Hello 2022: Hello Code Red, Climate Friendly Travel

Hello 2022 and Code Red, Climate Friendly Travel
"Good Tourism" Premier Partnership is for a leading brand in travel & tourism

Goodbye 2021

Des­pite the per­man­ent drama of an intensi­fy­ing pan­dem­ic, 2021 also under­scored the mag­nitude of our creep­ing, exist­en­tial glob­al cli­mate crisis. 

Weath­er extremes decim­ated com­munit­ies on all con­tin­ents: Crazy floods in Europe and Canada; Massive forest fires in the US and Aus­tralia; Droughts in Africa; Typhoons in the Pacific and the Atlantic; and grow­ing num­bers of cli­mate refugees around the world.

COP 26, in Novem­ber, kept cli­mate on the pub­lic agenda. We saw a Glas­gow Tour­ism Declar­a­tion and at SUNx we unveiled a Code Red, Plan for our Kids, call­ing for our sec­tor to go fur­ther, faster. It calls for a clear 50% less car­bon emis­sions by 2030: and abso­lute Zero Green­house Gas (GHG) by 2050; includ­ing the more potent meth­ane, sul­phur and nitrous com­pounds. And it’s abso­lute zero not some vague “net”, kick the can down the 2050 road.

It comes with a UN-linked CFT Registry for the SDG/climate plans of tour­ism com­pan­ies & com­munit­ies; SDG 17 Part­ners for sup­port ser­vices; trained gradu­ate Strong Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons to help nav­ig­ate the new trans­form­a­tion ter­rain; and a dis­tinct eco badge for travellers. 

We took this high-ambi­tion approach, not to be alarm­ist but based on sci­ence, weath­er, and young cli­mate act­iv­ists’ real­ity checks. 

Accord­ing to the IEA, glob­al GHG emis­sions in 2021 increased nearly 5% over 2020. We already hit 1.2° C of our Par­is tar­get after only five years. We are headed towards 3° C at this rate, which is inhos­pit­able for human and anim­al life. And this without any “feed­back loops”, like split­ting of major Green­land or Ant­arc­tic ice sheets and asso­ci­ated, dra­mat­ic sea level rises.

Hello 2022

We will con­tin­ue to ring our Code Red Alarm Bell for COP 27 in Egypt in Novem­ber; an Afric­an COP where so many of the world’s Least Developed Coun­tries (LDCs) are loc­ated and where young people make up 60% of the pop­u­la­tion. To quote Greta Thun­berg, “These are the ones who will have to clean up our mess”.

To help the Least Developed Coun­tries, gen­er­ally, we are pro­pos­ing the estab­lish­ment of a new Strong Cli­mate Friendly Travel Facil­ity to sup­port tour­ism SMEs in the world’s poorest coun­tries and, spe­cific­ally, to help them build cli­mate dis­aster resi­li­ence, while redu­cing their green­house gas emis­sions in a Par­is 1.5 scenario.

These Base of the Pyr­am­id States, are places where tour­ism is a com­mon socioeco­nom­ic asset. And tour­ism is a great product. It doesn’t need export licences; the mar­ket comes to the pro­du­cer; pro­mo­tion is easy, espe­cially in the Meta­verse; and LDCs have some of the least spoiled, nature-based tour­ism opportunities.

Yet tour­ism also has a stark vul­ner­ab­il­ity, which COVID exposed, as bor­ders closed and lock­downs decim­ated travel. For the sec­tor that drives some 10% of the glob­al eco­nomy, trade, and jobs — up to 50% in many states — the mar­ket dried up overnight. 

SMEs, which form some 80% of the tour­ism sup­ply chain, were par­tic­u­larly badly hit. They have few resources to fall back on nor do they have insur­ance cov­er. They have a pri­or­ity need for emer­gency fin­an­cial relief in the case of sys­tem­ic nat­ur­al dis­asters — such as health, extreme weath­er, biod­iversity col­lapse etc. — because of the knock-on effect of travel dis­rup­tion across nation­al and inter­na­tion­al socioeco­nom­ic struc­tures. These real­it­ies are val­id in all coun­tries, par­tic­u­larly in the 46 LDCs.

