Ecotourism experiences refreshed for 2023 at Anurak Community Lodge, Thailand

Anurak Trail - Ecotourism experiences refreshed for 2023 at Anurak Community Lodge in Thailand. Image supplied by Anurak.
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Lever­aging its stun­ning loc­a­tion at the edge of the biod­iversity hot­spot of Khao Sok Nation­al Park in Thai­l­and, Anurak Com­munity Lodge is offer­ing its nature-lov­ing guests refreshed eco­tour­ism activities. 

Gen­er­al Man­ager Trav­is Clark reveals what vis­it­ors can look for­ward to in the new year. 

As 2022 slips into 2023, down in the south of Thai­l­and, Anurak Com­munity Lodge is relaunch­ing three hands-on eco­tour­ism ini­ti­at­ives that, to be hon­est, fell a little bit by the way­side dur­ing the Cov­id go-slow and tour­ism shut­down years.

We’re com­ing back strong with three exper­i­ences that are cent­ral to our exist­ence as an eco­lodge on the peri­met­er of the mag­ni­fi­cent Khao Sok nation­al park forest. 

Our guests want to con­vene with nature. They want to under­stand it, pro­tect it, and enjoy it in a respect­ful low- or no-impact way.

Enjoy the informative fun of our Scavenger Hunt

One such pro­ject is our Scav­enger Hunt, a free self-guided activity. 

Betel nut plaque Scavenger Hunt 1
Click to open a lar­ger image in a new tab.

We give guests an A4 annot­ated map of our six-hec­tare grounds. The map lists 16 spe­cies of trop­ic­al flower, herb, plant, or tree. These include, for example, star goose­berry, fran­gi­pani, purple man­gos­teen tree and so on. The guests have to find each spe­cies type by walk­ing through our grounds, and tick­ing it off on the map. Guests will find an inform­at­ive pictori­al plaque explain­ing about the plant at the giv­en location.

For the betel nut palm, for example, guests will learn that this slender green palm (Areca cat­echua) grows to about 15 metres tall and gives a sweet fruit known as betel nut which is often used in medi­cine and essen­tial oils. The betel nut palm is thought to have ori­gin­ated in the Phil­ip­pines, but it is now wide­spread in the tropics.

And so on for 15 oth­er species. 

Kids and adults love the Scav­enger Hunt. Kids espe­cially enjoy the phys­ic­al ‘search’ com­pon­ent. It’s edu­ca­tion­al and easy to do. 

Explore our special corner of amazing Thailand on the Anurak Trail

On the Anurak Trail
On the Anurak Trail

Easy too is a walk around our one-kilo­metre cir­cu­lar forest track called the Anurak Trail, a com­fort­able 45-minute to one-hour hike into the adja­cent nation­al park. 

Anurak staff have refreshed the sign posts and cut back some over­grown parts of the path. Guests get an easy-to-use map for the trail that passes through dis­tinct­ive scenery that is the hall­mark of the area. There are plenty of fig, bam­boo, dip­tero­carp trees, and even a palm oil and cof­fee plantation. 

At one point guests walk through a cave-like pas­sage­way with impress­ive lime­stone cliffs tower­ing above. These rock faces are very much part of the south­ern Thai­l­and land­scape in Sur­at Thani, Krabi, Phangnga, and Trang.

Help us restore the rainforest

Rainforest Rising at Anurak Community Lodge, Thailand
Rain­forest Rising in action by the staff of Anurak Com­munity Lodge. File image.

Anurak staff are also in the pro­cess of enhan­cing and rein­tro­du­cing our Rain­forest Rising pro­ject. This is an ini­ti­at­ive for which, over a peri­od of years, Anurak guests plant sap­lings of indi­gen­ous tree spe­cies in areas where ali­en palm oil trees were intro­duced as a com­mer­cial crop many years ago.

Rain­forest Rising was cre­ated in cooper­a­tion with the Forest Res­tor­a­tion and Research Unit of Chi­ang Mai Uni­ver­sity. Guests at the lodge pay 300 baht (about US$10) to plant an indi­gen­ous spe­cies of tree sap­ling. It becomes ‘their’ tree. They can opt to receive emails on its pro­gress and the devel­op­ment of the refor­est­a­tion pro­ject as a whole.

Anurak Community Lodge general manager Travis Clark
Anurak Com­munity Lodge GM Trav­is Clark

Bey­ond these three pro­jects, Anurak Com­munity Lodge is Trav­elife cer­ti­fied, mean­ing it passes rig­or­ous respons­ible tour­ism checks assessed by the Europe-based company. 

As you would expect, Anurak is strong on recyc­ling, redu­cing, and reusing. It’s all part of our low- to no-impact respons­ible travel & tour­ism endeavors.

With the Scav­enger Hunt, Anurak Trail, and Rain­forest Rising pro­jects back to the fore, we look for­ward to wel­com­ing new (and former) eco­tour­ism guests back to Anurak Com­munity Lodge in 2023.

Fea­tured image (top of post): On the Anurak Trail. 

About Anurak Community Lodge

Loc­ated a 75-minute drive from Sur­at Thani air­port, 2 hrs 30 mins from Phuket air­port and 2 hrs from Krabi air­port, Anurak Com­munity Lodge is an award win­ning eco-retreat for act­ive life­style vis­it­ors who respect nature and loc­al com­munity tra­di­tions. The 19-key lodge offers Deluxe Green Double, Eco Double, Eco Twin options, plus one Super­i­or Safari Tent. Sur­roun­ded by spec­tac­u­lar lime­stone karst scenery, the lodge is an ideal base to explore adja­cent Khao Sok Nation­al Park and majest­ic Chiew Larn Lake. Anurak Com­munity Lodge is Trav­elife Gold Certified. 

Full inform­a­tion and book­ings at

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