For the better: Racial diversity, equity, & inclusion in USA tourism

July 1, 2021

By Capri23auto (CC0) via Pixabay.
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Is the United States’ travel & tour­ism industry based on white priv­ilege and Black exclu­sion? Stephanie M Jones thinks so. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Ms Jones explains why she reck­ons a per­man­ent budget item for racial diversity, equity, and inclu­sion would make for bet­ter tourism.

What’s good about tourism? 

The people who make it hap­pen so oth­er people can enjoy it. The people who bring life to a des­tin­a­tion through diverse exper­i­ences, cul­tures, and stor­ies makes for good tourism.

The free­dom that tour­ism affords people to ven­ture out into the world to make new dis­cov­er­ies makes it good. The oppor­tun­ity to do good and give back through inten­tion­al, mean­ing­ful travel is good tourism. 

The mil­lions of jobs cre­ated through tour­ism are good but could be much bet­ter if live­able wages to under­paid ser­vice work­ers were provided and those at the top shared some of the profits derived from this industry. 

This makes tour­ism not so good: A lack of diversity, equity, and inclu­sion in C‑suites, at board tables, in sup­pli­er con­tract­ing through­out the travel & tour­ism industry. That’s all a recipe for inequit­able and non-inclus­ive tourism.

White privilege in tourism

In Amer­ica, the scales for tour­ism have nev­er been bal­anced nor close to it. When it comes to ensur­ing equit­able oppor­tun­it­ies to par­ti­cip­ate and profit in tour­ism they have tilted in favour of white males in lead­er­ship and white people in gen­er­al. It’s not hard to see where and how poor tour­ism exists. Just look at who is and is not in rooms at industry events and meet­ings. It’s easy to spot inad­equacy in tour­ism when you do not see diverse rep­res­ent­a­tion on web­site pages for lead­er­ship and boards. 

There are sev­er­al white-owned tour oper­at­ors that have suc­cess­fully profited and prospered in busi­ness for 50, 80 and even 100 years. How­ever, most Black-owned tour oper­at­ors have not been able to grow and sus­tain their busi­nesses pri­or to COVID-19. This is due in part to their lack of inclu­sion in DMOs’ mar­ket­ing and lack of access to buy­er events designed to serve ‘big busi­ness’ in tourism.

Only those who can afford to pay to play profit in this industry. 

Is this good tour­ism? You be the judge.

Black exclusion from tourism

From a trav­el­ler­’s per­spect­ive the industry does tour­ism bet­ter than from a busi­ness per­spect­ive for the reas­ons pre­vi­ously men­tioned. It is not good busi­ness to exclude Black trav­el­lers from mar­ket­ing budgets. Although research con­tin­ues to show an increase in spend­ing by Afric­an Amer­ic­an leis­ure trav­el­lers, this audi­ence is under-tar­geted. Ignor­ing this travel mar­ket is not good tourism.

Since the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Mat­ter move­ment amp­li­fied racial and social injustices in Amer­ica in 2020, as I write this in June 2021 there seems to be a shift hap­pen­ing in travel & tour­ism. DEI (diversity, equity, and inclu­sion) has become a buzz phrase tossed around on web­sites, social media, and the top­ic of dis­cus­sion for many industry webinars. 

Words can be erased and talk is cheap. The sus­tain­ab­il­ity of diversity, equity, and inclu­sion requires fin­an­cial invest­ment. If travel brands, DMOs, media, and asso­ci­ations do not include a per­man­ent line item in their budget for DEI, then the efforts of the past year will have proven to have only been reactionary. 

There needs to be inten­tion­al action to build DEI into organ­isa­tion­al cul­tures and mis­sion state­ments and budgets as the industry rebounds and recovers. 

Check­ing off the box for that ‘one thing’ for DEI is not enough. 

It is cer­tainly not good tour­ism in my opinion.

What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write a deep­er “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): By Capri23auto (CC0) via Pixabay.

About the author

Stephanie M Jones, Founder & CEO of the Cultural Heritage Economic Alliance (CHEA), USA
Stephanie M Jones

Stephanie M Jones is a tour­ism devel­op­ment con­sult­ant work­ing with des­tin­a­tions to devel­op pro­grams that lever­age cul­tur­al her­it­age to attract mul­ti­cul­tur­al trav­el­lers to under-served com­munit­ies. The founder & CEO of the Cul­tur­al Her­it­age Eco­nom­ic Alli­ance (CHEA), Ms Jones has foun­ded ini­ti­at­ives designed to “cre­ate diversity, equity, and inclu­sion in the travel & tour­ism industry”. These include Cul­ture onShore; Black Cul­tur­al Her­it­age Tours; Nation­al Blacks in Travel & Tour­ism Col­lab­or­at­ive; Black Tour­ism Tal­ent Dir­ect­ory; and Diversity Tour­ism Academy. Stephanie serves on a num­ber of Amer­ic­an and inter­na­tion­al boards, com­mit­tees, and pan­els, includ­ing the United States Travel & Tour­ism Advis­ory Board. She is a reg­u­lar key­note speak­er on the top­ics of diversity and inclu­sion, mul­ti­cul­tur­al mar­ket­ing, cul­tur­al her­it­age, stake­hold­er engage­ment, and the “Black travel move­ment”. She holds a MBA from Flor­ida Inter­na­tion­al University.

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