We have named the pro­posed Facil­ity after our inspir­a­tion­al co-founder the late Maurice Strong, one of the fath­ers of sus­tain­ab­il­ity and cli­mate act­iv­ism; as well as an early archi­tect of the UN SDG and Par­is 1.5 response sys­tem. Strong iden­ti­fied LDCs’ well-being as a spe­cial com­pon­ent of the two Earth Sum­mits he organ­ised; in Stock­holm in 1972 and Rio in 1992.

hello 2022 hello code red climate friendly travel 1

We see the Strong CFT Facil­ity as an innov­at­ive “mixed fund” with both fin­an­cial and in-kind com­pon­ents, sourced from pub­lic, private sources in tour­ism, fin­ance, and insur­ance com­munit­ies, with a spe­cial focus on impact invest­ment, gov­ern­ment green bonds and even trav­el­ler car­bon off­set funding. 

It’s cer­tainly not meant to replace tra­di­tion­al gov­ern­ment emer­gency response fund­ing but rather com­ple­ment it and demon­strate that the sec­tor can itself pre­pare for a tough future in a pos­it­ive way.

We pro­pose to launch dur­ing COP 27, and to spend the year lead­ing up to the COP build­ing its struc­ture with stake­hold­er input, and look­ing to gain wide­spread sup­port for the ini­ti­at­ive from inside & out­side the travel & tour­ism world.

At SUNx Malta we will kick-start it, by offer­ing EUR 150,000 worth of free schol­ar­ships to a gradu­ate stu­dent from each of the 46 LDCs for our 2022 Cli­mate Friendly Travel Dip­loma. We are grate­ful to Malta’s Min­istry of Tour­ism and Tour­ism Author­ity, as well as our aca­dem­ic part­ner ITS (Insti­tute of Tour­ism Stud­ies) for mak­ing this possible. 

The Dip­loma trains young gradu­ates to become Cli­mate Friendly Travel Act­iv­ists to help build nation­al sup­port found­a­tions and to take advant­age of the CFT Registry for Resi­li­ence and our cur­ated Lib­rary of good prac­tice tools and research.

Fur­ther­more we will extend the role of the Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry to offer spe­cial free sup­port for those com­pan­ies and com­munit­ies in the 46 LDCs who sign up to help devel­op sus­tain­ab­il­ity and cli­mate resi­li­ence plans. We wel­come sim­il­ar sup­port from organ­isa­tions sign­ing up to the Glas­gow Declar­a­tion and sim­il­ar clusters.

Finally, on reflect­ing on the oppor­tun­ity presen­ted by COP 27, par­tic­u­larly at this time of the year, it brings to mind the bib­lic­al story of Joseph who, as Advisor to the Pharaoh, pro­posed the stor­ing of grain in good years to cov­er the years when the Nile failed to flood and there was fam­ine across the land of Egypt. This is per­haps the first recor­ded example of the Pre­cau­tion­ary Prin­ciple. And surely there is no more rel­ev­ant place than a COP in Egypt, for a Base of the Pyr­am­id innovation.

Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man
Pres­id­ent SUNx Malta

Brus­sels, 1st Janu­ary 2022

About SUNx — Strong Universal Network

SUNx is a leg­acy for the late Maurice Strong, fath­er of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Its goal is to advance Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) ~ low car­bon : SDG linked : Par­is 1.5.

SUNx has a core part­ner­ship with Malta’s Min­istry of Tour­ism & Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion and Malta Tour­ism Author­ity to advance CFT, to cre­ate a UNFC­CC-linked CFT Registry and to pro­mote CFT Edu­ca­tion. It plans to put in place 100,000 Strong Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons by 2030 across all UN States.

About the author

SUNx Pres­id­ent Geof­frey Lip­man was formerly Assist­ant Sec­ret­ary Gen­er­al of the UN World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO), Pres­id­ent of the World Travel & Tour­ism Coun­cil (WTTC), and Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or of the Inter­na­tion­al Air Trans­port Author­ity (IATA).

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