“GT” Insight Bites: On empowerment, promotion, and the power of expression

October 26, 2023

Nyungura ‘Leonard’ Bapfakwita expresses himself in real time at the 2023 Red Rocks Cultural Festival in Rwanda. Picture by David Gillbanks.

Thanks to these two Rwandan tal­ents for con­trib­ut­ing to this instal­ment of “GT” Insight Bites: Leonard, who demon­strated his art in real time at the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al; Roger, who shared with me his love of birds as we walked through his beau­ti­ful vil­lage. You too can contribute.

Read More “GT” Insight Bites: On empowerment, promotion, and the power of expression

On ‘permanent vacation’: Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon

and October 24, 2023

On ‘permanent vacation’ Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon pic by Ed Jackiewicz

For some, excess­ive work-related travel dis­rupts lives at home. For digit­al nomads, work makes itin­er­ant life­styles pos­sible. Digit­al nomads may be an attract­ive long-stay vis­it­or seg­ment for some des­tin­a­tions to tar­get. But they won’t stay very long if they don’t like the place. What makes des­tin­a­tions attract­ive to digit­al nomads? Ron Dav­id­son and Ed Jackiewicz […]

Read More On ‘permanent vacation’: Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon

What is ‘mass tourism’? And what’s the problem?

October 17, 2023

What is 'mass tourism'? Is it "human pollution" as this graffiti asserts? Image by Mark de Jong (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/FZ8ZEeL0l8g

What is ‘mass tour­ism’? How do we think about it and talk about it? Do we con­sider all of its con­texts, costs, and bene­fits? Does mass tour­ism con­trib­ute to good lives? Or do ‘the masses’ only rep­res­ent threat? Does leis­ure travel for the many have its place in a ‘green’ future for us all? Or […]

Read More What is ‘mass tourism’? And what’s the problem?

“GT” Insight Bites: On enrichment, repatriation, the double-edged blade, and war

October 11, 2023

"Thanks to tourism and the money I am able to save and send back to Congo DRC, I have started a nursery school on Idjwi Island in Lake Kivu." _ Rick Masumbuko

Write no more than 300 words on a travel & tour­ism top­ic that is import­ant to you. This is an open invit­a­tion to travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers to con­trib­ute a “GT” Insight Bite. Simply con­tact “GT”. Unlike oth­er “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites that have dead­lines and are based on spe­cif­ic ques­tions or hypo­thet­ic­als, this invit­a­tion is ongo­ing and […]

Read More “GT” Insight Bites: On enrichment, repatriation, the double-edged blade, and war

Degrowth no response to climate change, say PATA, India as 196 buyers meet 159 sellers in New Delhi

October 5, 2023

Degrowth no response to climate change, say PATA, India as 196 buyers meet 159 sellers in New Delhi

Tourism’s degrowth is not an appro­pri­ate response to cli­mate change accord­ing to both V Vidyavathi, Sec­ret­ary of the Min­istry of Tour­ism, Gov­ern­ment of India, and Peter Semone, Chair of the Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA). In response to your correspondent’s ques­tion at the offi­cial media brief­ing ses­sion at PATA Travel Mart 2023, Ms Vidyavathi said […]

Read More Degrowth no response to climate change, say PATA, India as 196 buyers meet 159 sellers in New Delhi

‘Where responsibility meets opportunity’ is where tourism faces its threats

October 4, 2023

‘Where responsibility meets opportunity’ is where tourism faces its threats ... keynote by PATA Chair Peter Semone

Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA) Chair Peter Semone delivered an impas­sioned key­note address, Octo­ber 4, on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2023 in New Del­hi, India. This “Good Tour­ism” Insight ver­sion was pub­lished with Mr Semone’s bless­ing. “GT” is attend­ing PATA Travel Mart at the kind invit­a­tion of PATA and thanks to the gen­er­os­ity of […]

Read More ‘Where responsibility meets opportunity’ is where tourism faces its threats