For the sake of the world’s poor, might the risk of overtourism be worth it?

April 20, 2021

Passport, camera, money ... go. By bjwhite66212 (CC0) via Pixabay.
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From a facil­it­at­or of poten­tially dam­aging masses to a mere tinker­er at the eco­nom­ic mar­gins of a place, travel & tour­ism can be any­thing a des­tin­a­tion chooses it to be. 

In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Peter Smith sug­gests that mass tour­ism may offer more to the world’s poorest stake­hold­ers than many com­ment­at­ors acknowledge.

[Thanks to Jim Butcher for invit­ing Dr Smith to write a “GT” Insight.]

COVID-19 has had an unpre­ced­en­ted impact on inter­na­tion­al tour­ism: a 74% fall in inter­na­tion­al arrivals with a loss of US$1.3 bil­lion in tour­ism income (UNWTO; PDF hos­ted off­s­ite). Major tour­ism des­tin­a­tions have been emp­tied of vis­it­ors for months, cit­ies usu­ally throng­ing with budget air­line tour­ists are eer­ily quiet, and des­tin­a­tions that have been tagged with the fash­ion­able label of ‘over­tour­ism’ now have a trickle of vis­it­ors at best. 

Work­ers in the tour­ism, avi­ation, and the wider hos­pit­al­ity sec­tors of many West­ern coun­tries are on fur­lough or their gov­ern­ments are under­writ­ing their wages — if they are lucky — oth­er­wise they have been made redund­ant. In the devel­op­ing world, in coun­tries where tour­ism is crit­ic­al or import­ant, few are so lucky. Stor­ies of des­ti­tu­tion abound. This situ­ation should be a moment for tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers, aca­dem­ics, advoc­ates, and cam­paign­ers to take a step back and con­sider their cur­rent favoured approach to tourism. 

Tour­ism was once seen as a break from the norm of work; a chance to recharge bat­ter­ies and relax in more pleas­ant sur­round­ings. Today, eth­ic­al advoc­ates and cam­paign­ers aim to make our choice of tour­ist des­tin­a­tion as fraught with eth­ic­al conun­drums as vari­ous oth­er areas of life. 

For Kellee Caton (2012) this rep­res­ents tourism’s ‘eth­ic­al turn’, but per­haps it should be seen as a reac­tion against and rejec­tion of mass tour­ism. COVID-19 should give us pause for reflec­tion at how the types of tour­ism advoc­ated to replace mass tour­ism can meet the genu­ine needs of indi­vidu­als and com­munit­ies that have been reli­ant on it. 

The damaging masses

For the last 25 years or so mass tour­ism has come under relent­less cri­ti­cism. Jost Krippendorf’s The Hol­i­day Makers: The Impacts of Leis­ure and Travel (1987) pion­eered the now widely accep­ted cri­tique of mass tour­ism. For Krip­pen­dorf, mass tour­ism is a “rest­less activ­ity that has taken hold of the once sedent­ary human soci­ety”. In this read­ing, mass tour­ism res­ults in dam­age to host com­munit­ies and the loc­al envir­on­ment, as mass migra­tion encoun­ters social and envir­on­ment­al limits. 

Krip­pen­dorf not only cri­ti­cised mass tour­ism. His major con­tri­bu­tion was to shift the dis­cus­sion away from the dam­aging com­mer­cial oper­a­tion to the beha­viour of the tour­ing masses them­selves. On the basis that mass tour­ists are dam­aging to the envir­on­ment and host com­munit­ies, Krip­pen­dorf advoc­ated altern­at­ive tour­ism pro­jects and products that take into account the envir­on­ment­al, eco­nom­ic, social, and cul­tur­al impacts of tour­ism, par­tic­u­larly in devel­op­ing counties. Krippendorf’s study can be said to have estab­lished many of the key themes that have since become prom­in­ent in cri­tiques of mass tour­ism and the advocacy of niche altern­at­ives (Nov­elli, 2005).

