Do sustainability awards in long-haul destinations make sense?

June 22, 2023

Do sustainability awards for stakeholders in long-haul destinations make sense? Check box by OpenClipart-Vectors (CC0) and the beach by Walkerssk (CC0). Both via Pixabay.
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Richard But­ler won­ders why sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards are giv­en to stake­hold­ers in des­tin­a­tions that rely upon long-haul air travel. 

In dir­ect reply to “Good Tour­ism” news­let­ter #185, Prof But­ler wrote:

I won­der why so many organ­isa­tions sup­port­ing ‘sus­tain­able tour­ism’ offer awards to enter­prises in coun­tries where the major­ity of non-domest­ic tour­ists travel long dis­tances by plane to reach such des­tin­a­tions, using large amounts of energy and con­trib­ut­ing to unsus­tain­able car­bon emissions.

Prof But­ler is Emer­it­us Pro­fess­or at the Strath­clyde Busi­ness School in Scot­land and the mind behind But­ler­’s tour­ism area life cycle (TALC) mod­el, which would be famil­i­ar to most people who have stud­ied tourism.

Your cor­res­pond­ent offered Prof But­ler the oppor­tun­ity to expand upon his thoughts by way of a “GT” Insight. He declined but indic­ated an interest in any responses.

POST UPDATED June 25, 2023. Go straight to it or con­tin­ue reading …

Do you have any thoughts to share? Register with “GT” and sign up to the “GT” news­let­ter, then return to this post and refresh it to access the com­ments func­tion­al­ity below.

So, in “GT” news #186, I pub­lished his words and soli­cited responses by dir­ect reply. 

To encour­age engage­ment, I also wrote the following: 

My first thought was that any giv­en organ­isa­tion that is in the busi­ness of inter­na­tion­al travel & tour­ism may well be fully sup­port­ive of, for example, sus­tain­able avi­ation fuels (SAF), but are not them­selves in the busi­ness of research­ing, devel­op­ing, and pro­du­cing them.

Per­haps the biggest influ­ence such an organ­isa­tion could have, if sus­tain­ab­i­lilty is their ideal, is in mak­ing their own oper­a­tions as sus­tain­able as pos­sible, and encour­aging and sup­port­ing cur­rent and pro­spect­ive part­ners and sup­pli­ers to do the same.

Alex­an­dra Michat, Chief Pur­pose Officer at EXO Travel Group, a “GT” Part­ner, agreed:

As you very rightly poin­ted out, the biggest influ­ence we at EXO can have is “mak­ing our own oper­a­tions as sus­tain­able as pos­sible and encour­aging our cur­rent and pro­spect­ive part­ners and sup­pli­ers to do the same”.

Indeed the inten­tion with [EXO Found­a­tion’s Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards] is to recog­nise and reward organ­isa­tions and com­pan­ies that take action in our des­tin­a­tions to pro­mote sus­tain­able tour­ism and this will ulti­mately bene­fit the loc­al com­munit­ies and domest­ic travellers.

Wolfgang Georg Arlt respon­ded to Prof Butler:

At the Him­alay­an Tour­ism Mart Con­fer­ence on June 7th in Kath­mandu, which I had the pleas­ure to attend and address, the Tour­ism Min­is­ter of the Mal­dives gave a good answer to this often-heard argument:

The Mal­dives are doing everything to make tour­ism more sus­tain­able, for instance by open­ing the oppor­tun­ity for homestays in the com­munity as an altern­at­ive to resorts. 

There is no oth­er way to reach the Mal­dives than by air and no source of sub­stan­tial income for the inhab­it­ants of the Mal­dives oth­er than tourism. 

Are those arguing to stop inter­na­tion­al flights for leis­ure sug­gest­ing that people in places like the Mal­dives should starve?

The prob­lem is not fly­ing, the prob­lem is using fossil fuel. 

Instead of blam­ing tour­ists the pres­sure has to be brought to the air­lines and the jet pro­du­cers to speed up the intro­duc­tion of SAF and oth­er options. Elec­tric cars show how fast devel­op­ment can be. 

If the European Uni­on, for example, were to declare that from 2033 no air­craft using fossil fuel is allowed to land at a European air­port, tech­no­logy devel­op­ment will speed up accordingly. 

The solu­tion is ‘mean­ing­ful tour­ism’, which includes the pro­tec­tion of the envir­on­ment as one of the six main stake­hold­er ele­ments but does not for­get host com­munit­ies as one of the oth­er five stakeholders.

Prof Dr Arlt is the CEO of both the COTRI China Out­bound Tour­ism Research Insti­tute and the Mean­ing­ful Tour­ism Cen­ter.

UPDATE June 25, 2023: Geof­frey Lip­man of “GT” Part­ner SUNx Malta respon­ded to Richard But­ler by dir­ect reply to “GT” news #187, as follows:

1)  Because awards are gen­er­ally not designed by sci­ence but by mar­ket­ing / PR / ad agency types. 

2) Because they are gen­er­ally fun­ded by the advert­ising / mar­ket­ing budgets of people that “win” them or want to be asso­ci­ated with them. (This is not just a tour­ism thing; e.g. why do Rolex watches help you play tennis?)

3) Because it gen­er­ally works with people so that’s where the big budget returns are. 

4) Because we have no reas­on to demon­ise fly­ing until the gen­er­al pub­lic catches on to the fact that air­line and avi­ation strategy is to double real emis­sions by 2050 but “buy” oth­er people’s reductions. 

5) Because no one in the massive travel & tour­ism sec­tor has bought into the IPCC doc­trine that to hit any­thing close to Par­is 1.5 we must peak emis­sions. (Well we do it naus­eat­ingly at SUNx, but we have no mar­ket­ing or advert­ising budget.)

Above all Richard is a smart guy. That’s why he asked the ques­tion. The smart answer is “Why do you always fish in the same place? Because that’s where the fish are.”

Clearly, there is nuance to be found in the awk­ward ten­sion between sus­tain­ab­il­ity, long-haul travel, and the best inten­tions of travel & tour­ism stakeholders. 

Do you have a dif­fer­ent perspective?

Do you have any thoughts to share? Register with “GT” and sign up to the “GT” news­let­ter, then return to this post and refresh it to access the com­ments func­tion­al­ity below.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards for long-haul des­tin­a­tions? Check box by Open­Cli­part-Vec­tors (CC0) and the beach by Walk­erssk (CC0). Both via Pixabay.

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