Traveller tips

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Tags are inform­al; an after­thought to con­tent cre­ation. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog nev­er gets bogged down with tag­ging accur­acy or con­sist­ency. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and dis­cus­sion and appre­ci­ates help­ful feedback.

It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’. A travel tip for good tourists and responsible travellers

January 9, 2020

It's not 'no'. It's 'know.' A "Good Tourism" travel tip; travel advice for good tourists & responsible travellers.

How can one be a good tour­ist and a respons­ible trav­el­ler?  An easy-to-remem­ber rhyme might help; one that acknow­ledges that there is always more to know and there­fore nev­er gets old.  What do you think about this as a catch-all travel tip or philo­sophy for trav­el­lers? Update, June 2021: If you clicked over from The “GT” […]

Read More It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’. A travel tip for good tourists and responsible travellers

Panic! The effect of travel advisories on tourism after terrorism

May 31, 2019

Travel warning advisory notice: By Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.

Sri Lanka-based villa agent Jack Eden calls for the travel & tour­ism industry to work pro­act­ively to dampen the dev­ast­at­ing effects of travel advisor­ies that exacer­bate the human and eco­nom­ic dam­age of ter­ror­ism. I wish to share my views — and listen to those of my peers — in rela­tion to what role travel advisor­ies play in the fight […]

Read More Panic! The effect of travel advisories on tourism after terrorism

Three UN bosses offer four tips to become a sustainable tourist

June 29, 2017

Three UN bosses offer four ways to be a sustainable tourist: Patricia Espinosa by UNclimatechange (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr; Erik Solheim by Harry Wad (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons; and Taleb Rifai by World Travel & Tourism Council (CC BY 2.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Three United Nations big­wigs rep­res­ent­ing the port­fo­li­os of tour­ism, cli­mate change, and the envir­on­ment have com­bined forces on Devex to offer four ways to become a sus­tain­able tour­ist. The lead­ers, who pos­sibly sat in an office togeth­er brain­storm­ing their best ideas and delib­er­at­ing over their choice of words (but more likely asked a com­mu­nic­a­tions staffer […]

Read More Three UN bosses offer four tips to become a sustainable tourist