Why is Jammu & Kashmir failing to develop ecotourism?

June 1, 2017

A meadow in Bangus Valley, one of the areas identified by the Jammu & Kashmir Forest Department as holding strong ecotourism potential. Source: Wikimedia / Wasiq 9320

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The Indi­an state of Jam­mu and Kash­mir (J&K) is allegedly fail­ing to walk the talk when it comes to devel­op­ing its eco­tour­ism potential.

“The much-talked-about pro­mo­tion of eco­tour­ism in J&K along the lines of Karnataka and oth­er states of India has remained con­fined to offi­cial state­ments of the PDP-BJP Coali­tion Gov­ern­ment,” accord­ing to a scath­ing edit­or­i­al by the Daily Excel­si­or.

“Neither a com­pre­hens­ive policy has been for­mu­lated nor ser­i­ous­ness shown” towards sites iden­ti­fied for pilot pro­jects two years ago, accord­ing to the paper.

Min­is­ters reg­u­larly issue state­ments about the immense poten­tial of eco­tour­ism in J&K, how­ever, the “situ­ation on the ground is totally con­trary to these state­ments as neither [the] required focus has been paid towards fram­ing com­pre­hens­ive eco­tour­ism policy nor any step ini­ti­ated for mak­ing facil­it­ies avail­able at the already iden­ti­fied sites”, accord­ing to a source.

By Septem­ber 2015 it is thought the Forest Depart­ment had iden­ti­fied four pilot pro­jects each in the Kash­mir and Jam­mu divi­sions that would be developed as poten­tial eco­tour­ism des­tin­a­tions. The sites were Ban­gus Val­ley (pic­tured above), Bojpath­ri, Tosamaidan, Dak­sum, Pahal­gam, War­wan, Sukrala and Machedi (Billawar).

It was under­stood that under­tak­ing eco­tour­ism activ­it­ies at those sites would provide employ­ment and busi­ness oppor­tun­it­ies to loc­als while ensur­ing min­im­al dis­turb­ance to the forest ecosystem.

Neelum River along the J&K border. Source: Wikimedia / Sohailahmedraza

Nee­lum River along the J&K bor­der. Source: Wiki­me­dia / Sohailahmedraza

How­ever, Forest Depart­ment offi­cials are appar­ently unaware of any pro­gress made in build­ing the neces­sary infra­struc­ture and facil­it­ies at these sites.

An offi­cial at the Forest Depart­ment told the Daily Excel­si­or: “We have pre­pared pro­ject reports for these sites and the same have been sub­mit­ted to the Tour­ism Depart­ment […] I have not received any com­mu­nic­a­tion from the Tour­ism Depart­ment on this front to date”.

“[The] Tour­ism Depart­ment has to keep us informed before under­tak­ing any activ­ity vis-à-vis eco­tour­ism pro­mo­tion at these sites”.

How­ever, anoth­er offi­cial said: “The pro­jects for pro­mo­tion of eco­tour­ism are still being for­mu­lated and there­after dis­cus­sions will be held with Tour­ism Depart­ment authorities.”

“The con­tra­dict­ory state­ments […] clearly indic­ate the level of non-ser­i­ous­ness towards much-talked about pro­mo­tion of eco­tour­ism as well as lack of coordin­a­tion”, sources told the paper.

Accord­ing to the edit­or­i­al this is not the first time the state has failed to walk the talk around eco­tour­ism: “Sev­er­al years ago” an eco­tour­ism devel­op­ment plan con­ceived by a private-sec­tor stake­hold­er with a strong track record of suc­cess­ful eco­tour­ism devel­op­ment went missing.

The paper and its sources can reas­on­ably ask: How can the Gov­ern­ment pro­mote eco­tour­ism in J&K while adopt­ing such a cas­u­al approach towards the devel­op­ment of eco­tour­ism projects?

Full edit­or­i­al at the Daily Excel­si­or.

From Wiki­pe­dia: Jam­mu and Kash­mir is a state in north­ern India, often denoted by the acronym J&K. It is loc­ated mostly in the Him­alay­an moun­tains, and shares bor­ders with the states of Himach­al Pra­desh and Pun­jab to the south. J&K has an inter­na­tion­al bor­der with China in the north and east, and the Line of Con­trol sep­ar­ates it from the Pakistani-admin­istered ter­rit­or­ies of Azad Kash­mir and Gil­git-Baltistan in the west and north­w­est respect­ively. The state has spe­cial autonomy under Art­icle 370 of the Con­sti­tu­tion of India.

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