Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action
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Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cam­bod­ia has won the 2022 Hotel Invest­ment Con­fer­ence Asia Pacific (HICAP) Sus­tain­able Hotel Award for Cli­mate Action.

Apart from cli­mate action, there were awards for build­ing preservation/adaptive reuse, pos­it­ive com­munity impact, and sus­tain­able design. The BHN Group, which runs the HICAP event, announced the win­ners on 12 October.

Sev­en judges, mostly from insti­tu­tion­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity back­grounds, assessed the sub­mis­sions. The judges based the cli­mate action decision on Car­damom Ten­ted Camp’s abil­ity to work with part­ners to pre­serve 180 sq km of low­land rain­forest in the Botum Sakor nation­al park in south­w­est Cambodia. 

On cli­mate action, it is estim­ated that the forest that the camp helps pro­tect sequesters about 108,652 tons of car­bon per year, accord­ing to Wild­life Works.

“… the forest that the camp helps pro­tect sequesters about 108,652 tons of car­bon per year, accord­ing to Wild­life Works.”

Since open­ing in 2017, the ten­ted camp’s motto has been, “Your Stay Keeps the Forest Stand­ing.” It makes the claim because monthly salar­ies of 10 Wild­life Alli­ance forest rangers are sup­ple­men­ted by profits from the camp. The rangers pro­tect the hab­it­at from illeg­al poach­ers, log­gers, riverb­ank sand dredgers and land encroachers.

Pop­u­la­tions of ele­phant, leo­pard, python, sun bear, otter, pan­golin and oth­er wild­life are increas­ing due to camp-fun­ded ranger patrols. The rangers have forced poach­ers to the peri­met­ers, or out of the park altogether.

Willem Niemeijer
Willem Niemeijer

“Des­pite set­backs dur­ing the two Cov­id years when tour­ism income greatly dis­ap­peared, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp per­severed in its envir­on­ment­al mis­sion,” said Willem Niemeijer, CEO of camp oper­at­or YAANA Ventures. 

“We are grate­ful to HICAP for recog­nising our stay­ing power and abil­ity to work with part­ners to keep the forest stand­ing, with all the bene­fits that brings.”

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is a part­ner­ship between Minor Hotel Group’s sus­tain­ab­il­ity arm, the Golden Tri­angle Asi­an Ele­phant Found­a­tion, Wild­life Alli­ance, and YAANA.

HICAP judges also took into con­sid­er­a­tion the camp’s strong con­tri­bu­tion to UN Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals such as life on land, clean and afford­able energy, decent work, eco­nom­ic growth, cli­mate action, and partnerships. 

Bey­ond seques­ter­ing an estim­ated 108,652 tons of CO2 annu­ally, the judges also recog­nised Car­damom Ten­ted Camp’s addi­tion­al envir­on­ment­al efforts. 

BHN noted: “The camp is powered by 100% onsite sol­ar power for its elec­tri­city, has low impact heat­ing and cook­ing, and nat­ur­al wastewa­ter fil­tra­tion pro­cesses. The prop­erty recycles as much as pos­sible and uses 100% organ­ic per­son­al care products. 

“Future plans include power­ing its boat with an elec­tric bat­tery, increas­ing loc­al and onsite food sourcing, and under­tak­ing com­munity activ­it­ies for conservation.”

As well as Car­damom Ten­ted Camp’s envir­on­ment­al efforts, it also scores well on hos­pit­al­ity and all-round guest exper­i­ence met­rics. The camp’s guest sat­is­fac­tion levels are rated 5.0 – excel­lent – by Tri­pAd­visor, and have been so for three years

After Cov­id impacts, YAANA Ven­tures estim­ates Car­damom Ten­ted Camp will end 2022 with about 80% of 2019’s occu­pancy and will return to prof­it­able levels in 2023. YAANA Ven­tures says it will then increase con­tri­bu­tions to the forest rangers.

In the 2022 HICAP Sus­tain­able Hotel Awards, Soneva Fushi in the Mal­dives won for pos­it­ive com­munity impact. Lyf one-north in Singa­pore won for sus­tain­able design.

About Cardamom Tented Camp

Cardamom Tented Camp

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is an eco­lodge loc­ated in the foot­hills of the Car­damom Moun­tains in Cam­bod­ia. The nine-unit ten­ted camp, with res­taur­ant pavil­ion, staff dorm­it­ory, eco­tour­ism equip­ment and boat pier, uses sol­ar power to run lodge amen­it­ies. The camp has its own waste water fil­tra­tion pro­cess. There is no road access. The camp is access­ible only by river boat – or forest hike.

The lodge aims to min­im­ize the human foot­print on the nat­ur­al world and serve as a role mod­el in pro­mot­ing sus­tain­able eco­tour­ism prac­tices with­in both the nation­al park and Cam­bod­ia as a whole. Loc­ated on an 18,000-hectare (180 sq km) con­ces­sion, the lodge and its sur­round­ings are home to pristine low­land and coastal hab­it­ats link­ing wild­life cor­ridors to the Car­damom Moun­tains. Eco-friendly trekking and kayak­ing pack­ages are avail­able for adven­ture enthu­si­asts who are keen to be a part of real con­ser­va­tion work.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is a three-way ini­ti­at­ive between Minor Group, YAANA Ven­tures and Wild­life Alli­ance to ensure the land and its biod­iversity does not fall into the hands of log­gers, poach­ers and sand dredging operations.

Admin­is­trat­ive Office of Car­damom Ten­ted Camp
No. 25D, Street 294, Sangkat Tonle Bas­sac,
Chamkar­morn, Phnom Penh, Cam­bod­ia
Tel: +855 966 410 783 | Email:

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