Bali is back, and so is the rest of wild Indonesia

Orangutans, Kalimantan, Indonesia
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Since the long-awaited — but then very sud­den — eas­ing of travel restric­tions for travel into Indone­sia last March, Bali has seen a very quick return of travellers. 

Along Bali’s south­w­est coast one will once again find the typ­ic­al beach- and Bintang-attrac­ted visitor. 

Beach­front hotels and beach clubs are exper­i­en­cing a book­ings rush from both domest­ic and for­eign trav­el­lers for arrivals right now, and in the sum­mer months ahead of us. 

On the streets of Ubud, back­pack­ers, yogis, food­ies, and art lov­ers have returned to try and be among the first to exper­i­ence a quiet Bali ahead of the tra­di­tion­al high season. 

The re-open­ing of Bali has come at the per­fect time; some months ahead of the tra­di­tion­al dry and cool sea­son. This is giv­ing trav­el­lers ample time to research and book their trip for the sum­mer months. 

While the Green Sea­son has star­ted in oth­er South­east Asi­an des­tin­a­tions to the north, Indone­sia is wel­com­ing the dry and cool­er peri­od start­ing this June and last­ing well into Septem­ber or beyond.

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Explore Indonesia’s wild and far-flung isles

At Khiri Travel we are of course delighted with the quick return of travel to beau­ti­ful Indone­sia. We are extremely happy to see our befriended guides and drivers in Bali work­ing again. Equally, we are proud to pro­mote the more far-flung islands of the archipelago, as we have always done. 

On our home-island of Lom­bok, our office has been open through­out most of the pan­dem­ic. Since the reopen­ing of travel we have been able to re-hire a good num­ber of our staff. 

We have wel­comed the first trav­el­lers back to Lom­bok to show them the remote corners of the island, such a Sen­aru in North Lom­bok on the flanks of the Rinjani for a good nature hike. And to East Lom­bok to wit­ness and exper­i­ence loc­al weav­ing and an at-home loc­al culin­ary experience. 

Lombok weaving by Sareh Erwin
Weav­ing on Lom­bok. Photo © Sareh Erwin.

In Flores, our loc­al coordin­at­or Matus has taken the first fam­ily across the island from Maumere to Labuan Bajo; well before many oth­er trav­el­lers start arriving. 

In Kali­mantan, our tour lead­er Ant­on has lead the first group of Brit­ish trav­el­lers through the rain­forest and across jungle rivers.

Even Sulawesi and Pap­ua have seen the return of some of our Amer­ic­an travellers. 

After more than two years we can finally say wel­come back to Indonesia!

Khiri Travel Indonesia

Jl. Panji Tilar Neg­ara no. 5 Ser­uni,
Ampen­an, Matar­am 83115 Lom­bok – NTB, Indone­sia | T +62 370 647 390
T +62 852 3971 7649 (Emer­gen­cies)
E [email protected] | Web­site

Khiri Core

226/9 Tiwan­on Soi 24, Tiwan­on Rd.,
Bangkas­or Nonthaburi
11000, Thai­l­and
T +66 2968 6828 | F +66 2968 6829
E [email protected] | Web­site

About Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel -

Pur­pose: Mak­ing tour­ism a force for good.

Vis­ion: It is our goal that our pas­sion­ately designed travel exper­i­ences – regard­less of travel style and budget – provide unfor­get­table, high-qual­ity exper­i­ences for our trav­el­ers as well as an effort­less, inspir­ing way to con­trib­ute pos­it­ively to the con­ser­va­tion of com­munit­ies and des­tin­a­tions we travel to.

Mis­sion: As a lead­ing des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany, Khiri Travel deliv­ers cre­at­ive and per­son­al­ised itin­er­ar­ies with the highest stand­ard of ser­vice to dis­cern­ing tour oper­at­ors world­wide. We hold ourselves account­able for the triple-bot­tom line: 

People • Plan­et • Profit

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