Elephants, otters return to Cardamom Tented Camp’s conservation area in Cambodia

Cardamom Tented Camp ecolodge in Cambodia reports success in nature conservation with otters and elephants coming back to its conservation area.
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Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cam­bod­ia has wit­nessed the return of a small herd of ele­phants to its con­ser­va­tion area, after an absence of five years. A large group of smooth-coated otters are back too.

Forest rangers dis­covered and pho­to­graphed ele­phant foot­prints and drop­pings inside the 18,000-hectare forest con­ces­sion, which the camp pro­tects, with help from Wild­life Alli­ance and the Golden Tri­angle Asi­an Ele­phant Found­a­tion (GTAEF).

“From the size of the dung and the num­ber of foot­prints, it seems that this is a herd of nine ele­phants com­pris­ing four adult females, their calves and one juven­ile,” said John Roberts of GTAEF, which has been fully fund­ing the ranger effort since COVID shut down tour­ism across the globe. “They have also been cam­era trapped and seen in the area south of our concession.”

In neigh­bour­ing areas out­side the camp’s pro­tec­ted zone there are rub­ber plant­a­tions and the con­struc­tion of a deep sea water port, hotel and airport.

“There is human traffic and a non-ideal envir­on­ment all around us,” said Roberts. “But wheth­er the ele­phants are on a long migra­tion or look­ing for a new home we are pleased to wel­come them to our forests and grass­lands. It’s an envir­on­ment they prefer. It comes with zero harassment.”

Smooth Coated Otters
Some 15 – 20 smooth-coated otters call a 20-km stretch of river home, with Car­damom Ten­ted Camp “pretty much at the centre of their ter­rit­ory” accord­ing to Allan Michaud. Photo by Car­oline Baldwin.

Lodge man­ager Allan Michaud, who is a wild­life pho­to­graph­er and con­ser­va­tion­ist, reports the return of a group of otters to the Preak Tachan river beside the camp. 

“There are around 15 to 18 of them, ran­ging over 20 kilo­metres of river, with the camp being pretty much at the centre of their ter­rit­ory,” said Michaud.

Guests often see otters, macaque mon­keys, king­fish­ers and horn­bills from their boat when they travel to the camp, which is only access­ible by river.

Wild­life is often seen by guests on hik­ing and kayak­ing trips. The camp has cre­ated a new 4 km trail, a con­tinu­ation of an exist­ing one. It means adven­tur­ous guests can now take an 8 km guided walk through the forest and return via kayak, with rest options at the main ranger sta­tion in each direction.

A small herd of elephants appears to have taken up residence in Cardamom Tented Camps' 18,000-ha Cambodian concession.
A small herd of ele­phants appears to have taken up res­id­ence in Car­damom Ten­ted Camp’s 18,000-ha Cam­bod­i­an concession.

In Octo­ber, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp was included in the Green Des­tin­a­tions’ Top 100 Des­tin­a­tion Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Stor­ies in the world. In 2019 the camp won the PATA Gold Award for Eco­tour­ism and was a top three final­ist in the World Travel & Tour­ism Council’s Tour­ism for Tomor­row Awards. In the same year, it was lis­ted in Nation­al Geo­graph­ic UK’s invit­a­tion-only list­ing of top 36 eco-hotels around the world which are lead­ing by example.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is once again open and oper­at­ing with a unique busi­ness mod­el. Part of the income from the lodge’s oper­a­tion goes towards the fund­ing of 12 forest rangers who pro­tect the area from log­gers, poach­ers and river sand­bank dredgers.

The camp there­fore has the slo­gan, “Your Stay Keeps the Forest Standing.”

Michaud said the Decem­ber to April peri­od in south­w­est Cam­bod­ia near the Thai bor­der is mostly blue skies with many days with no rain. “It is a per­fect time for hik­ing, kayak­ing, bird spot­ting or relax­ing on our river pon­toon with a good book.”

Fur­ther inform­a­tion on Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, includ­ing its back story, guest exper­i­ences, wild­life gal­lery, and book­ing is avail­able here.

About Cardamom Tented Camp

CTC aerial view
Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, a birds-eye view.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is an eco­lodge loc­ated in the foot­hills of the Car­damom Moun­tains in Cam­bod­ia. Offer­ing nine well-appoin­ted safari-style tents, the lodge aims to min­im­ize the human foot­print on the nat­ur­al world and serve as a role mod­el in pro­mot­ing sus­tain­able eco­tour­ism prac­tices with­in both the nation­al park and Cam­bod­ia as a whole. Loc­ated on an 18,000-hectare (180 km²) con­ces­sion, the lodge and its sur­round­ings are home to pristine low­land and coastal hab­it­ats link­ing wild­life cor­ridors to the Car­damom Moun­tains. Eco-friendly trekking and kayak­ing pack­ages are avail­able for adven­ture enthu­si­asts who are keen to be a part of real con­ser­va­tion work.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is a three-way ini­ti­at­ive between Minor Group, YAANA Ven­tures and Wild­life Alli­ance to ensure the land and its biod­iversity does not fall into the hands of log­gers, poach­ers and sand dredging operations.

Admin­is­trat­ive Office of Car­damom Ten­ted Camp
No. 25D, Street 294, Sangkat Tonle Bas­sac,
Chamkar­morn, Phnom Penh, Cam­bod­ia
Tel: +855 966 410 783 | Email: sales@cardamomtentedcamp.com

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