Hey, travel & tourism, are you ‘neocolonialist’?

August 2, 2023

Tourism and neocolonialism. A surrealist representation of tourism as a neocolonialist enterprise by DALL-E-2

Do your travel & tour­ism oper­a­tions or aca­dem­ic pur­suits con­trib­ute to a “con­tinu­ation or reim­pos­i­tion of imper­i­al­ist rule”? Are they part of your nation’s efforts to influ­ence a less developed land and exploit its resources? As a travel & tour­ism stake­hold­er, are you, as some would say, a neo­co­lo­ni­al­ist?  Dis­cuss. Your cor­res­pond­ent put these questions […]

Read More Hey, travel & tourism, are you ‘neocolonialist’?

Good news in travel & tourism June-July 2023

July 27, 2023

Share 'Good news in travel & tourism June-July 2023' as you would a cake ... or would you!? Image by SwapnIl Dwivedi (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/Nl8Oa6ZuNcA

This ‘Good news in travel & tour­ism’ wraps up two months of “Good Tour­ism” & “GT” Travel news, insights, and exper­i­ences. Share it as you would a cake … or would you!? It’s “GT”. And go!  (Click/touch a menu item to go straight to it.) “Good Tour­ism” doesn’t judge. “GT” pub­lishes. Did you ever want to write […]

Read More Good news in travel & tourism June-July 2023

You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

July 25, 2023

You are invited to the Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

As the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al 2023 approaches, all eyes turn to Rwanda, the land of a thou­sand hills, cul­tur­al won­ders, and warm hos­pit­al­ity.  Now in its 11th year, this extraordin­ary fest­iv­al offers a glimpse into the soul of the coun­try; pro­mot­ing cul­tur­al her­it­age, com­munity con­ser­va­tion, and empower­ment.  Wheth­er you are a seasoned trav­el­ler or […]

Read More You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

From subsistence to something special: The rise of luxury agritourism

July 18, 2023

Luxury agritourism with free-range chickens at Margi Farm, Greece

The oppor­tun­ity to earn a sup­ple­ment­al income from agri­t­our­ism is very appeal­ing to many farm­ers who have tra­di­tion­ally struggled to sur­vive let alone thrive. So while the concept of ‘lux­ury’ is evolving, could the world’s tra­di­tion­al agri­cul­tur­ists be sit­ting on a lux­ury agri­t­our­ism gold mine? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight by Stefania Fren.

Read More From subsistence to something special: The rise of luxury agritourism

Is there a link between tourism’s resilience and adaptability to climate change?

Is there a link between tourism's resilience and adaptability to climate change? Photo by Karim MANJRA (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/Jwk88nuBMr4

Tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and attrac­tions should think about how to increase resi­li­ence so that cli­mate adapt­a­tion has a high­er chance of suc­ceed­ing, accord­ing to Kev­in Phun, founder of the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS), a “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner.  “The call to increase resi­li­ence in tour­ism to enable adapt­a­tion in more places is surely get­ting louder,” […]

Read More Is there a link between tourism’s resilience and adaptability to climate change?

Mountain biking in Scotland? Not if you’re dependent on public transport

July 11, 2023

Mountain biking in Scotland? Not if you’re dependent on public transport ... Linn Of Dee waterfall image supplied by Alastair Naughton

Scot­land’s tour­ism author­it­ies have been keep­ing glob­al stake­hold­ers happy by declar­ing ‘cli­mate emer­gency’ and plan­ning ‘trans­form­a­tion­al tour­ism’, but have they lost touch with Scots? In his first “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Alastair Naughton ques­tioned the poor access­ib­il­ity of Scot­tish ski resorts. In this “GT” Insight he won­ders why pub­lic trans­port is mak­ing it more dif­fi­cult to go […]

Read More Mountain biking in Scotland? Not if you’re dependent on public transport