From dystopia, utopia: COVID-19, collapse, and new hope for tourism’s future

January 25, 2022

Does COVID-19 represent a turning point for tourism? Image by geralt (CC0) via Pixabay.
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Through the lens of sci­ence fic­tion, his own writ­ings about travel & tour­ism, and the mus­ings of con­tem­por­ary thinkers, tour­ism futur­ist Ian Yeo­man won­ders wheth­er the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic rep­res­ents a turn­ing point for our industry. If so, which path will we take? Dr Yeo­man is hopeful.

It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. 

[Thanks to Jim Butcher for invit­ing Dr Yeo­man to write a “GT” Insight.]

COVID-19 has brought the real pro­spect of col­lapsing soci­et­ies to our con­scious­ness with hos­pit­als over­whelmed, sup­ply chains dis­rup­ted, and a social dis­order and civil unrest that could escal­ate into a dysto­pi­an future; a future of fear, loss, death, unfair­ness, des­pair, dis­be­lief, evil

But against that dark back­ground, stor­ies of human­ity, hope, love, and belief are brought into sharp relief. 

From evil, good always emerges. 

So, as bad as it has been for many tour­ism stake­hold­ers, does the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic rep­res­ent new hope for tourism?

From dystopia emerges utopia

Uto­pi­as paint a pic­ture of per­fect worlds — ideal worlds in which people feel happy and com­fort­able — and so they are often seen as a form of pure escapism. 

Indeed, in terms of the tour­ist gaze, as pro­spect­ive escapes from the every­day, tour­ism des­tin­a­tions are often por­trayed as a para­dises; beau­ti­ful beaches, stun­ning land­scapes, per­fect hosts. 

On the oth­er hand, dysto­pi­as por­tray a neg­at­ive (and so, unwanted) image of future soci­et­ies. They are worlds of con­tin­gency, con­flict, and uncertainty. 

We asso­ci­ate dysto­pi­an futures with misery and cruelty. In fic­tion, dysto­pi­as are depic­ted as trouble­some worlds where nobody wants to live; except those who gain pleas­ure from inflict­ing, wit­ness­ing, and/or exper­i­en­cing pain and misery. 

The ori­gin stor­ies of dysto­pi­an sci­ence fic­tion futures often involve a warn­ing of immin­ent danger, and a call for action and beha­viour change that is either ignored or fails. 

It is not­able that the pro­duc­tion and con­sump­tion of dysto­pi­an sci­ence fic­tion in the form of films, fables, and nov­els, has been long been mushrooming. 

Con­sequently, when a dis­aster or crisis hap­pens in the real world, it is easy to make con­nota­tions and connec­tions between the ‘pre­dict­ive’ power of such art works with the cata­strophic reality. 

Also see Gabby Wal­ters’ “GT” Insight
“How trav­el­lers respond to crises and disasters”

For example, as the COVID-19 out­break emerged, it was like read­ing Koontz’s sci­ence fic­tion nov­el The Eyes of Dark­ness which tells the story of a vir­us called Wuhan-400 which acci­dent­ally leaks from a research labor­at­ory and sweeps the world. 

The real COVID-19 vir­us and its vari­ants has held the entire world host­age, pro­du­cing a resemb­lance to early-stage trans­itions into post-apo­ca­lyptic futures as depic­ted in many sci­ence fic­tion texts.

Post-pan­­dem­ic’s “new nor­mal”, whatever that looks like, wheth­er it is uto­pi­an or dysto­pi­an (and from whose per­spect­ive), is an unavoid­able future reality. 

The con­nec­tion between sci­ence fic­tion and pan­dem­ics is not new. And there is noth­ing like a good dis­aster or end-of-the-world story to stim­u­late the mind of a reader.

From dark tourism research to practice

My tour­ism writ­ings por­tray war, pan­dem­ics , dis­ease, and extreme cli­mate events; all poten­tial dysto­pi­an futures where sig­nals are explored and calls to action included. 

More broadly, the con­sump­tion of dysto­pi­an futures is often asso­ci­ated with dark tour­ism, which is a concept that is at the centre of tour­ism prac­tice and theory. 

For example, by becom­ing a meta­phor for cata­stroph­ic and deadly dis­asters, dark places are described as a dystop­ic places. They attract tour­ists with vari­ous motiv­a­tions (e.g. nos­tal­gia, learn­ings, cul­tur­al links, per­son­al exper­i­ences etc.).

Also see Steph­en Prat­t’s “GT” Insight
“Atro­city, curi­os­ity, tragedy, travel: Bat­tle­field tour­ism in the Solomons”

Dark tour­ism provides an oppor­tun­ity for vis­it­ors and hosts alike to reflect upon inev­it­able mor­tal­ity and jux­ta­pose those reflec­tions with those of con­scious and even hyper­real experiences. 