Also see Meghan L Mul­doon’s “GT” Insight
“Tam­ing the beau­ti­ful mon­ster: What ‘crit­ic­al tour­ism stud­ies’ is to me”

Along­side the com­mon cri­tique of mass tour­ism, over the last two dec­ades aca­dem­ics and advoc­ates have focused on devel­op­ing the concept of altern­at­ive, niche forms of tour­ism (Mow­forth & Munt, 2016). There has been a grow­ing lit­er­at­ure on eco­tour­ism and ‘eth­ic­al’ tour­ism that links the beha­viour and pur­chas­ing habits of con­sumers to devel­op­ment out­comes in devel­op­ing coun­tries (Scheyvens, 2002; Weaver, 2008; Buckley, 2009; Pat­tullo & Minelli, 2009; Wear­ing & Neil, 2009, among oth­ers). Eco­tour­ism was once cham­pioned as the primary altern­at­ive to mass tour­ism, but increas­ingly oth­er niches, such as volun­teer tour­ism, are advoc­ated as eth­ic­al exemplars.

The altern­at­ives to mass tour­ism widely advoc­ated in aca­dem­ic and act­iv­ist circles almost exclus­ively focus on small-scale pro­jects in the devel­op­ing world. They incor­por­ate key ele­ments of ‘neo-pop­u­list’ approaches to devel­op­ment that have ris­en to prom­in­ence since the 1970s (Hettne, 1995; Cham­bers, 1997; Adams, 2008).

Neo-pop­u­lism emphas­ises the involve­ment of the ‘loc­al com­munity’, their ‘par­ti­cip­a­tion’ in decisions, and their con­trol over devel­op­ment. It replaces the Cold War-inspired pop­u­list move­ments in devel­op­ing coun­tries. And it is a response to the fail­ure of the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket to deliv­er eco­nom­ic growth in cer­tain regions, not­ably Africa. 

Eth­ic­al niche sec­tors such as eco­tour­ism and volun­teer tour­ism neatly link con­ser­va­tion and loc­al com­munity involve­ment and have, for many advoc­ates, become ‘exem­plars’ of the neo-pop­u­list approach. 

Tinkering at the margins

The nar­row­ing of key con­cepts of devel­op­ment and demo­cracy to more loc­al­ised set­tings has pro­found implic­a­tions, par­tic­u­larly for devel­op­ing coun­tries. The lack of a nation­al or region­al focus to such advocacy is wholly at odds with the idea of lib­er­at­ing poor com­munit­ies from their loc­al­ised poverty, as it diverts atten­tion away from deal­ing with devel­op­ing coun­tries’ mar­gin­al pos­i­tions in inter­na­tion­al trade. 

We may wish good luck to loc­al com­munity-based eth­ic­al tour­ism pro­jects, but the fact remains that small busi­nesses bring min­im­al bene­fit to loc­al com­munit­ies and fail to trans­form the eco­nom­ies or infra­struc­ture of devel­op­ing coun­tries in any mean­ing­ful way. This is tinker­ing at the mar­gins, at best.

Also see Jim Butcher­’s “GT” Insight
“Why tour­ism degrowth just won’t do after COVID-19″

Which brings us back to the cur­rent COVID-19 situ­ation faced by tour­ism. In such a situ­ation we should reflect on the extent to which small-scale pro­ject-based altern­at­ives to mass tour­ism can real­ist­ic­ally build back the sec­tor. It should be clear by now that the eth­ic­al tour­ism niches advoc­ated for the last 25 years or so will be insuf­fi­cient to provide the jobs and live­li­hoods so des­per­ately needed; not least in the devel­op­ing world. 

Sure, mass tour­ism has many issues that need to be addressed — his­tor­ic­ally poor wages, some far-from-exem­plary examples of host-guest inter­ac­tions, and loc­al­ised com­pet­i­tion over resources such as water, for example — but should we per­haps ques­tion our shrill rejec­tion of mass tour­ism? Might we even accept the risk of over­shoot­ing into over­tour­ism in places that des­per­ately need the vis­it­ors back?

What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write a deep­er “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Pass­port, cam­era, money … go. Image by bjwhite66212 (CC0) via Pixabay.

About the author

Dr Peter Smith, senior lecturer in tourism management, University of West London
Dr Peter Smith

Peter Smith is a Seni­or Lec­turer in Tour­ism Man­age­ment at the Uni­ver­sity of West Lon­don and the co-author of Butcher, J and Smith, P (2015) Volun­teer Tour­ism: The life­style polit­ics of inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, Rout­ledge, London.

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