Worldwide Travel Alliance announced

Worldwide Travel Alliance
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New European sales & mar­ket­ing group tar­gets travel & tour­ism entit­ies world­wide ahead of post-COV­ID vac­cine travel boom.

The World­wide Travel Alli­ance (WTA) has been launched to provide sales, mar­ket­ing, rep­res­ent­a­tion and PR ser­vices to glob­al travel brands seek­ing European cus­tom­ers. The Alli­ance con­sists of six lead­ing sales and mar­ket­ing experts based in the UK, Ger­many, France, Rus­sia and Thailand.

The Alliance’s mar­ket reach extends bey­ond coun­try bor­ders to include all Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Rus­si­an, Span­ish, Itali­an and Por­tuguese speak­ing mar­kets. The WTA’s main tar­gets are hotels and resorts (indi­vidu­al or group), nation­al and region­al tour­ism boards, DMCs, theme parks, tour oper­at­ors, cruise lines, med­ic­al tour­ism out­lets, travel asso­ci­ations, and more.

WTA mar­ket dir­ect­ors have served, or con­tin­ue to serve, cli­ents such as Kem­p­in­ski, Out­rig­ger Resorts, Dubai Parks & Resorts, Pre­ferred Hotels & Resorts, Khiri Travel, COMO Hotels & Resorts, and DMC Luxe Voyage.

WTA launch dir­ect­ors include Andrea Hogg of Wen­dum Travel Ser­vices (UK), May Kamya of East­ern Favour­ites (Ger­man-speak­ing mar­kets and Scand­inavia), Ana­bela Dos San­tos of ADS Con­sult­ing (French, Span­ish, Itali­an and Por­tuguese mar­kets), Elena Vet­rova of Travel Media (Rus­sia, Ukraine, CIS and Balt­ic States), and Ken Scott and Anchalee Sri­wongsa of Scot­tAs­ia Com­mu­nic­a­tions (UK & Thailand).

Worldwide Travel Alliance founders: (top) Anabela Dos Santos, Ken Scott, Andrea Hogg;
(below) May Kamya, Elena Vetrova and Anchalee Sriwongsa
World­wide Travel Alli­ance founders: (top) Ana­bela Dos San­tos, Ken Scott, Andrea Hogg;
(below) May Kamya, Elena Vet­rova and Anchalee Sriwongsa

Sales channels primed and ready

Travel brands need sales chan­nels primed and ready to bring back busi­ness after Covid.

“After the travel industry trauma of 2020, all travel brands are set­ting new pri­or­it­ies and tar­gets — many are effect­ively start­ing over in 2021,” said Ms Hogg of WTA UK. “This is where WTA can step in and quickly help them cre­ate busi­ness from import­ant source markets.”

Ms Kamya said that travel brands that move quickly will secure bet­ter res­ults in the much-anti­cip­ated 2021 rebound.

“While a lot depends on the vac­cine roll out, at WTA we expect travel book­ings to surge from Janu­ary 2021. People who have been denied inter­na­tion­al travel for 10 months are ready to act on their buck­et list,” she said.

“WTA is a dynam­ic inter­na­tion­al agency. We fit well with brands that value res­ults, cre­ativ­ity, con­nec­ted think­ing and mar­ket feedback”

Ana­bela Dos San­tos, World­wide Travel Alli­ance found­ing dir­ect­or (France, Spain, Italy, Portugal)

Between them, WTA dir­ect­ors have intens­ive in-mar­ket expert­ise in B2B sales, road shows, vir­tu­al and phys­ic­al event rep­res­ent­a­tion, media rela­tions, fam trip organ­ising, PR, and digit­al con­tent cre­ation. Each con­sultancy is well known and has an extens­ive net­work of travel industry stake­hold­ers in each market.

WTA can be engaged on an indi­vidu­al coun­try or pan-European basis, depend­ing on cli­ent needs.

WTA will cov­er the Scand­inavi­an mar­ket from Berlin.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion on the World­wide Travel Alli­ance range of ser­vices, per­son­nel, pre­vi­ous work and con­tact inform­a­tion is avail­able here.

About the Worldwide Travel Alliance

Foun­ded in Janu­ary 2021, the World­wide Travel Alli­ance is a Europe-based alli­ance of B2B travel industry sales, mar­ket­ing and PR rep­res­ent­at­ives who have worked togeth­er for five years. Each rep­res­ent­at­ive cur­rently handles a vari­ety of inter­na­tion­al cli­ents and has a min­im­um of 10 years’ travel industry exper­i­ence in their respect­ive mar­kets. WTA is inter­ested to hear from pro­spect­ive travel industry part­ners. Vis­it Email:

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