Erdogan Koc

Prof Erdogan Koc

Prof Erdogan Koc

Erdogan Koc is a pro­fess­or of ser­vices mar­ket­ing and man­age­ment in the Fac­ulty of Eco­nom­ics, Admin­is­trat­ive and Social Sci­ences, Depart­ment of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion at Bah­cese­hir Uni­ver­sity, Istan­bul, Turkey.

A spe­cial­ist in the mar­ket­ing and man­age­ment of tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity ser­vices, Prof Koc has writ­ten sev­er­al books. His most recent is Cross-Cul­tur­al Aspects of Tour­ism and Hos­pit­al­ity: A Ser­vices Mar­ket­ing and Man­age­ment Per­spect­ive. Prof Koc’s schol­arly papers have been pub­lished in lead­ing journ­als and he serves on the edit­or­i­al boards of several.

Is agritourism a more eco-friendly & gender-equitable form of tourism?

July 8, 2021
One Comment

By Free-Photos (CC0) via Pixabay.

Would you pay more for cher­ries you picked your­self? Respond­ents in an agri­t­our­ism study by Erdogan Koc said they would. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, his second, Prof Koc sum­mar­ises the case for agri­t­our­ism and its poten­tial bene­fits for the envir­on­ment and women … and cherry grow­ers. In par­al­lel with its fast growth over the […]

Read More Is agritourism a more eco-friendly & gender-equitable form of tourism?

Do all-inclusive holidays promote gluttony, obesity?

June 8, 2017
One Comment

Do all-you-can-eat all-inclusive holidays promote gluttony, obesity?

The propensity for all-inclus­ive tour­ism pack­ages to lay on all-you-can-eat feasts at every meal may be con­trib­ut­ing to obesity among pop­u­la­tions who can afford such trips, accord­ing to Pro­fess­or Erdogan Koc of Bandirma Onyedi Eylul Uni­ver­sity in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight con­tri­bu­tion.  If Prof Koc’s sus­pi­cions are true, what can the industry real­ist­ic­ally do to […]

Read More Do all-inclusive holidays promote gluttony, obesity?