SECTT (sexual exploitation of children in travel & tourism)

Scroll down for posts tagged with “SECTT” (sexu­al exploit­a­tion of chil­dren in travel & tourism).

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Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

Stronger together preventing sectt sexual exploitation of travel and tourism through training

The sexu­al exploit­a­tion of chil­dren by those who use the ser­vices of the travel & tour­ism industry is a dif­fi­cult sub­ject to acknow­ledge let alone dis­cuss. This is why ECPAT Inter­na­tion­al, The Code, and ASSET‑H&C have partnered to give train­ers and edu­cat­ors use­ful tools to help pre­pare stu­dents to look out for and report signs […]

Read More Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

How can travel & tourism protect children from sexual exploitation?

September 24, 2019

how travel tourism protects children from sexual exploitation

Jod­ie Spen­cer tells us why the travel & tour­ism industry has a cru­cial role to play in pro­tect­ing chil­dren from sexu­al exploit­a­tion, out­lines some of the loc­al and glob­al efforts to do just that, and sug­gests how we can all play our part. Travel & tour­ism brings a great deal to loc­al com­munit­ies. It gen­er­ates 10% […]

Read More How can travel & tourism protect children from sexual exploitation?

Coalition promotes Child Safe Tourism in Myanmar

September 21, 2017
One Comment

Myanmar coalition promotes Child Safe Tourism

While the world observes the troubles between the Rohingya and their neigh­bours in Myan­mar, the Uni­on’s tour­ism min­istry and the Myan­mar Respons­ible Tour­ism Insti­tute (MRTI) are work­ing with UNICEF to pro­mote Child Safe Tour­ism. Accord­ing to the Min­istry of Hotels and Tour­ism (MoHT), since July 31: “… sur­vey­ing and hold­ing aware­ness cam­paigns are being under­taken in […]

Read More Coalition promotes Child Safe Tourism in Myanmar

Collective action, data are main challenges to fighting child sex tourism

July 29, 2017

global child sex tourism study

Fail­ure of col­lect­ive action and a chron­ic lack of robust data con­sti­tute the main chal­lenges to elim­in­ate child sex tour­ism accord­ing to Offend­ers on the Move: Glob­al Study on Sexu­al Exploit­a­tion of Chil­dren in Travel & Tour­ism 2016. Two weeks ago, the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) HQ in Mad­rid hos­ted a “trans­ition meeting […]

Read More Collective action, data are main challenges to fighting child sex tourism

Is child sex tourism on the rise in Goa, India?

May 19, 2017

201604 walking the tightrope exploitation of migrant children in tourism in goa cover cr

The chil­dren of migrant work­ers in Goa, India are increas­ingly exploited for sex by domest­ic and for­eign tour­ists, accord­ing to a report. And tour­ism industry stake­hold­ers should adopt a child-friendly code — per­haps The Code? A research report, Walk­ing the tightrope: Exploit­a­tion of migrant chil­dren in Tour­ism in Goa, says tour­ism has contributed […]

Read More Is child sex tourism on the rise in Goa, India?