‘Jouissance’: The pleasure & pain of ‘ethical donor tourism’ in Africa

and January 18, 2022

Zebra stripes at Dikhololo Game Reserve, Brits, South Africa. Photo by David Clarke (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/sN6d60TySV0
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Some of the very wealthy among us love to live large in Africa’s mag­ni­fi­cent land­scape, to observe (and hunt) its icon­ic wild­life. While they are there it is good that they give gen­er­ously to eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment, phil­an­throp­ic, and con­ser­va­tion pro­jects, no? Are we miss­ing some­thing? Aca­dem­ics Stasja Koot and Robert Fletch­er think so. 

It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.]

In this “GT” Insight we will explore two nov­el types of ‘eth­ic­al donor tour­ism’, based on two recent aca­dem­ic papers about ‘phil­an­thro­tour­ism’ and ‘envir­on­men­tour­ism’.

Both are often presen­ted as sup­port­ing social and envir­on­ment­al causes. 

How­ever, this pos­it­ive self-present­a­tion may obscure how they actu­ally bene­fit from and rein­force inequal­it­ies and envir­on­ment­al degradation. 

For travel & tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers it is import­ant to be aware of what motiv­ates donors to engage in tour­ism prac­tices, what such tour­ism con­ceals, and to include this know­ledge in decision-mak­ing involving eth­ic­al donor tourism.

After intro­du­cing phil­an­thro­tour­ism and envir­on­men­tour­ism, we provide a brief crit­ic­al ana­lys­is draw­ing upon the psy­cho­ana­lyt­ic­al concept of jouis­sance.

Jouis­sance is a par­tic­u­lar type of ambi­val­ent enjoy­ment that goes bey­ond ‘pure’ pleas­ure. It also encom­passes an ele­ment of dis­com­fort, or even pain, when con­front­ing dis­taste­ful aspects of social or envir­on­ment­al problems. 

In both phil­an­thro­tour­ism and envir­on­men­tour­ism such prob­lems and the jouis­sance they stim­u­late are at the core of the tour­ist experience. 

We fur­ther relate jouis­sance to phil­an­thro­cap­it­al­ism in which glob­al elites claim to revolu­tion­ise phil­an­thropy by apply­ing the busi­ness savvy that made them successful. 

Often, how­ever, this means a con­cen­tra­tion of power in the hands of elites and a neg­lect of more struc­tur­al social and his­tor­ic­al elements. 

Philanthrotourism: Eliding structural and historical causes of inequality 

Phil­an­thro­tour­ism refers to the grow­ing phe­nomen­on in which NGOs offer trips to ‘major donors’ to vis­it devel­op­ment or con­ser­va­tion pro­jects. Such excur­sions have become ever more com­mon and con­sti­tute a rel­at­ively new tour­ism niche. 

Thus far, most stud­ies of ‘eth­ic­al tour­ism’ focus on the wide­spread use of tour­ism as a strategy to gen­er­ate for­eign exchange, loc­al devel­op­ment, and nature conservation. 

For instance, in a spe­cif­ic form of ‘devel­op­ment tour­ism’ excur­sions are organ­ised by (West­ern) NGOs to their devel­op­ment pro­jects. They inspire par­ti­cipants to become more socially and envir­on­ment­ally aware. 

In ‘travel phil­an­thropy’, the focus is on people want­ing to ‘do good’ dur­ing their travels. Its start­ing point is the growth of ‘volun­teer tourism’.

While phil­an­thro­tour­ism over­laps with these oth­er forms of tour­ism to some degree, it also exhib­its sig­ni­fic­ant differences. 

Also see Tan­ner C Knor­r’s “GT” Insight
“Run­ning water: Tour­ism take a second look in Tanzania”

In devel­op­ment tour­ism, for instance, the leis­ure prac­tice of tour­ism and the pro­fes­sion­al prac­tice of devel­op­ment are clearly sep­ar­ated between the devel­op­ment agents and the tour­ists. Moreover, there is no clear focus on big donors.

By con­trast, phil­an­thro­tour­ism is focused on major donors, espe­cially the cor­por­ate sec­tor. The inten­tion is to build long-term rela­tion­ships with fun­drais­ing in mind. 

Phil­an­thro­tour­ism also dif­fers from travel phil­an­thropy and volun­teer tour­ism in that the lat­ter two are con­sidered phe­nom­ena ori­gin­at­ing from the tour­ism industry, where­as phil­an­thro­tour­ism ori­gin­ates from civil society. 