Indeed, sev­er­al authors such as Pro­fess­or John Len­non dis­cuss the oppor­tun­it­ies afforded by dysto­pi­an tour­ism places and exper­i­ences to change lives. They identi­fy the poten­tial for dark tour­ism to trig­ger both emo­tion­al and cog­nit­ive mech­an­isms that engage vis­it­ors in a reflect­ive, mean­ing-mak­ing and, ulti­mately, life-chan­ging process. 

Through meta­phors, tour­ism uses dark places as a dysto­pia to ima­gine and visu­al­ise ‘the future of the past’.

From collapse to a new beginning

The found­ing fath­er of mod­ern future stud­ies, Pro­fess­or James Dat­or of the Uni­ver­sity of Hawaii has always been an advoc­ate of the col­lapse and new begin­ning scenario. 

A col­lapse scen­ario is not inher­ently neg­at­ive, bad, or stress­ful, he would say, because it provides a won­der­ful oppor­tun­ity for new beginnings. 

Also see Raoul V Bianch­i’s “GT” Insight
“Tour­ism, cap­it­al­ism, & the coronavir­us crisis: What is to be (un)done?”

It could be a new Garden of Eden; a return to an earli­er “purer” or less cor­rupt way of life. At the centre of these ideas is the belief that from dysto­pia emerges uto­pia; from the col­lapse of civil­isa­tion, regeneration.

From sustainability to a regenerative future

Regen­er­a­tion goes bey­ond sus­tain­ab­il­ity to act­ively restor­ing, nur­tur­ing, and cre­at­ing con­di­tions under which eco­sys­tems, eco­nom­ies, and people can flourish. 

Nam Nguy­en writes that regen­er­a­tion is a mind­set that appre­ci­ates human con­nec­tion with nature, oth­ers, and oth­er forms of life as part of PhD research.

Regen­er­a­tion not only min­im­ises harm but seeks to restore what has been dam­aged or lost to ensure that people, com­munity, and plan­et thrive. 

Also see Lor­etta Bel­lato’s “GT” Insight
“Is ‘regen­er­at­ive tour­ism’ just a rebrand­ing of ‘sus­tain­able tourism’?”

So far, regen­er­a­tion prin­ciples have been applied in many fields, such as agri­cul­ture, eco­nom­ics, fin­ance, busi­ness, edu­ca­tion, and health.

Tour­ism pro­fess­or Joseph Cheer defines regen­er­a­tion as “cre­at­ing the con­di­tions for life to con­tinu­ously renew itself, to tran­scend into new forms, and to flour­ish amid ever-chan­ging con­di­tions”. Cheer asso­ci­ates regen­er­a­tion with human flour­ish­ing, envir­on­ment­al flour­ish­ing, con­vi­vi­al­ity in social and cul­tur­al life, and inclu­sion in pub­lic life. 

Also see Tazim Jamal’s “GT” Insight
“Towards a new paradigm for regen­er­at­ive tour­ism and just futures”

Lead­ing tour­ism thinker Anna Pol­lock would have regen­er­a­tion “reveal the poten­tial inher­ent in every liv­ing thing and allow it to become more – as in more com­plex, more beau­ti­ful, more adapt­able, more resi­li­ent and more cap­able of liv­ing life to the full”. 

For me, regen­er­a­tion’s mer­its of con­nect­ing, caring, and sup­port­ing good of all oth­er liv­ing forms reflect nuances of kind­ness, com­pas­sion, and loving-kindness.

Thus, COVID-19 has taken us to a world of near col­lapse but it has also accel­er­ated our hope for the future and the role in which tour­ism will play.

What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write a deep­er “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Does COVID-19 rep­res­ent a turn­ing point for tour­ism? Image by ger­alt (CC0) via Pixabay.

About the author

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Ian Yeo­man

Ian Yeo­man is a futur­ist. His new book, Sci­ence Fic­tion, Dis­rup­tion and Tour­ism, dis­cusses the future of tour­ism through the lens of sci­ence fiction.

A Sun­der­land AFC fan, Dr Yeo­man is Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or (Futur­o­lo­gist) at the Vic­tor­ia Uni­ver­sity of Wel­ling­ton, New Zea­l­and, and Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or at Uni­ver­sity of Ulster, North­ern Ire­land, UK. Ian also serves as edit­or of the Journ­al of Rev­en­ue & Pri­cing Man­age­ment and co-edit­or of the Journ­al of Tour­ism Futures.

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