Coalition promotes Child Safe Tourism in Myanmar

September 21, 2017

Myanmar coalition promotes Child Safe Tourism

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While the world observes the troubles between the Rohingya and their neigh­bours in Myan­mar, the Uni­on’s tour­ism min­istry and the Myan­mar Respons­ible Tour­ism Insti­tute (MRTI) are work­ing with UNICEF to pro­mote Child Safe Tourism.

Accord­ing to the Min­istry of Hotels and Tour­ism (MoHT), since July 31:

“… sur­vey­ing and hold­ing aware­ness cam­paigns are being under­taken in Yan­gon, Man­dalay, Bagan, Inlay, Kawthaung and Chaung-Tha where tour­ism sec­tor is devel­op­ing. Actions on pla­cing notice-boards like “Don’t allow Myanmar’s chil­dren not to enter bed­rooms togeth­er with the tour­ists” and pre­vent­ing not to occur child sex exploit­a­tion cases had been dir­ec­ted and under­taken at hotels and guest houses in Ngwe-Saung Beach …” [sic]

A sur­vey and an aware­ness cam­paign that includes pub­lic notices, per­haps posters … Also workshops:

Child Safe Tourism training workshops

Last month (August 2017) MRTI con­duc­ted on-site train­ing work­shops on Child Safe Tour­ism in “tour­ism hot spots” includ­ing Man­dalay, Chaung Thar, Kaw Thoung, Bagan, Yan­gon and Inle Lake.

The work­shops were tar­geted at four dif­fer­ent stake­hold­er groups:

Local Government

  • To raise aware­ness and show decision makers that Child Safe Tour­ism is pos­sible and desirable.
  • To indic­ate that there are ways to report incid­ents and prove to loc­al stake­hold­ers that they can take responsibility.

Upper Management

  • To con­vince seni­or decision makers of tour­ism com­pan­ies to engage in Child Safe Tour­ism and com­mit per­son­nel to trainings.

Mid Management

  • To pro­mote Child Safe Tour­ism with­in com­pan­ies by rais­ing aware­ness among middle man­age­ment on the impacts of tour­ism on the safety and vul­ner­ab­il­ity of children.
  • To raise aware­ness of the prob­lems of orphan­age tour­ism and child sex tourism.
  • To adopt policies and cre­ate report­ing procedures.
  • To raise the import­ance of train­ing all staff, espe­cially guest ser­vices staff.
  • To work with rel­ev­ant stake­hold­ers in the com­munity to cre­ate Child Safe Tourism.

Floor Staff

  • To build sup­port for Child Safe Tour­ism among employees.
  • To motiv­ate staff to stay alert and know what to do if they have any suspicions.

Training the Child Safe Tourism trainers

In June MRTI held a 10-day pro­gram to train up 13 pro­spect­ive train­ers; “staff from the Anti-Traf­fick­ing Depart­ment (ATiPD), Depart­ment of Social Wel­fare (DSW), Min­istry of Hotels and Tour­ism (MoHT), Myan­mar Tour Guides Asso­ci­ation (MTGA), tour oper­at­ors, and tour­ist police”.

The first half of the train­ing focused on Child Safe Tour­ism with the bal­ance focused on “cur­riculum plan­ning, facil­it­a­tion, orphan­age tour­ism, child law and rights, case man­age­ment sys­tems, and work planning”.

About Child Safe Tourism

The Child Safe Tour­ism cam­paign was launched in Novem­ber 2012 as part of the Pro­ject Child­hood Pre­ven­tion Pil­lar, an Aus­trali­an Gov­ern­ment ini­ti­at­ive imple­men­ted by World Vis­ion to pre­vent child sexu­al abuse with­in travel and tour­ism in Cam­bod­ia, Lao PDR, Thai­l­and and Vietnam.

In Janu­ary 2015 World Vis­ion handed Child Safe Tour­ism over to The Code of Con­duct for the Pro­tec­tion of Chil­dren from Sexu­al Exploit­a­tion in Travel and Tour­ism (The Code), which is sup­por­ted by UNICEF and UNWTO among others.

Where­as Child Safe Tour­ism ori­gin­ally sought to “arm trav­el­lers with inform­a­tion and know­ledge on simple actions that they can take to reduce the vul­ner­ab­il­ity of chil­dren and young people who live or work in tour­ism loc­a­tions”, The Code is “an industry-driv­en respons­ible tour­ism ini­ti­at­ive” that works to pre­vent the sexu­al exploit­a­tion of chil­dren with­in travel & tour­ism (SECTT).

Sources: MoHT, MRTI, The Code, Child Safe Tour­ism.

Fea­tured image: “Des­pite many daily hard­ships, the chil­dren always find some­thing to smile about …” by Math­i­as Eick, EU/ECHO, Rakhine State, Myanmar/Burma, Septem­ber 2013 (CC BY-ND 2.0) via Flickr.


global child sex tourism study

Snip from the cov­er of “Offend­ers on the Move: Glob­al Study on Sexu­al Exploit­a­tion of Chil­dren in Travel & Tour­ism 2016”

Glob­al (PDF 2 MB)

Offend­ers on the Move: Glob­al Study on Sexu­al Exploit­a­tion of Chil­dren in Travel & Tour­ism 2016

Region­al (hos­ted offsite)

Sub-Saha­ran Africa | Middle East and North Africa | South Asia | South­east Asia | East Asia | Europe and Cent­ral Asia | Pacific | North Amer­ica | Lat­in America

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