In phil­an­thro­tour­ism, moreover, par­ti­cipants do not nor­mally ‘work’ (vol­un­tar­ily or invol­un­tar­ily) dur­ing the trip, as do the (often young) volun­teer tourists. 

In phil­an­thro­tour­ism, major donors join a trip with a small and select group of oth­er (actu­al or poten­tial) donors, mainly to wit­ness the pro­jects they support.

Also see Lieve Claessen’s “GT” Insight
“How a small South Afric­an back­pack­ers is mak­ing a big difference”

An example of an NGO that organ­ises donor trips is the World Wild­life Fund for Nature (WWF), which offers full travel pack­ages to donors through WWF Travel.

Like­wise, Con­ser­va­tion Inter­na­tion­al (CI) offers private lux­ury trips to their con­ser­va­tion sites. Pack­ages arranged through their in-house lux­ury travel firm include yacht rent­als, cruises, and oth­er products to please poten­tial philanthropists. 

Devel­op­ment NGOs such as We Char­ity and Plan Inter­na­tion­al, among many oth­ers, have also organ­ised tours for major donors. 

Today, some com­mer­cial travel oper­at­ors offer to fully organ­ise such trips for NGOs. Phil­an­thropy Without Bor­ders, for example, states that “[b]y offer­ing your donors a trans­form­at­ive exper­i­ence in the field they will be ready to deep­en their com­mit­ment”. Elev­ate Des­tin­a­tions offers “to win your donors’ hearts through travel”.

Phil­an­thro­tour­ism vis­its to devel­op­ment and con­ser­va­tion pro­jects are con­struc­ted in such a way that donors receive a care­fully orches­trated guided tour. 

Also see Adenike Ade­bay­o’s “GT” Insight
“Deli­cious, nutri­tious, pre­cious: Nigeria’s ‘Slow Food’ tour­ism potential”

The first author (Stasja Koot) used to work as a major donor fun­draiser at an NGO. In this capa­city he co-organ­ised two donor trips, to Kenya and Ethiopia, where loc­al allies would advise how to frame the NGO’s pro­jects as suc­cess­ful, or of great potential. 

The loc­al allies would explain the pro­jects to guests dur­ing quick site vis­its without pay­ing any atten­tion to the struc­tur­al and his­tor­ic­al causes of the poverty and inequal­ity encountered on the trips. 

This left the elite guests (in this case a com­bin­a­tion of NGO rep­res­ent­at­ives and major donors) largely unac­count­able for their role in the over­arch­ing struc­tur­al social and envir­on­ment­al issues.

Some donors were impressed with a pro­ject in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where orphans were allowed into the school but had to spend the night on the streets. This made the donors aware of the rel­at­ively lux­uri­ous life of the for­eign travellers.

Environmentourism: Conserving consumerism and the land it requires

The dom­in­ant nar­rat­ive around tour­ism in Africa is that tour­ists are con­sidered priv­ileged, mostly West­ern and white, who come to gaze upon Afric­an people (who are con­sidered ‘less developed’) but mostly to observe Africa’s wildlife.

In a dif­fer­ent part of Africa, namely at the private nature reserves to the west of Kruger Nation­al Park, South Africa, a high-end tour­ism industry thrives. 

The industry here is ‘excess­ive’ in the sense that it pro­motes elit­ist life­styles based around exor­bit­ant mater­i­al consumption. 

This sug­ges­ted to us a new term: ‘excess­ive environmentourism’. 

The term ‘envir­on­men­tour­ism’ is inspired by ‘devel­op­men­tour­ism’: Because the devel­op­ment [envir­on­ment­al] impact of tour­ism itself is import­ant, “the mer­ging of devel­op­ment [envir­on­ment] and tour­ism” into a single prac­tice means that it should be referred to by a single word. 

Also see Sham­iso Nyajeka’s “GT” Insight
“Zambia’s tour­ism poten­tial & its pro­spects for a green economy”

In envir­on­men­tour­ism, the strong focus on excess­ive con­sump­tion is presen­ted as an ulti­mate exper­i­ence of pleas­ure and relax­a­tion while at the same time ‘doing good’ (as in phil­an­thro­tour­ism, wealthy tour­ists are approached for dona­tions too).

Unlike in eco­tour­ism, envir­on­men­tour­ism excludes ‘loc­al com­munit­ies’ from the bene­fits of tour­ism activ­ity. Envir­on­men­tour­ism only focusses on address­ing envir­on­ment­al con­cerns, com­pletely ignor­ing loc­al com­munit­ies’ well-being. 

