SUNx Malta launches world-first Climate Friendly Travel Diploma with ITS

SUNx Malta launches world-first Climate Friendly Travel Diploma with ITS
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Press release from “GT” Insight Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Network: 

Val­letta, Malta, 21st April 2020: Today in Val­letta, SUNx Malta and The Insti­tute of Tour­ism Stud­ies (ITS) launched the first Tour­ism course ded­ic­ated to the trans­form­a­tion of the Travel & Tour­ism industry in line with the Par­is Cli­mate Accord and tagged to the SDGs. It flows dir­ectly from the SUNx Malta Cli­mate Friendly Travel Ambi­tions Report, co-pro­duced with WTTC, in the con­text of the UN SG Cli­mate Action Summit.

The SUNx Malta Dip­loma in Cli­mate Friendly Travel will be taught from the ITS cam­pus on Gozo to gradu­ate stu­dents in res­id­ence, as well as delivered online. The course is the centrepiece of a part­ner­ship between SUNx and ITS to devel­op the fol­low­ing framework:

  • A Cli­mate Friendly Travel Edu­ca­tion Capa­city Build­ing program
  • An EU led pro­gram for 100,000 STRONG Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons in all UN States by 2030
  • A Registry for Travel & Tour­ism 2050 Cli­mate Neut­ral Ambi­tions, linked to the UNFCCC
  • A Strategy Sup­port Sys­tem for Malta as a Glob­al Centre of Cli­mate Friendly Travel
Julia Farrugia Portelli, Minister for Tourism & Consumer Protection, Malta
Julia Far­ru­gia Por­telli, Min­is­ter for Tour­ism & Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion, Malta

The press event, which was con­duc­ted over the inter­net was led by Hon. Julia Far­ru­gia Por­telli, Min­is­ter for Tour­ism & Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion, who under­scored the crit­ic­al import­ance of edu­ca­tion and train­ing as the Tour­ism sec­tor emerges from the cur­rent COVID-19 crisis.

In thank­ing the Min­is­ter for her vis­ion in mak­ing Malta a glob­al Centre of Cli­mate Friendly Travel, Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, Pres­id­ent of SUNx Malta said: “Through our part­ner­ship with the Gov­ern­ment of Malta we are devel­op­ing a “Plan for Our Kids” — where all Travel & Tour­ism fits with­in the Par­is 1.5C Cli­mate tar­gets and the EU Green Deal. Where loc­al com­munit­ies are engaged. And where we will train 100,000 young smart Strong Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons to help lead that trans­form­a­tion. Today is an import­ant step in that direction.

“Secondly, I would like to thank ITS for being the per­fect part­ner to cre­ate the World’s first Cli­mate Friendly Travel Dip­loma. To build a new oppor­tun­ity for tomor­row’s emer­ging lead­ers to help move our world to a bet­ter, bright­er hap­pi­er Cli­mate Resi­li­ent future. We plan to seed know­ledge and train the train­ers — to help com­pan­ies and com­munit­ies to cre­ate jobs, as they trans­form to a no car­bon, clean energy, nature-based lifestyle.”

Pro­fess­or Lip­man also thanked The Hon. Clint Cam­illeri, Min­is­ter for Gozo, the Eco jew­el in Malta’s crown, by say­ing that there could be no bet­ter set­ting and no bet­ter, friend­li­er edu­ca­tion­al facil­ity than ITS have cre­ated there. 

In con­clud­ing Lip­man said: “It is a dif­fer­ent world today from when SUNx Malta Think Tank held their first Annu­al Think Tank only a few weeks ago, bring­ing glob­al thought lead­ers to the island. It was a gentler, less bru­tal, less fright­en­ing world. 

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“But for sure this will pass, and we will emerge from today’s tough tri­als; doubly com­mit­ted to slay the Cli­mate Crisis dragon. And with renewed pas­sion – look togeth­er towards a clean­er, green­er, Cli­mate Friendly hori­zon. We are so happy to do this with good col­leagues in Malta Tour­ism Author­ity (MTA) and ITS. Togeth­er with Malta, a small state, with a big cul­tur­al his­tory and an amaz­ing record of glob­al Cli­mate lead­er­ship action — to work togeth­er for a bright­er future for the next generation.”

About SUNx

The Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work SUNx is a pro­gram of the EU-based, not for profit Green Growth and Trav­el­ism Insti­tute, and a leg­acy to the late Maurice Strong — Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Pion­eer. Its goal is to pro­mote Cli­mate Friendly Travel with good & bad effects meas­ured and man­aged coher­ently: with Green Growth at the core and, 2050-proof in line with the Par­is Accords, and the W.E.F. 4th Indus­tri­al Revolution.

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