Contact ‘The “Good Tourism” Blog’

May 8, 2017

The "Good Tourism" Blog

Contact “GT” about contributing content

A glow­ing and grow­ing pres­ence in the cloud, The “Good Tour­ism” Blog seeks to con­nect the dots between the­ory and prac­tice, rhet­or­ic and real­ity when it comes to notions of sus­tain­ab­il­ity and respons­ib­il­ity in the travel & tour­ism industry. 

You can help by con­trib­ut­ing your unique per­spect­ive on what does, could, or should make tour­ism better.

Click here for the “Good Tourism” Insight guidelines

Contact “GT” about sponsorship

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog is also a busi­ness registered in Aus­tralia (ABN: 88 753 177 359) offer­ing com­pel­ling spon­sor­ship and sponsored con­tent pack­ages called “GT” Part­ner­ships. There is a “GT” Part­ner­ship for any organ­isa­tion type or size.

Click here for “Good Tourism” Partnership information

“GT” read­ers ALWAYS come first. That means “GT” pub­lishes diverse per­spect­ives even if some people and some algorithms some­times find some con­tent to be some­what ‘prob­lem­at­ic’. Indeed “GT” reg­u­larly pub­lishes opin­ions that con­tra­dict those of its pro­pri­et­or. If you appre­ci­ate that, please con­sider a one-off gift or ongo­ing donation.

Contact “GT” about anything at all