Lessons in resilience: Binna Burra’s rise from the ashes

February 15, 2022

Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia is easily accessible from BInna Burra Mountain Lodge
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Des­pite a dev­ast­at­ing wild­fire in Septem­ber 2019 and the glob­al pan­dem­ic that fol­lowed, Aus­trali­a’s Binna Burra Lodge is open for busi­ness. Draw­ing from that recov­ery story, Jona­thon Day shares five les­sons in resi­li­ence that any tour­ism busi­ness can apply.

It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.]

On Septem­ber 8, 2019, a bush­fire all but des­troyed one of Australia’s icon­ic ecolodges. 

Binna Burra Lodge’s recov­ery, des­pite the addi­tion­al chal­lenges of the pan­dem­ic, provides import­ant les­sons for dis­aster pre­pared­ness and resilience.

The bush­fire that impacted Binna Burra Lodge was part of a sea­son of bush­fires that raged across Aus­tralia in the sum­mer of 2019/20.

Steve Noakes briefs Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison
In the after­math of the fire, Binna Burra Chair Steve Noakes (left) briefed Aus­trali­an Prime Min­is­ter Scott Morrison.

They burned more than 17 mil­lion hectares. 

Fol­low­ing the driest year on record, the sever­ity of the bush­fire sea­son is par­tially attrib­uted to cli­mate change. 

Eco­tour­ism products, like Binna Burra, are par­tic­u­larly vul­ner­able to cli­mate change. 

The impacts of cli­mate change on our nat­ur­al envir­on­ment can be gradu­al — as eco­sys­tems adapt to warm­er tem­per­at­ures and chan­ging pre­cip­it­a­tion — or they can be imme­di­ate and cata­stroph­ic because of extreme weather.

Binna Burra Lodge is loc­ated with­in the Lam­ing­ton Nation­al Park in south­ern Queens­land, Aus­tralia. Lam­ing­ton Nation­al Park, one of the nation­al parks of the Gond­wana Rain­forests World Her­it­age area, is tem­per­ate rainforest. 

The region is recog­nised for its “out­stand­ing biod­iversity”, and the Binna Burra Lodge exper­i­ence of access into the nation­al park is inter­na­tion­ally renowned.

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“Risk and crisis man­age­ment”
“Tour­ism resi­li­ence and recovery”

In some ways, Binna Burra Lodge holds a unique pos­i­tion. It is an eco­tour­ism enter­prise oper­at­ing in a developed coun­try, with infra­struc­ture and insti­tu­tion­al sup­port not avail­able to many eco­tour­ism businesses. 

Approaching Binna Burra before ... and after. Pics supplied by author.
Approach­ing Binna Burra before and after the Septem­ber 2019 fires.

Oper­at­ing since 1933, Binna Burra Lodge is one of Australia’s most well-known nature-based tour­ism operations. 

It has been a lead­er in eco­tour­ism oper­a­tions and has been cer­ti­fied as an Eco­tour­ism Aus­tralia “advanced eco­tour­ism’ busi­ness since 1997. 

This cer­ti­fic­a­tion recog­nises Binna Burra Lodge’s com­mit­ment to oper­at­ing with min­im­al impact on the envir­on­ment and provid­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for guests to learn about the envir­on­ment. It recog­nises an oper­at­or that achieves best prac­tices, uses resources wisely, and helps the loc­al community. 

Des­pite these advant­ages, it still faced sig­ni­fic­ant chal­lenges. On receiv­ing news of the dam­age, the inter­na­tion­al The Guard­i­an news­pa­per pub­lished an obituary. 

Two years on — and des­pite the glob­al pan­dem­ic — Binna Burra Lodge was once again wel­com­ing guests. 

There are les­sons to be learned from Binna Burra’s exper­i­ence these last few years that can be applied to any tour­ism busi­ness. Here are five:

1. Be prepared: Have a plan and follow it

Binna Burra not only had a plan to deal with the dis­aster, but they also pre­pared to imple­ment it. In the weeks before the fire, staff prac­ticed drills. As the fire approached, the staff and man­age­ment fol­lowed the plan and had clear roles and responsibilities.

2. Build your social capital

It is said that the first, best step most people can do to build resi­li­ence is to meet their neigh­bors. Binna Burra’s recov­ery shows the import­ance of build­ing social cap­it­al over the long term. 

They had a deep reser­voir of good­will from vis­it­ors and oth­er friends of Binna Burra. 

The hasht­ag #Bring­Back­Bin­naBurra demon­strated the deep con­nec­tions felt for the prop­erty, and a crowd­fun­ded recov­ery fund provided import­ant resources.

Also see Steve Noakes’ “GT” Insight
“From the ashes: The role of solid­ar­ity in Binna Burra’s tour­ism recovery”

Binna Burra lodge’s sup­port exten­ded bey­ond pre­vi­ous cus­tom­ers to its deep ties in the loc­al com­munity. Per­son­nel engaged with com­munity rebuild­ing even as they worked on Binna Bur­ra’s recovery. 

Binna Burra Lodge’s man­age­ment also had deep rela­tion­ships with all levels of the tour­ism industry — loc­al, state, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al — hav­ing con­trib­uted their expert­ise and lead­er­ship to industry associations. 

