Philippines’ real estate should back sustainable tourism: Teo

May 8, 2017

Philippines Tourism Secretary Wanda Corazon T Teo

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Prop­erty developers and realtors should become advoc­ates of a sus­tain­able, inclus­ive and cli­mate-resi­li­ent tour­ism industry, accord­ing to Phil­ip­pines Tour­ism Sec­ret­ary Wanda Corazon T Teo speak­ing at a real estate industry awards event in Makati last week.

The United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) defines sus­tain­able tour­ism as “tour­ism that takes full account of its cur­rent and future eco­nom­ic, social and envir­on­ment­al impacts, address­ing the needs of vis­it­ors, the industry, the envir­on­ment and host communities”.

As repor­ted by Busi­ness Mir­ror, Teo said sus­tain­able tour­ism also takes into con­sid­er­a­tion the car­ry­ing capa­city of loc­al destinations.

Tour­ism activ­it­ies are man­aged to pre­vent irre­par­able dam­age to the envir­on­ment and ensure the con­tinu­ing sat­is­fac­tion of the country’s vis­it­ors to those spots.

She did­n’t for­get to men­tion loc­al com­munit­ies: “By inclus­ive tour­ism we mean enga­ging more people to take part of, and bene­fit from, tourism.

“This can be done by sourcing mater­i­als and ser­vices from our loc­al­it­ies, or by invest­ing in undeveloped areas to jump-start loc­al eco­nom­ies, such as those in the Visay­as and Mindanao.”

Teo added: “It is incum­bent upon all of us stake­hold­ers to ensure that we are one in pur­su­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism devel­op­ment wherever in the country.”

Phil­ip­pines’ tour­ism sec­tor lead­er said she knew a num­ber of developers were already mak­ing an effort to con­trib­ute to the goal of sus­tain­able tour­ism, [but] “I chal­lenge you all to do more.

“At present, we still have tour­ism des­tin­a­tions that lack facil­it­ies and amen­it­ies,” she said.

“There are some that don’t have them at all.

“Worse, we have a few that are on the brink of decline due to uncon­trolled envir­on­ment­al degradation.

“Cer­tainly, these are con­cerns that we, the private and pub­lic sec­tors, must work on together.”

Teo added that best prac­tices in prop­erty devel­op­ment can be used to address issues in the Phil­ip­pines’ tour­ism industry.

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog sup­ports the shar­ing of know­ledge, skills, and best prac­tices both with­in the travel & tour­ism industry and between industries.

Full story at Busi­ness Mir­ror.

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