UK Aid encourages inclusive tourism in Myanmar

June 20, 2018

Inclusive tourism in Myanmar

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The UK Aid-fun­ded Busi­ness Innov­a­tion Facil­ity (BIF) pro­ject has released a high-qual­ity video about inclus­ive tour­ism in Myanmar.

The pro­ject has been work­ing with Myan­mar’s private sec­tor to intro­duce and encour­age take-up of the concept of inclus­ive tourism.

For the past four years long time Asia Pacific sus­tain­able tour­ism advoc­ate, Steve Noakes, has been seni­or con­sult­ant to BIF.

“The BIF pro­ject has dir­ectly involved many hun­dreds of tour­ism enter­prises in Myan­mar,” Pro­fess­or Noakes said.

“This video intro­duces three of them from the Inle Lake region. They each are won­der­ful illus­tra­tions on how inclus­ive tour­ism can gen­er­ate bene­fits to low income and/or mar­gin­al­ized com­munit­ies in a trans­ition eco­nomy such as Myan­mar that is now open­ing up to glob­al tour­ism markets.”

About BIF in Myanmar

From the BIF web­site: “BIF has been oper­at­ing in Myan­mar since Septem­ber 2013, sup­port­ing and cata­lys­ing the adop­tion, adap­tion and expan­sion of com­mer­cially sus­tain­able innov­a­tions in selec­ted mar­kets. BIF sup­ports mar­ket play­ers to devel­op new ways of work­ing to increase mar­ket access by the poor as pro­du­cers, pro­cessors or con­sumers. BIF Myan­mar is cur­rently work­ing in the gar­ment and tour­ism mar­kets and is plan­ning to add new mar­kets to its port­fo­lio in the com­ing months.”

About Steve Noakes

Pro­fess­or Noakes has an extens­ive back­ground in tour­ism in the Asia Pacific region and main­tains interests across industry, aca­demia, and NGOs through­out the region. He is the founder of Pacific Asia Tour­ism, an inter­na­tion­al pro­ject man­age­ment enter­prise focused on ways tour­ism can con­trib­ute to the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals (SDGs).

About UK Aid

UK Aid is a brand of the United King­dom’s Depart­ment for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (DFID), which uses aid to “tackle the glob­al chal­lenges of our time includ­ing poverty and dis­ease, mass migra­tion, insec­ur­ity and conflict”.

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