Data analytics, financial acumen are keys to a great career in travel & tourism

September 9, 2021

Data analytics, financial acumen are keys to a bright future in travel & tourism. Image by Pete Linforth (CC0) via Pixabay.
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It is under­stand­able why many who have worked in the travel & tour­ism industry are look­ing else­where, or are already gain­fully employed in oth­er sec­tors. What then must stu­dents and train­ees be thinking? 

For­tu­nately, say­ings like ‘every cloud has a sil­ver lin­ing’ and ‘it’s always darkest before the dawn’ have meta­phor­ic­al truth. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, human resources and recruit­ment expert Andrew Chan points to the oppor­tun­it­ies emer­ging from the COVID-19 crisis and offers his advice.

While COVID-19 lingers and most coun­tries’ bor­ders remain restrict­ive to travel, over­all employ­ment pro­spects for travel & tour­ism stu­dents and train­ees should be broken down into the short, medi­um, and long term. 

The imme­di­ate future remains some­what bleak, unfor­tu­nately, as it has been since the begin­ning of 2020. The sec­tor has lost a size­able num­ber of travel and hos­pit­al­ity gradu­ates over the past two years to oth­er indus­tries. Poten­tially we might lose anoth­er batch of gradu­ates in 2022. 

That’s three years of future tal­ents lost which will have a huge impact once the pan­dem­ic is behind us and tour­ism recov­ers. And it is some­thing human resource and busi­ness lead­ers should find most con­cern­ing, not for­get­ting that pri­or to the pan­dem­ic, the travel & hos­pit­al­ity industry faced a tal­ent crunch as tour­ism boomed. 

Also see Peter Semone’s “GT” Insight
“What is des­tin­a­tion human cap­it­al? It’s the people!”

I have no doubt we will get back to break­ing records even­tu­ally. It is inev­it­able. So the long-term pro­spects are obvi­ously very pos­it­ive for those look­ing to enter and/or remain in the sector. 

We must remem­ber that COVID-19 is unpre­ced­en­ted for the travel & tour­ism industry. There is no play­book for what we’re facing. Right or wrong, the policies that were imple­men­ted by gov­ern­ments to con­trol the pan­dem­ic, and by com­pan­ies in response to those meas­ures, at least give us a road map for the future. Much will be writ­ten about all of it and, as an industry, we will be bet­ter pre­pared for future pandemics.

Bright spots for employment in travel & tourism

The bright spots for tal­ents look­ing to enter the travel & tour­ism industry now are:

  • Coun­tries with large and/or wealthy domest­ic mar­kets such as China, Aus­tralia, and European Uni­on-mem­ber nations. Stake­hold­ers who can tap pent-up demand as domest­ic travel restric­tions ease will do well and will need people. 
  • The lux­ury seg­ment is where most busi­ness will come from in the short to medi­um term. The ultra-high-end mar­ket has been doing well dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Volume is not a factor in this space as pro­viders profit from fat margins. 

Also see Grant Char­les­worth’s “GT” Insight
“A little lux­ury … how to pre­pare your tour business”

On the oth­er hand, places and products that have relied on inter­na­tion­al vis­it­ors may con­tin­ue to suf­fer for some time. 

Sim­il­arly, lower-yield mass travel tra­di­tion­ally seen into des­tin­a­tions like Bali, Indone­sia and Phuket, Thai­l­and might not return to the same num­bers until much later.

Essential skills for travel & tourism careers

Tal­ents who are determ­ined to forge careers in travel & tour­ism should acquire the fol­low­ing import­ant skills, which will be in high demand:

  • Under­stand­ing data and trends, and being able to ana­lyse and use them effect­ively, will go hand in hand with the digit­al­isa­tion focus we’re cur­rently see­ing from many tour­ism organisations. 
  • Fin­an­cial lit­er­acy. While the travel & tour­ism sec­tor will forever be about ser­vice and cus­tom­er exper­i­ence, I think COVID has taught us that fin­an­cial acu­men is one of the most import­ant skills for indi­vidu­als and companies. 

My advice would be to use the time now to up-skill in these areas. I genu­inely believe that there are now, and cer­tainly will be in the future, enorm­ous oppor­tun­it­ies for stu­dents of travel & tourism.

Agree? Dis­agree? What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write a “GT” Insight of your ownThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Are data ana­lyt­ics and fin­an­cial acu­men the keys to a bright future in travel & tour­ism? Image by Pete Lin­forth (CC0) via Pixabay.

About the author

Andrew Chan is the founder and CEO of ACI HR Solutions (ACI)
Andrew Chan

Andrew Chan is the founder and CEO of ACI HR Solu­tions (ACI), “Asia Paci­fic’s largest recruit­ment agency ded­ic­ated to the travel and hos­pit­al­ity sector”. 

Mr Chan has worked in many facets of the industry, com­men­cing his career as a travel agent in Aus­tralia, and sub­sequently join­ing the air­line and hotel sec­tor. Andrew is an act­ive mem­ber of sev­er­al travel asso­ci­ations includ­ing PATA, HSMAI, and SKAL Inter­na­tion­al. He holds an MBA from the Uni­ver­sity of South Aus­tralia, is a cer­ti­fied life coach, and a qual­i­fied fit­ness instructor.

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