Envir­on­men­tour­ism, like phil­an­thro­tour­ism, over­laps with oth­er types of eth­ic­al tour­ism, such as volun­teer tour­ism. How­ever, when com­pared to volun­teer tour­ism, envir­on­men­tour­ism has a stronger focus on a nature-based experience. 

Like some nature-based volun­teer tour­ism, envir­on­men­tour­ism also “cre­ates value in the trade of exper­i­ences in or with ‘nature’”, how­ever volun­teer tour­ism is much more youth- and budget-focussed.

Rhino Tears wine
Rhino Tears wine. Pic by Stasja Koot.

On the South Afric­an private reserves, many tour­ists learn about the rhino poach­ing crisis, and want to con­trib­ute to fight­ing this. 

There are now many phil­an­throp­ic tour­ist ini­ti­at­ives to ‘save’ the spe­cies by provid­ing fin­an­cial and in-kind support. 

Con­sequently, high-end tour­ist lodges have now developed a rather large and intriguing suite of activ­it­ies through which tour­ists can join this fight. 

They can, for example, take part in activ­it­ies to micro­chip rhi­nos (and their horns); vis­it and donate to a rhino orphan­age; tour an anti-poach­ing unit; or vis­it the world-fam­ous all-female unarmed anti-poach­ing unit the Black Mambas.

One activ­ity that stands out is the oppor­tun­ity to join in the trans­lo­ca­tion of rhi­nos to ‘safer’ havens (where anti-poach­ing policies are much stricter): “Eight adren­aline-fueled days res­cuing rhi­nos in South Africa and Bot­swana”; a tour that was heav­ily pro­moted by act­ress Uma Thurman. 

Drenched in lux­ury, the trip is expens­ive: US$18,655 per per­son and a tax-deduct­ible require­ment of US$25,000 per per­son for the Wil­der­ness Wild­life Trust to Rhino Con­ser­va­tion Botswana. 

Many lux­ury oper­at­ors, lodge own­ers, and man­agers would emphas­ise the import­ance of tour­ism in Africa for the sur­viv­al of wildlife. 

Absent from this dis­course are the often deplor­able labour cir­cum­stances at the private nature reserves, fail­ing pub­lic ser­vices, racial and socioeco­nom­ic inequal­it­ies, and land own­er­ship injustices that were cre­ated under colo­ni­al­ism and apartheid. 

In this way, envir­on­men­tour­ism legit­im­ises the exist­ence of high-end privat­ised tour­ism; both its excess­ive con­sumer­ism and the land it requires.

Also see James Nadi­ope’s “GT” Insight
“How bees, trees, & tour­ism reduce human-wild­life con­flict in Uganda”

The example of rhino trans­lo­ca­tions does not stand on its own. 

At oth­er lux­ury tour­ism com­pan­ies in in Tan­zania, tour­ists are invited on “safar­is with a pur­pose” to fit ele­phants with GPS col­lars: Four nights/five days full board safari, includ­ing game drives, all meals and bever­ages, arch­ery, wine tast­ings, and ten­nis from “USD 19,464 for 4 people plus a tax deduct­ible con­tri­bu­tion of USD 25,000 per per­son”. More examples can eas­ily be found. 

Col­lab­or­a­tions with com­munit­ies, how­ever, should, accord­ing to a tour­ism CEO, be done with com­munity devel­op­ment com­mit­tees that are “as apolit­ic­al as pos­sible”.

This con­firms the tend­ency to neg­lect struc­tur­al causes of con­ser­va­tion prob­lems, dis­reg­ard­ing prob­lem­at­ic aspects of neo-colo­ni­al, racial, and eth­nic power inequal­it­ies with­in the South Afric­an tour­ism industry.

‘Jouissance’: The pleasure of ethical tourism. The pain at its heart.

In both papers, we found that phil­an­thro­tour­ism and envir­on­men­tour­ism are import­ant ways for donors to exper­i­ence jouis­sance as a core driver of eth­ic­al donor tourism. 

Jouis­sance is a par­tic­u­lar type of ambi­val­ent enjoy­ment that goes bey­ond ‘pure’ pleas­ure to encom­pass an ele­ment of dis­com­fort or even pain in con­front­ing dis­taste­ful aspects of social and envir­on­ment­al landscapes. 

