Outrigger goes big on World Oceans Month this June

Outrigger collage
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Bare­foot lux­ury and cor­al reef con­ser­va­tion meet at Out­rig­ger Resorts.

WAIKIKI – In hon­our of World Oceans Month this June, Out­rig­ger Hotels and Resorts is eager to con­tin­ue its sup­port in pro­tect­ing and sus­tain­ing the oceans and the spe­cies that inhab­it them.

Making Big Waves for Global Change

Through its OZONE pro­gramme, Out­rig­ger has cham­pioned ocean and cor­al health by plant­ing, pre­serving and pro­tect­ing more than 100 foot­ball fields of cor­al since the launch of OZONE in 2014. This World Oceans Month, Out­rig­ger will host enrich­ing eco-activ­it­ies at its hotels and resorts in Hawai‘i, Fiji and Maur­i­ti­us – ran­ging from beach clean-up events, pop-up aquar­i­um exper­i­ences and more – cre­at­ing enga­ging oppor­tun­it­ies for guests to make a sus­tain­able splash this year:

Coral Reef cocktail
  • Pop-Up Reefs: Waikīkī Aquar­i­um, a pion­eer in cor­al cul­tiv­a­tion will host intim­ate pop-up aquar­i­um exper­i­ences at Out­rig­ger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort and Out­rig­ger Waikiki Beach Resort through­out June, altern­at­ing loc­a­tions weekly on Mondays for guests to enjoy.
  • Friend­ship Brace­lets (Kupee): Inspired by cus­tom sus­tain­able rope art­work now being cre­ated for Out­rig­ger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort by mar­ine sci­ent­ist turned sus­tain­ab­il­ity artist Eth­an Est­ess – guests can join in cre­at­ing sus­tain­able and cul­tur­al kai (ocean) kupee and mar­ine-plastic kupeusing salvaged fish­ing rope and recycled micro-plastics every Thursday in June at Out­rig­ger Reef and every Sat­urday in June at Out­rig­ger Waikiki.
  • All in this Togeth­er: Out­rig­ger is part­ner­ing with Sus­tain­able Coast­lines Hawaii to host a col­lect­ive town beach clean-up event on 26 June, allow­ing guests to take part in sus­tain­able tour­ism efforts along­side Out­rig­ger hosts and loc­al res­id­ents. In addi­tion, sim­il­ar com­munity OZONE activ­a­tions will be tak­ing place at all Out­rig­ger Resorts glob­ally – includ­ing Fiji and Mauritius.
  • The Out­rig­ger Way: Out­rig­ger hosts (employ­ees) have joined in an intern­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity pledge to use reusable met­al water bottles in an effort to elim­in­ate single-use plastics on-prop­erty and bey­ond; guests are encour­aged to fol­low suit and util­ise the prop­er­ties’ state-of-the-art water sta­tions to fill up. 
  • Cor­al Reef-Safe SPF 30: Out­rig­ger con­tin­ues to sup­ply vis­it­ors with reef-safe sun­screen from All Good – an easy way to care for cor­al reefs while enjoy­ing the Waikīkī sun.
  • Sea Art: View ocean-debris art on dis­play from Sta­cey Garm­shausen in the lobby of Out­rig­ger Waikiki Beach Resort for World Oceans Month in June as well as plastic-free July. Addi­tion­al ocean-debris art will be seen at Out­rig­ger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort from artists Kat Kazlauskas and Shan­non McCarthy

Accord­ing to experts, 100% of cor­al reef hab­it­ats around the world may nearly be elim­in­ated by 2100, due to rising sea tem­per­at­ures and acid­ic waters; and an alarm­ing 70 – 90% of cor­al reefs will dis­ap­pear over the next 20 years because of cli­mate change and pol­lu­tion. Out­rig­ger is com­mit­ted to cre­at­ing a wave of glob­al change as part of its ongo­ing OZONE (Outrigger’s ZONE) pro­gramme, bring­ing ocean health and cor­al reef con­ser­va­tion to the fore­front of its every­day operations.

For U.S. and Cana­dian res­id­ents, now through 20 June, 2021, Out­rig­ger is host­ing the Caring for our Cor­al Reefs Sweepstakes, a cam­paign to raise aware­ness for cor­al care and offer con­sumers a chance to win the largest prize pack­age ever offered by Out­rig­ger. The reward of a mem­or­able Hawai‘i get­away includes: 

Caring for our Coral Reefs

“As a Hawai‘i‑born beach resort brand, pro­tect­ing our oceans and caring for our cor­al reefs is embed­ded into Outrigger’s cul­ture. It’s a cause we take to heart and cham­pi­on daily,” said Mon­ica Salt­er, Vice Pres­id­ent of Glob­al Com­mu­nic­a­tions and Social Respons­ib­il­ity at Out­rig­ger Hos­pit­al­ity Group.

“World Oceans Month serves as a cata­lyst to engage with our guests in new ways – from this year’s his­tor­ic Caring for our Cor­al Reef sweepstakes to work­ing with inspir­ing organ­isa­tions and artists such as Sus­tain­able Coast­lines and Eth­an Estess.”


As part of the Safe Travels Hawai‘i pro­gram, trav­el­lers with a neg­at­ive COVID-19 test res­ult from a trus­ted travel part­ner, 72-hours pri­or to arriv­ing to O‘ahu will not be sub­ject to a 10-day quar­ant­ine. Vis­it HawaiiCOVID19.com/travel for the latest inform­a­tion on COVID-19 travel pro­ced­ures and regulations.


For more than 70 years, Out­rig­ger Hotels and Resorts has charted a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery – expand­ing from Hawaii to premi­er resort des­tin­a­tions includ­ing Fiji and Maur­i­ti­us. The privately held hos­pit­al­ity com­pany invites guests to ‘Escape Ordin­ary’ with authen­t­ic Sig­na­ture Exper­i­ences and the Out­rig­ger DISCOVERY loy­alty pro­gram. Outrigger’s multi-branded port­fo­lio includes Out­rig­ger® Resorts, OHANA Hotels by Out­rig­ger®, Hawaii Vaca­tion Con­dos by Out­rig­ger®, Kapalua Vil­las Maui, and its new­est addi­tion, Honua Kai Resort & Spa Maui while also man­aging select prop­er­ties from top inter­na­tion­al hotel brands includ­ing Embassy Suites®, Best West­ern® and Hilton Grand Vaca­tionsTM. Find out more at Outrigger.com or vis­it @OutriggerResorts on Face­bookIns­tagram and Twit­ter.

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