In the dif­fi­cult days fol­low­ing the fire this reser­voir of social cap­it­al res­ul­ted in resources and offers of sup­port that proved crit­ic­al in the recov­ery process.

Steve Noakes became Binna Burras communicator in chief
Steve Noakes became Binna Bur­ra’s chief communicator.

3. Communicate, communicate, communicate

Steve Noakes, Chair­man of Binna Burra Lodge, took the role of com­mu­nic­at­or in chief dur­ing the fire and through the recovery. 

Although faced with a range of oper­a­tion­al issues dur­ing this time, Steve pri­or­it­ised keep­ing stake­hold­ers informed of the issues facing the ecolodge. 

Also see Gabby Wal­ters’ “GT” Insight
“How trav­el­lers respond to crises and how to min­im­ise cancellations”

As dis­asters fade from the head­lines, it is easy for stake­hold­ers — friends, past vis­it­ors, industry sup­port­ers — to lose focus on the chal­lenges of those impacted by disaster. 

Com­mu­nic­at­ing with these stake­hold­ers kept them engaged with the busi­ness as they faced chal­lenges in the months fol­low­ing the fire.

4. Focus on the future: Reset, reimagine, recreate

Binna Burra faced sig­ni­fic­ant chal­lenges in the after­math of the fire: Man­aging cash flow as book­ings can­celed and refunds came due, rebuild­ing the team that was laid-off fol­low­ing the fire, and recre­at­ing the lodge itself. All dur­ing the pandemic. 

Nev­er­the­less, the Binna Burra team stayed focused on build­ing back better.

Binna Burra Lodge oper­ates with a clearly artic­u­lated mission: 

To be a mean­ing­ful con­nec­tion between nature and her­it­age by provid­ing a gate­way to the Lam­ing­ton Nation­al Park, offer­ing a range of eco-friendly accom­mod­a­tion, activ­it­ies, and exper­i­ences, and by nur­tur­ing and improv­ing the land and the her­it­age build­ings of which they are the custodians. 

Also see Sonia Beck­with’s “GT” Insight
“What to keep, change, do in a crisis”

Binna Burra Lodge’s response to the fire was to assess how to best achieve those goals in the face of the new reality. 

Des­pite the chal­lenges, the fire cre­ated oppor­tun­it­ies to reima­gine the Binna Burra Lodge exper­i­ence. While the loss of his­tor­ic build­ings was pain­ful, man­age­ment embraced an eth­os of build­ing back better.

5. Reassess risks

Risks change over time and the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom may need to change. 

The idea that the sub-trop­ic­al rain­forest sur­round­ing Binna Burra was at bush­fire risk seemed unlikely. Until it wasn’t.

As a cer­ti­fied Advanced Eco­tour­ism busi­ness, risk assess­ment is an import­ant part of the man­age­ment pro­cess at Binna Burra Lodge. Even so, the pos­sible impacts of the chan­ging envir­on­ment seemed far off. 

The events of 2019 have brought the impacts of cli­mate change into sharp focus. 

As Steve Noakes states in Binna Burra’s 2020 stra­tegic plan­ning doc­u­ments: “Our respons­ib­il­ity now is to have a vis­ion that is craf­ted on the know­ledge and under­stand­ing of the cli­mate as it will impact the trop­ic­al and sub-trop­ic­al rainforest.”

Binna Burra Teahouse and campsite Drone overview
The Binna Burra Tea­house and camp­site was once again open to vis­it­ors a year after the Septem­ber 2019 bushfires.

Today, more than two years after the fire, Binna Burra Lodge is once again open and wel­com­ing guests for world-class eco­tour­ism experiences. 

Recov­ery is a long jour­ney, but Binna Burra Lodge has suc­cess­fully nav­ig­ated the first stages and has set a course for an excit­ing future.

For more information 

Sev­er­al reports and book chapters exam­ine Binna Burra Lodge’s recovery.

The Grif­fith Insti­tute for Tour­ism has pub­lished a defin­it­ive case study.

Two chapters — one examin­ing Binna Burra Lodge in the con­text of cli­mate change, and the oth­er focus­ing on their approaches to regen­er­at­ive tour­ism and the cir­cu­lar eco­nomy — can be found in the recently pub­lished Rout­ledge Hand­book of Eco­tour­ism.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Lam­ing­ton Nation­al Park is eas­ily access­ible from BInna Burra Moun­tain Lodge, Queens­land, Australia.

About the author

Dr Jonathon Day
Dr Jona­thon Day

Jona­thon Day is an Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or in Purdue Uni­ver­sity’s School of Hos­pit­al­ity and Tour­ism Man­age­ment, Indi­ana, USA. 

In addi­tion to writ­ing more than 50 aca­dem­ic art­icles and chapters, Dr Day is the author of An Intro­duc­tion to Sus­tain­able Tour­ism and Respons­ible Travel and co-author of The Tour­ism Sys­tem 8th Edi­tion. Jona­thon is also the lead invest­ig­at­or of the Sus­tain­able Tour­ism and Respons­ible Travel Lab and chair of the Travel Care Code Ini­ti­at­ive.  

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