­er­al oth­ers as yet unmen­tioned, the mar­ket appeal is strong, and the poten­tial ROI far exceeds the fund­ing required.

To sum­mar­ise, the solu­tions are there. They do, how­ever, require all stake­hold­ers to look bey­ond their own nar­row self-interests and see the big­ger picture.

[Track of the Tiger is a val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Partner]

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What do you think? 

In a com­ment below share your own thoughts about what someone con­sid­er­ing a career in tour­ism should knowSIGN IN or REGISTER first. (After sign­ing in you will need to refresh this page to see the com­ments section.) 

Or write a “GT” Insight or “GT” Insight Bite of your own. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism, because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

This is an open invit­a­tion to travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers from any back­ground to share their thoughts in plain Eng­lish with a glob­al industry audience.

“GT” doesn’t judge. “GT” pub­lishes. “GT” is where free thought travels.

If you think the tour­ism media land­scape is bet­ter with “GT” in it, then please … 

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Featured image (top of post)

Map image with sym­bols by Har­ish Sharma (CC0) from Pixabay. “GT” added the ques­tion: “So, you want a career in tourism?”

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