In our case these included orphaned chil­dren, poverty, poached rhi­nos and the idea that these anim­als will soon go extinct.

Import­ant for prac­ti­tion­ers is to be aware that jouis­sance func­tions as a core motiv­at­or for donors and tour­ists to engage with devel­op­ment and envir­on­ment­al problems. 

More than an affect or emo­tion, jouis­sance addresses the uncon­scious and irra­tion­al; it is struc­tured by spe­cif­ic fantas­ies that inform our sense of reality. 

Also see Nirmal Shah’s “GT” Insight
“Over­tour­ism to no tour­ism in Seychelles: What now for conservation?”

In eth­ic­al donor tour­ism, such fantas­ies are pre­dom­in­antly based on colo­ni­al ideas of the ‘white saviour’ in Africa.

Jouis­sance is import­ant also in ‘phil­an­thro­cap­it­al­ism’.

In phil­an­thro­cap­it­al­ism, both civil soci­ety organ­isa­tions and private sec­tor firms assert that reor­gan­ising aid accord­ing to neo­lib­er­al mar­ket prin­ciples holds the key to reform­ing devel­op­ment and con­ser­va­tion mov­ing forward. 

Pre­vi­ous forms of phil­an­thropy are gen­er­ally regarded as largely inef­fect­ive because they lack ground­ing in sound busi­ness principles. 

Philanthrocapitalism’s effect­ive­ness has thus far not been proven, and it has been cri­tiqued for con­cen­trat­ing wealth and power among the rich and thus lack­ing demo­crat­ic decision-making. 

Moreover, it is seen to instil prin­ciples of com­pet­i­tion with­in civil soci­ety while ignor­ing the broad­er struc­tur­al issues at the heart of the inequal­ity and envir­on­ment­al prob­lems it intends to address. 

This trans­lates into a lack of account­ab­il­ity for philanthrocapitalists. 

Also see Edwin Magio’s “GT” Insight
“Africa must put com­munit­ies, con­ser­va­tion at the centre of recovery”

Enga­ging with phil­an­thropy through phil­an­thro­tour­ism or envir­on­men­tour­ism gen­er­ally strengthens donors’ pos­i­tions as glob­al social and eco­nom­ic elites, cre­at­ing a situ­ation in which inequal­ity itself is a start­ing point for jouissance.

As nov­el types of ‘eth­ic­al donor tour­ism’, both ‘phil­an­thro­tour­ism’ and ‘envir­on­men­tour­ism’ illus­trate the expan­sion of phil­an­thro­cap­it­al­ism, and are sub­ject to cri­tique on sim­il­ar grounds. 

These cri­tiques include their con­cen­tra­tion of eco­nom­ic and decision-mak­ing power into the hands of a priv­ileged elite. 

This is import­ant for travel & tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers to keep in mind if they feel like join­ing these trends. Aware­ness of this can make one pay more atten­tion to the struc­tur­al causes of this type of tour­ism, and of eth­ic­al tour­ism more generally.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Zebra stripes at Dik­ho­lolo Game Reserve, Brits, South Africa. Photo by Dav­id Clarke (CC0) via Unsplash.

Authors’ recommended reading

About the authors

Stasja Koot has been work­ing with indi­gen­ous groups in south­ern Africa, pre­dom­in­antly Nam­i­bia and South Africa, since the late 1990s, as a research­er of and a prac­ti­tion­er in com­munity-based tour­ism. His focus is polit­ic­al and eco­lo­gic­al; invest­ig­at­ing the power dynam­ics behind tour­ism, devel­op­ment, and nature conservation. 

Dr Koot is Assist­ant Pro­fess­or at the Soci­ology of Devel­op­ment and Change group at Wagen­in­gen Uni­ver­sity, the Neth­er­lands, and a seni­or research fel­low with the Depart­ment of Geo­graphy, Envir­on­ment­al Man­age­ment & Energy Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Johan­nes­burg, South Africa.

Stasja Koot and Robert Fletcher 1024
Dr Stasja Koot (left) and Dr Robert Fletcher

Robert Fletch­er is Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or in the Soci­ology of Devel­op­ment and Change group at Wagen­in­gen Uni­ver­sity. Dr Fletch­er is the author of Roman­cing the Wild: Cul­tur­al Dimen­sions of Eco­tour­ism (Duke Uni­ver­sity, 2014) and co-edit­or of Nature™ Inc.: Envir­on­ment­al Con­ser­va­tion in the Neo­lib­er­al Age (Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona, 2014).

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