Showcase your impact! Apply now for EXO’s 2024 Sustainability Awards

EXO Foundation Sustainability Awards empowering sustainable tourism in Asia

Great prizes are up for grabs in EXO Found­a­tion’s 2024 Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards. Dead­line to nom­in­ate is Septem­ber 15, 2024.  Identi­fy, sup­port, pro­mote With Asia as EXO’s home, we’ve seen first-hand how loc­al organ­isa­tions have worked bril­liantly to address grow­ing social and envir­on­ment­al con­cerns, often with little recog­ni­tion for their efforts. The goal of our Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards […]

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Three critics walk into a bar …

September 10, 2024

Three critics walk into a bar … "Good Tourism" Insight Bites. Sign photos by Steve Allison via Unsplash.

Three crit­ics — a set­tler colo­ni­al­ism crit­ic, an illeg­al immig­ra­tion crit­ic, and a mass tour­ism crit­ic — walk into a bar …  Is this the set-up for a joke or a real pos­sib­il­ity? What shared con­cerns might they dis­cuss, and where might their per­spect­ives diverge? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion. Your cor­res­pond­ent put the ques­tion to the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers in […]

Read More Three critics walk into a bar …

PATA Travel Mart 2024 underway with Asia Pacific arrivals forecasts positive

August 28, 2024

PATA Travel Mart 2024 underway with Asia Pacific arrivals forecasts positive

The Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA) Travel Mart 2024 gets under­way this morn­ing with some 266 sellers rep­res­ent­ing 168 organ­isa­tions from 24 des­tin­a­tions hop­ing to estab­lish and strengthen rela­tion­ships with 191 buy­ers from 173 organ­isa­tions from 21 source mar­kets. Con­nec­tion Attend­ance at B2B travel trade events like PATA Travel Mart con­tin­ues to be essen­tial. At […]

Read More PATA Travel Mart 2024 underway with Asia Pacific arrivals forecasts positive

Five key challenges for the travel & tourism industry: PATA Chair

August 27, 2024
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Five key challenges for the travel & tourism industry: PATA Chair Peter Semone who was joined by PATA CEO Noor Ahmad Hamid at the media briefing at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2024, August 27

Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA) Chair Peter Semone iden­ti­fied five key chal­lenges for the travel & tour­ism industry dur­ing a media brief­ing on the eve of PATA Travel Mart 2024: Crises of all sorts “There will be more crises,’ Mr Semone said. “Health crises, nat­ur­al dis­asters, and polit­ic­al unrest. They all affect tour­ism.  “Remem­ber, tour­ism is […]

Read More Five key challenges for the travel & tourism industry: PATA Chair

How are emerging technologies transforming the travel & tourism industry?

August 8, 2024

How are emerging technologies transforming the travel & tourism industry? Image generated by AI

How are emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies trans­form­ing the travel & tour­ism industry? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion. Your cor­res­pond­ent put the ques­tion to the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers in the “GT” net­work, invit­ing responses of no more than 300 words. (You too can join the “GT” net­work. Register.) Thanks to the four respond­ents — pro­fess­ors, pro­fes­sion­als, prac­ti­tion­ers — who took the time to share their […]

Read More How are emerging technologies transforming the travel & tourism industry?

The trials, successes, and best practices of work integrated learning in tourism

CABI Tourism Cases: work integrated learning in tourism

A spe­cial issue of CABI Tour­ism Cases explores the tri­als, suc­cesses, and best prac­tice examples of work integ­rated learn­ing in tour­ism, hos­pit­al­ity, events, and recre­ation degree pro­grams. The six case stud­ies are free to access until Septem­ber 30, 2024. Work integ­rated learn­ing in tour­ism: The con­text Aca­dem­ic insti­tu­tions around the world con­tin­ue to emphas­ise the importance […]

Read More The trials, successes, and best practices of work integrated learning in tourism